Stone age stress. Working price cap. Frozen apples. Drone murder. Jewish many genocide, now USA?
Stenåldersstress. Fungerande pristak. Frysta äpplen? Drönarmord. Judarnas talrika folkmord, nu USA?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video: Rumble, 𝕏
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Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏
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🇸🇪 Borde inte monkey pox kallas för hets emot stjärtgrupp?
🇸🇪 Äppelyoghurt från fryst äpple
🇸🇪 Jag undrade va man kan göra med massor av frysta äpplen, då jag inte gillar planer på pajer som jag sällan äter, äpplemos som jag inte älskar, och jag får inte till något bra äppelvin eller cider. Men ett fryst äpple i yoghurt blir minst lika smakrikt som äpplet själv.
🇸🇪 När man delat äpplena så gäller det att snabbt få dem in i frysen innan de blir bruna, kanske genom att lägga dem i vatten medan man skär dem i lagom stora bitar. I och med att jag tar bitar av äpplen kan jag använda fallfrukt som är lättare att plocka och mogen, och lätt skära bort det dåliga.
🇸🇪 Sedan tar man de frysta äppelbitarna och kör dem i blendern / stavmixern med yoghurt eller fil.
Apple yoghurt from frozen apples
I was wondering what to do with lots of frozen apples, as I don't like plans for pies that I rarely eat, apple sauce that I don't love, and I can't manage to make any good apple wine or cider. But a frozen apple in yoghurt is at least as tasty as the apple itself.
Once you've sliced the apples, you need to get them into the freezer quickly before they turn brown, perhaps by soaking them in water while you cut them into bite-sized pieces. By taking pieces of apples, I can use fallen fruit that is easier to pick and ripen, and easily cut off the bad parts.
Then you take the frozen apple chunks and put them in the blender/stick blender with yoghurt or sour cream.
Totally false that Berlin provided prostitution propaganda to children
Not “provided”, but “recommended”:
Can you feel anything else than an urge to punch the fact checker in the face? Don’t do that, but make fun of people believing that this was an important correction!
Another 109 year old Satanic organization, ADL, does the same:
On this day yesterday in 1915, the child rapist and murderer Leo Frank was lynched
As the Jewish mafia controlled the legal system, lynching was the only way to serve justice.
Note: It isn't Elon Musk that is in charge of Community Notes, but the algorithm. You have to get some Jews to admit that ADL is lying, or Community Note can't tell which facts are true. ADL themselves made sure that no hostile person could reply to them.
The WEF has already improved on Trump’s city suggestion
1) All homes to include a woke robot that spy on you, and a drone drop-off site.
2) Use the Mexican cartels to create underground infrastructure for drugs, human trafficking, dungeons and illegal factories plus insects farming.
3) Inclusive e-mobile access and fully transgender schools.
4) Full transparency on your and some of the government spending, except the big black budget.
5) A climate smart dog-park where you can sacrifice your dog to Moloch and save the climate.
6) Bill Gates generation nuclear power, which safely turns of access to the dangerous energy unless you're fully vaxxed. And no dumb trees.
It turns out that the Blob is quite excited about Trump’s 10 city plan too!
The question: How to build anything without getting it infiltrated and destroyed by toxic garbage?
🇸🇪 Hur ska man kunna bygga någon organisation utan att få den infiltrerad och förstörd av giftiga skitar?
Trump To Be Surrounded By Bulletproof Glass At Outdoor Events
“This glass needs to be brought in on trucks and vans...”
Flying drones do a wsss-ing laugh at this, while the drilling bots go TRRRR - BAAM!
Good think that the bulk of the murder-industry isn’t that effective, but an inefficient monopoly (you can’t hire a competitor to kill for you for many reason).
Propaganda video: Iran is also bragging about its tunnels filled with ballistic missiles
They don’t seem to want to use them, otherwise they wouldn’t have shown them. But it should look scary, and as Israel is helping out with their propaganda, even more Israelis should leave the country.
Half Assyrian and Half Armenian talk about success, meaning of life and how to not let the Jews mess around in others’ business
1 minute speedrun of redpills.
Dan Bilzerian explains why he has recently come out so strongly against Israel and the consequences of doing so. “They're literally trying to kick me off the board of my company for those tweets.” (4 minutes and link to the ful 90 minutes long interview)
Notice that there is no victim mentality from Dan and he doesn’t mind Jews helping each other, as long as they stop being terrorists and infiltrators.
Here is a the challenge to those who want to fact check Dan Bilzerian:
Did you know that the “Jews” perpetrated 6 genocides?
The Armenians 1915 ( Dönme-Sabbatean’s)
The Russians 1917-1987 (Bolsheviks)
The Ukrainians 1932-1933 (Holodomor/Bolsheviks)
The Germans 1945 (“allies”)
The Ukrainians 2017-Present (chabad/khazarian’s)
The Palestinians 1948-Present (chabad/khazarian’s)
Are the same cabal and culture behind the current genocide of Americans with toxic food, vaccines (3 minutes statistics of the genocide) and mass immigration? Of course they are.
Stay away from these people! Sam Parker even argues for that the battle for Palestine is also the battle for the world. One has to write ones’ own narrative to be in charge. If you just select among others’ narratives, you are a slave.
Report from a near future?
🇸🇪 Skulle en liten rysk invasionstrupp som bara vill hjälpa till att fixa rättssystemet välkomnas på Brittiska Öarna?
Scene: A quaint English pub, where a group of Irishmen are enjoying their pints. The door swings open, and in march a band of Russian Spetsnaz, looking slightly out of place.
Irishman 1: (raising his glass) Ah, look at the lads! If it ain't the Russian Spetsnaz, here to give us a bit of the old "subdue," are ye?
Spetsnaz Leader: (with a thick Russian accent) Da, but we are not here for trouble with you. We are here for... how you say, "mission."
Irishman 2: (grinning) Well, lads, ye've come to the right place for a pint, not for a fight. How about a stout, on the house?
Spetsnaz 2: (politely declining) Nyet, thank you. We must keep heads clear for... operation.
Irishman 1: (laughing) Operation, is it? Ye're not here for the weather, that's for sure. What's yer target then? The Queen's corgis?
Spetsnaz Leader: (seriously) We seek to subdue, but not harm. We need advice. What to attack?
Irishman 2: (with a mischievous twinkle) Well, if ye're looking to make friends, ye should go after the woke crowd and those criminal judges. They hate Russians almost as much as they hate us Irish!
Spetsnaz 3: (confused) Woke? What is this "woke"?
Irishman 1: Ah, it's like... people who get offended on behalf of others, usually while sipping their fancy lattes. They'd be the first to cry foul if ye so much as look at them funny.
Spetsnaz Leader: (nods) This sounds like good target. And judges?
Irishman 2: Aye, the ones who think they're above the law. They'd lock up a Russian for breathing too loud, they would. Ye'd be doing us all a favor.
Spetsnaz Leader: (smiling) Thank you, Irish friends. We will consider this... strategy.
Irishman 1: (raising his glass again) To new friends and old enemies! May your targets be as clear as this stout!
Spetsnaz Leader: (raises an imaginary glass) To peace, through... unusual means.
All: (laughing) Cheers!
The pub fills with laughter as the unlikely alliance forms over shared grievances, if not over pints.
The optimal solution for both brainwashers and the brainwashed
🇸🇪 Vad att göra med “människor” som de här?
Elon Musk's SpaceX caught editing their images to hide the secret tech behind the rocket launches.
Fake edit with the robotarm, and then the leaked original: