Santa deniers. Covid vaccine believers. New tech ecology. Gesturing and speaking interestingly
Tomte-förnekare. Covid-vaccin-troende. Ekologin i nya plattformar. Gester och hur prata intressant
I’m not a Santa deniers, but…
I’m not a Santa denier, but some of the Santa claims are just a little out there:
Santa doesn’t deliver all the presents in one day, but Santa scientists say that he actually works an entire week before Christmas.
Not all Santas are the real Santa, but just actors.
There is no proof that Santa’s reindeer can actually fly.
Santa likely lives in Finland now, and not the North Pole.
So if we just stick to these facts, we can reason with the true Santa believers?
No, of course not. Neither can you reason with people who think that a gas can act as a blanket or that a spike protein can act as a vaccine against a coronavirus. Pfizer has presented no proof that the covid jabs do anything else than protecting people from covid by killing them.
“Rumble will definitely not be competing against Trump’s media investments”
The most successful meta-organizations in the world history are ones that have friendly competition built into them. You have the Roman Republic (which got successfully copied by USA) and the Vikings for example. “friendly” competition as in they did murder each other and had worse civil wars than fighting others, but this competition made them stronger. You can also see this in many huge corporations that let their parts compete with each other, and Amazon did one tiny smart thing for example: If your department has a solution to anything, don’t offer it for free but sell it to the rest of Amazon, and treat them as customers that you should try to screw while they are trying to hack your system, and that’s how AWS was born even before CIA paid for it.
So I think the successful new tech and small tech like Rumble will continue to compete while cooperate to take out big tech. In 10 years time, there will be hard for big tech to keep their dominance, as most new ideas will be outside of their control and actually directed against their control. Distributed systems, blockchain, and economical systems that Google, Facebook and Twitter can’t do because they don’t make economical sense for them.
So my advice: Invest time in learning about the new platforms!
More and more talk about the mass psychosis
Yes, it's somewhat about the money, but it's just a few trillion dollars! <= Not a joke! If a company can make people healthy and make them believe in that vision, there are quadrillions of beyond-dollars to be made!
As Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein, me, Chris Martensen and hopefully soon Scott Adams, Rand Paul and Donald Trump will realize: It's about mass psychosis and a personally disorder called "vulnerable narcissism" (These are people who lick the arse of the narrative and enjoy hating on wrong-thinkers).
Every society since the Bronze Age Collapse to every fallen Chinese empire follow the same mental problem in the society. But this is the first time we both have the problem everywhere, but we also have the cure globally!
BoJo Unveils “Plan B” Restrictions To Fight Omicron As New Cases Double Every 2-3 Days
Did the leader of the UK just try to "dead cat" his way out of a national scandal? I would recommend listening to a video of Boris Johnson cleaning a chair instead of listening to anything that fool says.
If you listen to Pierre-Marie Robitaille, you might get the impression that it’s dark matter that is behind it all. Well, I mean the dark matter myth being behind all the science scams. But the dark matter bullshit is of course just a tiny part of the mass psychosis that has destroyed almost every science and organization.
Gas lighting
How to handle vaccine mandates, cat way:
🇸🇪 Skitstatsministern kan ta sin jävla krampaus själv!
Magdalena Andersson är faktiskt rejält informerad (hon går på en låg-kolhydrat-diet och äter sina ägg emot Livsmedelsverkets råd), så om vi bara kan få Rand Paul och Donald Trump att inse de blivit grundlurade om visdomen att injicera folk med ett livsfarligt spikprotein som skyddar folk emot covid genom att placera dem på bårhus, så tror jag hon också kommer att inse att omikron är ett löjligt mycket bättre, säkrare och billigare riktigt fungerande vaccin (om än inte perfekt).
Trump's bas börjar bli riktigt förbannad över hans sprut-skryt, så Mag behöver få hård kärlek också:
Russell Brand är så himla bra på vara intressant att titta på! Jag måste för sjutton använda en hund, öl eller katt-jedi för att göra bra teater så att folk tycker det är roligt att bli informerade om saker som kan förlänga deras liv med 20 år.
Men studera också PewDiePie! Oavsett vad han pratar om så verkar det intressant - Dels så är han väldigt ärlig och har en känsla av värde utan hans 100 miljoner följare, och dels har han teknik när det gäller gester, tonläge, osv.