Rishi Sunak. Eat salt! Vaxx never worked. Dating whales. Syltrygg? Plexiglass at stores explained
Rishi Sunak. Ät salt! Vaxx fungerade aldrig. Dejta valar. Ukrainafred? Plexiglas i kassan förklarade
🇸🇪 Kvällens mörka svenska video
The evening’s even darker English video
High blood pressure
Here is what I heard from my friend Björn Hammarskjöld : Get enough salts and your blood pressure will be fine!
Except normal sodium salt, the main problems are lack of potassium and magnesium, but you can get this from vegetables with few carbs in them. Sea salt is the way to go as a base, and, this might surprise people: Human can live on drinking sea water only! Not recommended, and if you are thirsty and start drinking sea water, you'll die. You have to drink sea water before you are thirsty, but then the body can get of the excess salt.
The problem with salting the food too much, is that salt makes crap food taste good.
Blood pressure medicines often cause depressions, and Scott Adams was suicidal until he stopped taking the meds the day before yesterday. That is big pharma for you!
Never blame the "USA"!
If you manage to explain to the Americans how they are being plundered by the demons who cause chaos around the globe, they can do something about it more easily than the rest of the world, and they can choke the money taps of the global deep state.
If you blame "the US", Americans often go into defensive mode, which is not optimal. Most Americans still think that when Iranians chant "Death to America" that they want to wipe out Americans, but of course that's never the case - though it's undeniably a lousy way of saying "crush the misanthropic globalism that's mainly funded from the US".
Former Goldman Banker Rishi Sunak To Be Next UK Prime Minister
“We all owe it to the country, to each other and to Rishi to unite and work together for the good of the nation,”
The Duran video: Rishi Sunak's as Prime Minister of UK is more interesting than I thought
Big Indian money taking control of UK from the City of London?
Sunak and China style digital currenies
I also want (or rather: It will happen) digital currencies and social score systems - I just don't want the state to have a monopoly on it. Look close at the details before jumping to conclusions: A mushroom isn't the same as another mushroom as some will kill you and some are great food and might even cure mental problems.
If a mushroom says something, it was likely that you were on a trip, like Liz:
And then Liz Truss took a rest…
China Stocks Crash As Xi Tightens Grip On Power
Rishi Sunak, a Hindu, experienced Vampire Squid banker and an Indian globalist from Africa educated at Standford took over the Opium Empire. The Chinese stock market crashed and the Yuan weakened.
Possible next moves of Sunak
Rishi doesn’t give a shit about the title and he thinks he is 10 times smarter than he is, so if you aren’t thinking out of the box and think this is just another Tory, you might be putting your fingers in the fan that seems to be standing still because the light is flashing in the same frequency as the fan (a class-mate to me did just that as he couldn’t believe that the fan was actually moving and almost cut off his little finger).
So I’ll double warn you about UK: Sunak might cause unintended explosions, but also he might totally fix “everything” in a few months. If I was in Sunak’s position, I would call for a general election in April 2023 right now, and then all the useless Tories will get scared shit, and do what-ever it takes to please the voters. He should have enough of the Tories behind him, and of course Labour wants an election as they are sky-high in the polls.
The above is just my fantasies, and I’m very curious on what for example Dr VA Shiva thinks of Sunak.
Anne-1900@Anne-1900 wrote on The Duran:
Rishi Sunak's mother in law the famous Sudha Murty if anybody thinks he is not going to be mush good as a PM due to his wealth I would totally disagree.
Sudha Murthy is one smart lady! But, but, but Bill Gates!!! OK, maybe it’s time to read another Substack if that is a trigger.
But if Sunak tries to fix stuff, expect the British empire to strike back:
WEF and WEF - Remember Putin was also approved by WEF!
People appear to forget that Sunak was Chancellor and responsible for the crassly inept fiscal policy decisions made during the pandemic which have been a primary cause of the economic crisis he now admits, exists today. Well, it wasn’t Sunak that locked everything down and he tried to fix stuff, and even if Eat Out to Help Out wasn’t a roaring success, it wasn’t the usual sadist policies.
