Austria better, Germany & CCP mad. Sheet metal shed effect? Climate explained to stupid professors
Österrike bättre, Tyskland & Kina galna. Plåtskjulseffekten? Klimatet förklarat till professorer
Some other news that I’ll not not talk about below.
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska vintervarma video i bara -13C! Bara en svensk länk i slutet idag.
Today’s English video with entanglements in every bush known to dog
How to get the bike roads clean from ice in -15C (salt sweeping). And a mini male version of the bitch And I cured winter!
So what if I wipe out vitamin D deficiency, get Youtube out of business, and teach everyone about vulnerable narcissism?
Then I’m out of work, so I have to prolong these problems? No, my passion is to seek out new problems that aren’t noticed and then give a platform to the people with the solutions.
One of the things I often say is that there is a lack of imagination that is the biggest threat to you and humanity. So please tell me: Is there any change what-so-ever that there will be no problems that aren’t noticed? OK, There might be too many me? Good point there me, and I wish you my readers could have warned me before I wrote this, but I guess you aren’t as smart as me and as well informed about what I’m writing right now before you read it. 😏
German military not looking fascist at all
Tim Pool and friends like Luke above discuss how the sadist Dalek Bill de Blasio running (typo? I meant ruining?) New York City is doing his best to do child sacrifice, and why aren’t people politely asking his guards if they can beat him to death with a spoon - Be patriotic and use an American made spoon! And when that breaks after a week, order some Swedish steel spoons, and finish him!
The mayor-elect in NYC is Eric Adams, who will take office January 1, 2022. He seems more reasonable, but so does a rabies dog that Chairman Kim has to beat to death with a stick compared to de Blasio.
Interesting ad
I would not order this, but it’s an interesting idea of a product:
One of the big reasons that Swedish corporations got so big and successful is that they sold to extremely demanding customers who sometimes even knew more about the technology than the selling company. And I think that companies who are selling supplements and things like this have way more demanding customers than big pharma whose customers just want a quick fix and something that media and a brainwashed doctor say is great.
Alex Jones keeps on hammering on Rand Paul and Donald Trump: Stop murdering children and admit that you got conned
Well said! Who gives a rat's arse about the price of gas when they are murdering children!
Unlike Alex Jones, I don't think it's a big conspiracy - Of course there is a covid conspiracy as David Martin has explained, but the main problem is mass psychosis and vulnerable narcissism. These former humans live in their Matrix movie so much that they actually cut of their own genitals and became "sisters" (or castrated brothers) just to follow the narrative and get praise from strangers - You can't reason with these people, but you also don't have to defeat them, only make sure they don't hurt others. They will literally kill themselves as Biden is doing with his jabs, while Newsom seems to actually wake up (See Steve Kirsch or me!)
Chinese Economist Explains President Xi's Crackdown and how the CCP has gone full mass psychosis
"If [the CCP] is determined to do one thing, they just do it.".
Most climate professors fail basic physics?!?
So this is how the atmosphere works like: Air gets warmer as it gets compressed:
Drs Ronan & Michael Connolly about Earth's vertical atm temp profile based on balloon data
You can also ask the climate experts if they think that charcoal in ice water makes it feel less cold - There is no IR radiation going through it anymore, so…
Do not denounce!
Very good point from Tobbe Larsson (in Swedish below) who thought about that he demanded that someone denounced “communism”, and then realized that this was actually a horrible thing to do that just destroy the debate climate. There is just no reason to single out people with possibly horrible opinions, and instead just reason with them and figure out exactly where you disagree with them! Otherwise you aren’t better than CCP, Twitter who bans Heart Association of America or Pfizer.
🇸🇪 Tips: Ta inte avstånd!
Att pressa folk att ta avstånd ifrån andra är inte det som driver ett bra nätverk framåt! Vi har fel om saker och ibland väldigt fel, men vi löser detta genom att stöta och blöta spörsmålet, som man säger på finska.