Why was I more informed about curry than leading researchers? Horrible vaccine-data. Fix your heart!
Hjärtproblem även hos ovaxxade; vad göra? Varför kan jag mer om curry än experter? Vaccindödsdata
Dagens svenska video vid snåren. Lite om hjärtproblem på svenska längst ner med en länk till en intressant tråd på Facebook.
Today’s English video in the bush
Why could I promote curry before FLCCC?
Why did FLCCC include curry in their protocols as late as last week, while I have been talking about it since February and had in on my mug since this summer? Is it because I’m so damn smart? Yes, it is.
I haven’t done the research and I haven’t looked at the studies in detail, but I have listened to many opinions about the studies from people with different perspective, so the benefits were very solid compared to the risk of taking curry, and we have also seen multiple in vitro studies confirming why curry works, and in silico studies from for example Dr VA Shiva agree. The question is why did I know about the studies, but FLCCC and you didn’t?
First of all, I spend a lot of time trying to find information that is interesting and useful, instead of what we normally hear: People having opinions about manure they are misinformed about. The exact thing that happened here, is that I followed the advice from Scott Adams to follow covid19crusher on Twitter (One example), and that anonymous account is just amazing at getting important information and dissect it and very knowledgable people also comment on the tweets.
And the process of looking at where the information comes from is important. A study done by a criminal organization like Pfizer, NIH or WHO, is not as trustworthy as a study done by a passionate researcher that has nothing to gain from promoting curry (except bragging rights, of course). And I always try to look at stuff from new angles (reframing) and missing information that is suppressed like all causes mortality among the vaccinated and placebo groups.
It also help to know about psychological problems like sociopathy, narcissism and mass hysteria, that explain why insanely corrupt information is spread, but not corrected.
VAERS is under-reporting and over-corrupted
Steve Kirsch goes into the details, and that NO ONE can disprove that over 150 000 Americans have been jabbed to death:
Can it be that known murderers and liars like Pfizer have been lying to use? Who could have suspected that?
In case you want to troll vegans:
63% more death among teenage boys in the UK after the poison jab:
Covid doesn’t kill. It’s the non-treatment that is killing people
Heart problems due to spike proteins and the Sun
There seem to be an increase in heart problems due to spike proteins from the virus and vaccines, plus increased solar activity is causing some extra stress on your hearts, see for example the site/Youtube channel Suspicious Observers!
Pine needle tea is good against the spike protein, and has generally beneficial antioxidating activities and minerals.
2 eggs per day, really improves your heart, and then it’s the usual advice to don’t eat too much inflammatory things like carbs and seed oils, get enough Vitamin D, all the vitamin Bs, and minerals where magnesium is extra important for the heart. Also fasting helps your body to clean up. Curry, garlic, black cumin etc can also be used to lower the general inflammation.
🇸🇪 Hjärtproblem pga spikprotein och solstormar
Intressant tråd om hur folk har upplevt hjärtproblem nu. Även jag noterade det för några månader sedan, men det var inte så att jag blev orolig mer än att jag tog det lugnt för säkerhets skull.
Förutom viruset och vaccinet som gör att folk sprider spikprotein så har Solen börjat storma mer vilket ger hjärtproblemen, men eftersom vi som inte är MP-pampar i regeringen inte kan kontrollera Solen så är det några andra saker vi kan göra:
2 ägg om dagen (eller motsvarande kaviar utan rapsolja i om ni är så rika)
Mindre kolhydrater
Ordentligt med D-vitamin och alla andra vitaminer såklart
Magnesium-rik mat kompletterad med kosttillskott. Det är svårt att få tillräckligt med magnesium.
Och tallbarrste hjälper emot bl a spikproteinet, men innehåller också bra mineraler och ämnen som agerar som C-vitamin, trots att teet inte innehåller tillräckligt med just C-vitamin för att ha någon betydelse.
Se t ex siten/Youtube-kanalen Suspicious Observers när det gäller solaktivitetens inverkan på hälsan!
Forskning ifrån Chernobyl har visat att det inte är mössen som blir jätteradioaktiva som får problem. De mår utmärkt. Det är flyttfåglarna som kommer dit stressade och med brister på vitaminer som får allvarliga skador av radioaktiviteten. Så bara din kropp har verktygen, så bör den klara lite dåliga saker.