Across the globe, people are getting smarter and the leaders more insane as they are losing power
Runt om i världen så blir folken smartare och ledarna mer tokiga när de är på väg att förlora makten
Dagens svenska video ifrån Student-Ryd. Ingen text på svenska, men ta Robert Malones råd och fråga er läkare hur de kommer att behandla covid (eller RS-virus etc) för alla kommer att få viruset även om vissa inte blir sjuka utan skapar antikroppar ändå, beroende på hur de blev smittade och hur friska de är. Om er läkare inte har en annan plan än “Ta en asperin, och åk till sjukhuset när du är blå!”, så byt läkare!
Today’s English video from the student-part of my suburb.
Bitchute update: Damn it’s fast to process my videos now! 😍
A management success from the Biden administration?!?
The Biden administration seems to have fixed the supply chain problem by threatening the companies with fines unless they fix the problem and get rid of the empty containers. No company had any incentive to solve the problem until now, and then it got solved? We’ll see.
US leftists start to realize that their media is their enemy
The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is waking Americans up like nothing before. We’re hearing this over and over again. Media is lying to you and it’s way worse than you can imagine. Kyle Rittenhouse Can Sue Lots of People (and Media) for Defamation
BoJo Beats Biden To The Bottom In (Dis)Approval Battle
😁 29% of the Brits left, but this lockdown-clown will soon make sure no one wants his administration:
No wonder Nigel Farage is preparing to get back into politics.
Of course the Scottish government are complete shitheaded morons too:
Scottish Government's Vax Passport Sending People's Private Data To Amazon, Microsoft; Report
And CCP is mostly a mental disease at this point:
Chinese Doctors Urge Beijing To Abandon "Zero-COVID" Strategy As Infections Rise, Government Doubles Down
And here comes a French moron too:
“Castex is not experiencing any symptoms” so the shithead is sick in a false positive. What a clown-show.
Robert Malone: “Government is not your friend!”
He also says that everyone, jabbed or not, will get the virus, so ask your doctor NOW about how they will treat you. If the doctor doesn’t know, switch!
Fasting is great, but not for losing weight
You don’t fast to get slim! You fast to get freedom from having to eat all the time, to control the blood sugar and to give the body time to clean itself up.