No soc credit in China. BRICS > G7. Vax-links+madness. Square drilling. Ljusdal museum background
Ingen soc-poäng i Kina. BRICS>G7. Vax-länkar+galenskap. Kvadratborrning. Ljusdalsbygdens museum
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute)
🇸🇪 Svensk text och länkar i den engelska texten nedan 👇
Today’s English video (Rumble)
(Some Swedish texts and links in the English text)
Fake news about social score in China
The Sirius Report: There is no social credit score system for citizens in China.
The comments on the tweet seem to agree.
G7 Vs BRICS By GDP (1992-2028)
The West needs another leadership that isn’t hellbent on dominating the rest of the world, otherwise there will be a war that the western world will lose badly.
Maybe Obama’s chef death actually was an accident
I mostly want to correct that I said “body boarding” instead of “paddleboarding”.
Pediatrician Fired After Raising Alarm On COVID Vaccines During US Senate Event
"We're seeing an uptick in myocarditis. We're seeing an uptick in adverse reactions... Something is extremely wrong..."
Everyone in The Washington Medical Commission (WMC) should be sued individually until they have as much debt as they can handle. We should never forget and the less power the group thinkers have, the easier it will be to destroy them.
CNN Still Pushing COVID Fear In 2023
CDC At 'Precipice' Of Recommending Annual Covid-19 Shots
AMD: What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine?
Short answer: None is proven to work in the sense that they give more benefits than side-effects. But this is a good article to save with a lot of links in it.
🇸🇪 Länkar på svenska:
Climate fire-storm
Fires caused by arsonists and badly managed forests = Opportunity for a complete idiot to become a climate correspondent with far too high salary.
🇸🇪 Anlagda bränder och dåligt skött skog = Möjlighet för en komplett idiot att få en alldeles för hög lön
If you wonder how the ancients might have drilled square holes, watch this video:
To get up in the water tower in Ljusdal, you just have to ask for a key at the city hall
The house neighboring the water-tower in Ljusdal seen from the water-tower:
The stairs were very scary - I didn’t fear for the height personally, but to drop my slippery phone - I still haven’t gotten the right case to my phone that I paid for!
The water-tower was built 1916 and came in usage in 1917:
Text and information in Sweden about the tower:
Ljusdal Museum (Ljusdalsbygdens museum)
They had a photo exhibition that told the story of a multi generation photograph family, were the last photograph is now 72 years old and is still taking portraits in the same house, but the have donated the stuff to the museum that now can show the story of photography, the local history and their family story.
The guide (left) is doing her trying-to-remember-face when explaining to brother’s wife Nancy (from Saint Louis):;
Some more photos for paying Subscribers: Brother from Saint Louis visiting