But maybe Rishi Sunak is a globalist puppet or something worse, but he might also surprise us. He has the brains and connections to make stuff happens as a PM
- And maybe a dangerous ego.
Totalitarian narcissist Nobel committee acts as brats
The Nobel committee refuses to invite the party leader of the second biggest party in Sweden, because he doesn’t worship The Holy Narrative.
Ivor Cummins: Amazing Short Docu on the History of Vaccine Effectiveness - includes Smallpox Story!
The short story: Vaccines never worked for endemic diseases.
Whale science:
Swedish lesson:
Syltrygg = Someone with a backbone of jam
Like “progressives”:
Norways vice foreign minister: Russia must leave Ukraine!
These braindead narcissist brats know that Russia will not leave Ukraine, and if they cared to actually look, they would see that NATO is losing badly and needs to beg the new fair world order for forgiveness or get locked out from 85% of the world. Russia is not Libya, and Washington DC doesn’t want to risk being bombed by Russia, so USA will not escalate and seems to be willing to stop the dirty bombs false flags.
Swedish foreign minister on his first failing mission
Billström promises to fix the PKK issue - Which he can’t. So while Sweden is kissing Erdogans butt, Erdogan is working on his gas…. (hub) I don’t see Erdogan letting Sweden and Finland into NATO, which will be a PR-disaster for Kristersson and Sanna Marin.
I don’t expect anything from Macron, but maybe:
When you have been growing up as a political broiler, and run for office for the first time but the voters run from you:
That's how I won my first 3 poker games (Texas hold'em)! The other 5 opponents could totally read me, but as I calculated my chances totally wrong at first, I got them totally out of balance. Then I got better at the game, and lost more, because nothing can be as powerful as a lunatic - as long as there is limits to the lunacy.
I'm also the only person who got a pair of aces of spades in the deal. I folded as I realized that I couldn't win on that... Folded with the cards up - It was a messed up deck of card, so we had to find new cards. But I wasn't sure how to play a pair of aces of spades, so better go back to a correct deck of card, I though...
Why do they still have plexiglass at the counters?
The plexiglass protects the checkout staff from spit, spittle and jeers about how damn climate-smart Ursula-expensive everything has become!
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Skyll aldrig på “USA”!
Om man lyckas förklara för amerikanerna som lättare kan göra något åt det än resten av världen, så kan de strypa pengakranarna till den globala djupa staten.
Om man skyller på "USA" går amerikaner ofta in i försvarsställning, vilket inte är optimalt. De flesta amerikaner tror fortfarande att när iranier skanderar "Death to America" att de vill utplåna amerikanerna, men så är det förstås aldrig - Fast det är onekligen ett uselt sätt att uttrycka "krossa den människofientliga globalismen som i huvudsak finansieras ifrån USA".
Erdogans rumpa och gas
Jag tror inte Moderaterna hänger med i humorsvängarna här då de är totalt oinformerade - gasen syftar på att Turkiet vill bli en gas-hub som jag skrivit om:
Tågkrasch på ingående… Om nu ens tåget kan lämna perrongen:
De Ukraina-sjuka galningarna lever i en alternativ verklighet och tänker förstöra hela världen innan de ger upp
Ingen, och då menar jag ingen, tror det finns något hopp om att Ryssland skulle lämna Ukraina, och USA har bestämt sig för att inte starta krig emot Ryssland då det skulle innebära att Washington DC blir sönderbombat.
Men det här farliga stolpskottet tror att Ryssland är Libyen, och inte spindeln i den nya rättvisa världsordningen som kommer att utestänga västländer som beter sig som bortskämda skitungar.
Varför har de fortfarande plexiglas vid kassorna?
Plexiglasen skyddar kassapersonalen ifrån spott, spe och glåpord över hur satans jävla klimatsmart Ursula-dyrt allt blivit!