Saying hi. You can become the best in the world! WW-III: Warn about false flags! Swede-Danish chef?
Att säga hej. Du kan bli bäst i världen! 3e-världskriget: Varna för falska flaggor! Svenskdansk kock
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner, men engelskan ej översatt 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
Commanding the room with a proper introduction is key.
Our boys aren’t even being taught to say their name properly and we aim to fix that. I have them greet me every single time they see me. Building habits.
Naval Ravikant about talent stack
Midwestern Doctor: The risks and benefits of the various vaccines
Good link to save!
Agenda 2030 isn't a new conspiracy, but an ancient cultural battle of inventors, producers, workers, rulers, parasites, predators and manipulators.
Democrats, media, strategists… You know, the Jewish mafia
Have you noticed that often discuss how they have to improve their message, which of course is something every organization should do, but they never discuss if promoting open borders, wars, climate sadism, crime or other policies and the people in charge should be changed.
They seem to think that their narrative is the important part of reality, not things like people can notice like if they are able to form a family, eat well, stay healthy and become a better version of themselves - The narrative makers do not care and are totally unable to provide solutions for that, or they are directly working to genocide the Goyim.
No one has done more to destroy the far right in UK than Nigel Farage according to himself
He must please the internation Jew to lead the controlled opposition.
Norway Closes Borders To Russia Fearing Acts Of (Israeli, Ukrainian?!?) Sabotage
As fears of Russian sabotage activities rise, Norway announces stringent border controls, affecting Russian tourists and other travel deemed non-essential...
Probably wise as Israeli terrorist are planning a false flag, and it will now be harder to blame on Russians. Mossad has thousands of Russian agents and assets, and then there is Ukraine’s desperate regime that also want an escalation.
Israel seeks escalation with Iran
The murder of Raisi and his associates “was approved by Netanyahu and the Israeli military cabinet”. Journalist Richard Silverstein reports this with reference to a “well-informed source in Israeli services.”
“An Israeli security source has confirmed that Israel bears responsibility (for the death of the Iranian president). He used a phrase that Israel had used to comment on previous killings: “Any head of state who orders an attack on Israel signs his own death warrant.””, the journalist writes.
The source also indicated that the assassination "was approved not only by Netanyahu, but also by the military cabinet, including Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot," Silverstein states.
If this can be confirmed by Iran, they have to kill the Israeli government. Unless the Iranian regime was in on the murder.
Why is RFK JR OK with Israeli war crimes?
Jake Shields writes: RFK’s ex-wife becomes friends with Ghislaine Maxwell and flew with her and Jeffery Epstein Soon after, she was found hanged in her home The death was never officially ruled a suicide or a homicide RFK was always an anti-war but after this, there was no war crime Israel could commit that he wouldn't defend
Sam Parker: Israel killed his dad and his uncle, and probably his cousin.
Jim McGovern is a “progressive” Jesuit crypto-Jew and Loxist.
Zelensky alleges that the western countries conspired with Russia to destroy Ukraine.
The rambling fool Zelensky might be partly right as Putin is still going with the Talmud narrative that Soviet "liberated" Europe. This is how that "liberation" went:
“WTF, are you not mentally capable?”
That seems to be what Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze correctly thinks about the idea of starting a war against Russia. He usually looks like that, and I think he usually has a good point, but a bad hair day:
The Macro Story about media and Fico
It is really bad how this evil media trick insane people to commit crimes by writing stuff like "TRUMP MURDERED KOI FISH!!! He is literally Hitler who ate fish!"
Not even @wallstreetsilv dared to guess the teacher's pronouns, so... I mean, the teacher did win a law suit, so you do not mess with a teacher like that!
Eh, wait, did we deadname her? She was fired as a teacher, and we called her a teacher, and she might be he, them... Gah! 😱
I'm in Sweden, but Mrs/Miss/cutie/winner ex-teacher will sue the Silver out of Wall Street!
Is the Swedish chef Danish or Swedish, and is the Danish guy scaring the hair of the Danish sniffle-communist/flu-communist more brutal than the totally Danish puppet chef?
You non-Danes Non-Swedes can compare the language of the chef with the honourable Danish guy:
Johan Ludvig sums up the climate bullshit well
Not in the way I would argue, but an alternative mostly or completely correct argument.
However, it was not fake climate science that made the powers that be decide, but they were afraid that the media mafia with propaganda or targeted killings would kill them. It castrates children, wax murders millions, and starts world wars, as I explained yesterday and earlier. If you don't stick to the narrative of The madmen’s Protocols of Zion, you are their enemy.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
Agenda 2030 är inte en ny konspiration, utan en urgammal kulturkamp mellan uppfinnare, producenter, arbetare, härskare, parasiter, rovdjur och manipulatörer.
Johan Ludvig summerar klimattramset väl
Inte på det sättet jag skulle argumentera, men ett alternativt mestadels eller helt korrekt argument.
Det var dock inte falsk klimatvetenskap som fick makthavarna att fatta beslut, utan de var rädda för att media-maffian med propaganda eller riktade mord skulle döda dem. Den kastrerar barn, vaxmördar miljoner, och startar världskrig, som jag förklarade igår och tidigare. Om nu inte håller dig till narrativet ifrån Sions Galningars Protokoll, så är du fienden.