When do vaccines kill? Vaxxed more dangerous for vaxxed. Get salt! Vitamin-D saves. Lithuania bad
När dödar vaccinen? Vaxxade farligast för vaxxade. Saltbrist farligt! D-vitamin räddar. Skit-Litauen
Today’s refusing to move woof video.
The good news is that vaccines stop killing people pretty fast, but as they also stop working pretty fast…
Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology Robert Malone said:
‘The truth is the vaccinated are creating the risk’.
Child vaccinations kill
Not a single child have benefited medically from the vaccinations, but many could have been saved with better nutrition and early treatments (for everything, not just covid).
"COVID-19 mortality risk correlates inversely with vitamin D3 status, and a mortality rate close to zero could theoretically be achieved at 50 ng/ml 25(OH)D3: Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis"
So Lithuania decided to force vitamin D upon their serfs? Of course not, because their rulers are sadists and/or morons. Does it only took 30 years before people think that trying that communist dictatorship thing again is a great idea?
Arizona audit
This is the best least biased write-up on the Arizona audit, and about what they find, and didn't find. That numbers of votes doesn't match how many who voted, shows that its a broken system, but there are so many other problems (a few have been debunked, but not the big ones).
Malthusians and their sickness
Humans have for millennia been able to develop new technologies faster than we multiply. But most malthusians just want to make fewer humans on the planet because they want that. The only solution is to start with them. What would be the moral objection against the death penalty for anyone saying that there are too many humans? If they think that, we’ll start with them.
After that we can start mass tunnelling + mining, with massive nuclear programs and underground farming. And of course go to space too, but there are gigantic amounts of resources just under our feet that we can use if we just get cheap energy, and we can get that with mass-produced nuclear plants.
An idea for the blockchain programmers
We should have a blockchain solution to record social scores. The oppressors will built a system they control so that it benefits sadistic human-haters, so we need a counter system. Features:
Anyone can write anonymous or public reviews about their boss, some official or anyone.
Everyone gets assigned to fluid “groups” depending on how they write their reviews. If for example a leftist writer gets bad reviews from conservatives, that will be displayed by the system so that it is clearly shown that people who are hated a lot, just have a lot of enemies, but might be good to their own group. The system will not say that a group of convicted murderers are better or worse than the group of members of parliament, but that is up to the people looking at the data.
There can be money in the reviews, that can be used to punish or reward the reviewed.
Make sure you get enough salt
Björn Hammarskjöld explains in the Swedish video below that you need 5-6 grams of salt (preferably sea salt, Himalayan salt, ie salts with a lot of trace elements in) and that a little too much is not a problem. He also explains why some studies have shown that less salt leads to lower blood pressure, as this is about people with severe salt deficiency and if the deficiency gets worse, the blood pressure decreases, but this isn’t good.
All doctors have learnt this, but then comes the brainwashing advertising from the pharmaceutical companies that want to sell blood pressure lowering drugs.
All I want to add is that salt can make you eat too much junk food such as fries and bread, so it can be bad for you in that way, but it is not the salt itself that is the problem. I usually add 3-5 grams of salt per liter of water / tea I drink, which by far takes me over 6 grams.
Se till att få tillräckligt med salt
Björn Hammarskjöld förklarar att man behöver 5-6 gram salt (helst havssalt, himalayasalt, dvs salter med mycket spårämnen i) och att lite för mycket inte är ett problem. Han förklarar också varför vissa studier visat att mindre salt leder till lägre blodtryck, då detta handlar om personer med allvarlig saltbrist och gör man bristen värre så minskar blodtrycket, vilket dock inte är bra.
Alla läkare får lära sig detta, men sedan kommer den hjärntvättande reklamen ifrån läkemedelsbolagen som vill sälja blodtryckssänkande preparat.
Allt jag vill lägga till är att salt kan få dig att äta för mycket skitmat som t ex pommes och bröd, så det kan vara dåligt på det sättet, men det är inte saltet i sig som är problemet. Jag brukar tillsätta 3-5 gram salt per liter vatten/te jag dricker, vilket med råge tar mig över 6 gram.
Frihet Sverige vs vaccinbolagen och makthavarna
Har du eller närstående fått vaccinskador eller blivit sjuk “av annan anledning” några dagar efter vaccination. Hör av dig till Maneka Helleberg.
Tysk politik är en träsksoppa
AfD är för kontroversiella och för små, och de andra partierna verkar vara låsta emot varandra på ett sätt som gör att eliten kan fortsätta att förstöra landet utan att folket klarar av att organisera motstånd pga hur partipolitiken är uppsatt. Här om hotet ifrån Kina vilket skär sönder blocken:
Man kan säga såhär:
Tyskarna behöver lära sig lite historia: