Stinking berries. Climate bullshit nuclear, but where is the waste? I'm a mansplainer
Stinkbär?!? Dynamiska nätavgifter och klimatskitsnackkärnkraft, men var är avfallet? Jag är arrogant
Dagens svenska babbel i skogen
Today’s English babble in the forest
(Videos are still uploading, but they will be there in a few minutes)
If you want me to have time to create much better content and generally live a much better life, help pushing for this to happen because this would save me from 1 hour of horrible work every day!
Not even ready and filled with yeast, but still damn tasty (red+black currant, blueberry raspberry half-strong wine):
Stinking berries prove Russian language is drunk
The Russian word for currant is stinking berries. Automatic translated history of the Russian word for currant
Galen Winsor talked about that the US nuclear “waste” is most likely stolen, but is the Swedish extremely valuable nuclear “waste” also stolen? Maybe as our government is acting strange.
I didn’t need a test to know this 😂🤣👍
My scores:
Arrogant 12 (Yes, totally true)
Lazy 8 (I’m just working 365 days a year, so…)
Negative 8 (Yea, I need to tone that down)
Manipulative 5 (That needs to be higher to make me more popular)
Entitled 4 (I’m not much of a Karen)
Rigid 2 (I’m definitely not a control freak)
Dramatic 1 (I need to improve this to be more interesting)
Do the fun test too, and tell us the result!
Description and link to the actual test from here:
Can we solve the climate by sacrificing the organs of the covid1984 people?
Ja, jag är nog lite väl negativ ibland…