Ronaldo created $4 billion in 4s. Lockdowns kill the young. Reframe and piss off a narcissist
Ronaldo skapade $4 miljarder på 4s. Nedstängningar dödar unga. Ominrama och irritera en narcissist
Try this out as a thumbnail on Youtube… I mean, it isn’t strictly against WHO guidelines, is it?
Did you notice that the same people who were so concerned about that the zika virus might cause birth defects do not give a shit about what the covid vaccines do to the fetuses? Pathetic narcissist robots, and the only cure we have is:
All comments are welcome, and even the extra bad ones are helping me to create content.
I hope everyone sees the difference between having a “fact check” with an alternative opinion about what is true, and censorship where people are deplatformed. And then the troll continues to just make shit up, but now about me instead of about Kory:
"You accuse me of 'personal insults', then tell me I have a 'personal disorder'? That's freaking hilarious! Do you vote for democrats? And hard no. When someone says it's okay for Big Tech to be the arbitrator of truth they deserve to get cancelled. It's the ultimate irony. The tragedy is the millions of lives Big Tech is destroying, exterminating really, with their suppression of ivermectin.".
Narcissists always get this idea that I should be a better human being than they are, and don’t treat them like they just treated me. Nopp, never going to happen. Emotional reasoning, personal attacks and trying to cause as much pain as possible to boost my own ego is what anyone who is doing that to me gets.
Ronaldo update from yesterday:
Lockdown narcissists are killing young people

Mouthwashes and nasal spray are still remarkably effective against covid
2 hour video, but worth pointing out how forgotten these cheap, easy and effective treatments seem to be.

Bionic Air sounded like really interesting old proven technology to create immune boosting plasma.
Even the best persuader can be a complete moron for months
It was really funny, but also strangely inspiring when Scott Adams in his latest sim-sip explained how his book Dilbert and the Way of the Weasel was a complete disaster. No one, not Scott, not his publisher or anyone, asked the obvious question: Does anyone want to read a book that explains that not only are their boss and coworkers weasels, but they are too… To absolutely no one’s surprise, it turns out that people do not want to read about that they are weasels. But no one asked that question, so what I’m trying to do every day is to point out what no one else is pointing out so that you do not have to spend months on for example writing a book that obviously almost no one will want to read.
But that said: Maybe it might become “the best book ever", because no one wants to read it... Those kinds of books will always be promoted by narcissists that just want to see others suffer. 😂
But sometimes you just have to ask yourself questions like: Does anyone who posts wonderful images of the Pantheon want to see this:
Even if I personally think it’s very interesting and funny that the building looks like a huge infected concrete arse from behind.
Not news: Moderna worked on the mRNA corona vaccines way before covid
This is NOT a conspiracy theory, and it’s just as obvious as that a corona virus lab is creating corona viruses with gain-of-function, if you just think about it:
Finally a good mosquito solution
Spaced out narcissist
Michio Kaku is not a scientist who is wrong about some things. He is a complete narcissist moron who knows nothing about anything. Whatever it’s about he just babble to sound as if he says something useful. He is right that a brain uses 20 watts, but what if that brain would calculate 478127*1271283? That will not take a single joule (one watt second) for a computer, but a brain would have to work for at least a few minutes even if it’s well trained. So instead of doing a smart argument about that some things are great at some stuff, he does some emotional reasoning, and as I’m a narcissist, I’m only interested in making anyone who shares anything from Michio Kaku feel bad for liking an obvious fraud, narcissist and moron.
Bret Weinstein about the censorship and pandemic
“Virologists aren’t clinicians, aren’t epidemiologists, aren’t evolutionary biologists, aren’t pharmacologists, aren’t data scientists.” - That sums up most problems in the world actually. People have big holes in their talent stacks, which I’m trying to fix.
Ivermectin works on a cochrane scale
A Cochrane-standard (=highest) review and meta-analysis of Ivermectin against Covid-19 by Bryant-Lawrie, now peer-reviewed and published, concludes that the evidence justify the global adoption.
What to do when you want to promote a fitness game, but have no time to write a blog about it?
You let an AI blog:
Propaganda against Kamala Harris
It’s kind of hard to see anything good with Kamala Harris after hit-piece. She is a woman of colour, but that is about the nicest one can think of. Unlike for example Hillary who is capable and maybe a socipath, Kamala only looks like a parody of a narcissist who is really insecure and can’t even make herself look good despite that is her main skill:'t-write-a-better:b
Joe Biden is obviously not in charge, and the same can be said about Harris.
Tror ni den här strider emot censur-reglerna på Facebook, Twitter och Youtube…
Med vettiga råd om D-vitamin, zink, blodsocker, nässprej, munskölj, ivermektin, och rejäla doser antihistaminer och steroider på 8e dagen så vore covid ett icke-problem och inkomsterna för Läkemedelsverket skulle falla rejält.
En myndighet borde lära folket behandla sig själva med olika slags örter, propolis, iota-karragenan, silver, joderat povidon, väteperoxid, xylitol, inducerad feber och annat som alla borde känna till när man har något besvär i näsa eller svalj, eller är på väg att bli sjuk. Lösningen är att byta ut Läkemedelsverkets GD tills de slutar att ta pengar ifrån dem som vill hålla oss sjuka.
Reframing = ominramning = basbyte
"ominramning" kan också kallas för "basbyte" för er som gillar linjär algebra. Ett sätt att se på samma sak fast ur en annan vinkel.
Vissa kändisar börjar fatta vad folket gillar 😍👍

Huruvida TDL är en klok person att lyssna på kan man tycka olika om, men när någon som är expert på att säga saker som folk vill höra säger saker etablisemanget inte alls gillar, så är det dags att tänka några steg till om hur livet efter Löfven, Kristersson, Åkesson och tramset ser ut.