My appeal was:
“Just please flag my Tweet with what-ever information you who are vaccine and virus experts and know all about covid early treatment know! What was wrong?”
So I’m not banned nor do I have a time limit. I just can’t access Twitter until they made a ruling. I’m still reading the important accounts like covid19crusher, but it’s inconvenient without a login.
But I’m writing on a plan to make Sweden paradise again, and while this will not be useful in for example USA, it might help in some states and in countries similar to Sweden, and generally give people who want a change ideas of how to structure, frame and plan the revolution.
Some good news
My Swedish Bittube video got 511 views for unknown reasons, and Minds is doing fine too. Some way to go to the Youtube video that got 600 000 views, but now the important mission for us is to use Youtube to comment on every creator to make them mirror their content to Odysee and of course to subscribe to me and you. The Youtube creators can get free money on one single action of starting the mirroring. But I who are not on Youtube need some support for other platforms, so that I can save a few minutes of work every day.
Tonight at 21:00 CET is the Eurovision - I just want to see how bad it is this year, as all establishment entertainment is turning into to shit faster than ham in a dog’s mouth.