Sociopaths and narcissists are two opposite kinds of robots
Sociopater och narcissister är två motsatta sorters robotar
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Sociopaths vs (vulnerable) narcissists
These definitions might not be correct terminology, but are presented as a way to look at other people with two different frames to find out what kind of threats they pose and what uses they might have. Every human is unique, even these two kinds of robots, so don’t take this as any definite rules.
A sociopath can have feelings of anger, or happiness when they do well, but not really human emotions of love, embarrassment, hate, connections to others, mourning etc, and even if they can imitate these feelings, they don’t do it well as they don’t feel them. They tend to see other humans as the robots they themselves are. A sociopath might be a grandiose narcissist to some degree, but they can never be vulnerable narcissists.
A vulnerable narcissist on the other hand only care about what others feel and think about them, and are ruled by their feelings and fear of getting put down. Both the narcissist and the sociopath think that they are entitled to everything, but the narcissist lack a feeling of being worth something if others (strangers) don’t praise them, which a sociopath doesn’t give a shit about.
A sociopath cares about what you can do for them, but they can’t even guess what your feelings or thoughts are so they don’t care about that. While a narcissist really care about how you feel, what you think, what team you are on, and that is more important than if you can give them shiny objects despite that that is also very important for them. A sociopath only care how they look in the eyes of others if they have to for achieving other goals.
Sociopaths with their lack of human feelings can be useful in society as pathologists, killers, financial speculators and other professions where human emotions are a problem. Narcissists on the other hand are human garbage and are only good as actors. They can’t be trusted as they are easy to manipulate, and they can’t reason like a thinking human as they are controlled by feelings and so afraid of being wrong that they can’t update their views on anything.
You can’t trust sociopaths, but you can trust them doing what is good for them. You can’t trust even that when it comes to a narcissist. They will ruin both your organization and their own life if they think that will impress strangers (the narrative). If you hire Greta to be a good little pro-globalist actor, she might turn the people against you and your private jets that you fly to “climate meetings” in.
Sociopaths can have genetic or some damages on their brain that make feelings unavailable to them, but people can also be trained to turn off their feelings.
Vulnerable narcissists were emotional humans that also have been trained like dogs to get rewarded only by the attention of others, especially strangers. To some extent it should be possible to train a narcissist to get used to be wrong and learn stuff and feel good about it, but they really don’t want that. They want to be right and hurt everyone who has a different opinion.
Speculations about particular people
Take this with a huge grain of salt as I’m no expert on judging people nor on these people, so this is more the reasoning.
Well known sociopaths:
Hillary Clinton. She has odd behaviour when it comes to feelings, just look awkward sometimes but doesn’t seem to feel any kind of shame.
George Soros thinks of humans as robots with no culture or feelings of humanity. Remorse isn’t something he seem to be able to feel.
Bill Gates laughs awkwardly at children getting killed by vaccines and simply didn’t understand how his ex wife detested him, and he clearly doesn’t give a shit about how he looks in the eyes of others, even if his marketing departments really care about that.
Peter Strzok showed typical sociopath “feelings” in the hearing, and you could see him smirk after he thought he got away with a lie. This is something that trained sociopaths don’t do and they can always lie without blinking, but a narcissist on the other hand believes its own lies so they are even better liars (actors).
Putin seems to care about Russian culture and power unlike a sociopath would, but he has clearly been trained to turn off his feelings when needed.
Well known narcissists
99% of the celebs are vulnerable narcissists, so it’s easier to list the few who aren’t. It both is damage from the job and that narcissists seek this form of career.
Kamala Harris is acting nervous and as if she need appreciation from everyone. She is however just a horrible actor, so maybe even a failed narcissist? Her Swedish red-headed twin Annie Lööf is a more clear typical vulnerable narcissist that always appear strong, does emotional reasoning, demand that others use the right way of saying things, and then she get tricked and controlled by people who are good at handling narcissists (like pragmatic socialist sociopaths).
Boris Johnson closely follow the narrative and is a great actor. He rambles shit that makes no sense and can’t really learn stuff, and he loves to dominate and hurt people.
Macron is more of a grandiose narcissist, and while he really cares about appearing great, he doesn’t act as he is a slave to all the narrative, even if he is a good little banker-boy.
Trump seems to be playing a narcissist, but he seems to be able to turn it on and off. He definitely cares a lot about what people think of him and how he appears, but he doesn’t let that control him.
Quiz for tomorrow:
New study: Americans Who Received J&J Jab 3.4 Times More Likely To Develop
Cerebral haemorrhage
Brain blood clots
Det är användbart att se om någon har en narcissistisk personlighetsstörning, för då kan du kontrollera dem och vet att du inte kan lita på dem och det är inte värt att försöka resonera med dem. De kommer att betala dyrt för att få beröm, och de kommer att frukta hur du gör narr av dem.
Notera hur detta inte är hur en sociopat reagerar! En sociopat kopplar inte alls sitt välbefinnande till vad du tycker, utan bara till vad sociopaten får ut av vad du gör. En sociopat ler och blir glad när han kommit utan med en lögn. En rädd narcissist blir bara lättad när hon kommit undan med en lögn som hon troligen tror på själv. Möjligen kan en sociopat ha drag liknande en grandios narcissist, men du kan inte emotionellt manipulera en sociopat. Det är som att kamma en sköldpadda. Medan narcissister är de mest emotionellt lättmanipulerade “människor” du kan hitta.
Min poäng är inte att sätta ord på problematiska människor och placera dem i olika fack, utan att ge dig olika inramningar att se på människor så du får idéer om hur du kan bedöma och hantera dem bättre. Det finns många sociopater som vill göra gott, men de vill hellre gå och spela golf än att gå på en trist begravning för sin syster även om de tyckte om henne. En osäker narcissist skulle däremot gått bärsärkagång på alla som inte sörjer den döda systern hårt nog, även om de själva hatade henne.
Vi väntar dock fortfarande på bevis för att rödhåriga har själ… Här vi ett typexempel på hur narcissister vill tvinga andra att uttrycka sig på “rätt sätt”, och Lööf är ett tydlig exempel på någon som tror på sina egna lögner, men sedan blir hon manipulerad och bortmanövrerad av pragmatiska socialistiska sociopater.
Gissningslek för morgondagen:
Ny studie visar: De som fick J&J’s spruta får 3,4 gånger så mycket:
Blodpropar i hjärnan
Myocarditis (hjärtproblem)