Sunak clown and Farage mistake. Risk for big war. Open border for peace. Stop calling me globalist?
Swebbtube läggs ner. UK-pol. Risk för dement storkrig. Öppen gräns för fred. Sluta kalla mig liberal?
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst och längst ner, men inget översatt idag 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
My Odysee channel, My Brighteon English only Channel, My English only Minds, My Facebook
“Swedish Youtube” is closing down
Too expensive to run, Odysee and Rumble are simply better.
🇸🇪Mikael Willgert överväger att stoppa kanalen SwebbTube inom kort
🇸🇪Bäst är att följa mig på Rumble där jag har en helsvensk kanal, och förstås prenumerera på denna Substack:
I think it is positive that more platforms use Community Notes like systems, but I still don't trust Youtube to do it well.
Was there anything more stupid Sunak could do than calling for an election?
Well, Sunak never fails to impress:
Hopefully Nigel Farage will learn from his mistakes, at least
It is all corrupt, it seems.
Toumas Malinen: They'll try to start the war in Europe within the next three months.
If Russia fails to "comply" either by launching a massive ground-offensive pushing into Dnepr or by a tactical nuclear strike, NATO will conduct a 'false flag' operation somewhere in Europe.
French Col. (ret.) Alain Corvez:
The West is completely demented.
I think the real reason is that they are horrible criminals, and if their reign ends, they will go to prison or worse if their friends lose power. So the more they feel the power slipping away, the more desperately they will act. This is an apparatus that both starts war for fun, while also destroying their own economy, military and societies so that they will fail in these wars.
The Biden and Trudeau governments even promotes human sacrifice by castrating children! These are demons.
Everything they do is to destroy, hate, harm, kill, and pervert. In a sane society that Premier would not be allowed to lead the patients' union in the asylum.
Diana Panchenko, on how to end the war in Ukraine
Just open the border. All men will leave. Nobody wants to die for Zelenskyy. M’time, Zelenskyy is mining the western border. Men trying to escape are losing their legs. While You are taking nice pics. So much money wasted in Switzerland.
The Kiev Symphony Orchestra, in its entirety, has refused to return to Kiev and asked for political asylum in Germany and got it
They got a new home for 3 years:
A recent document surfaced outlining the IDF and intelligence had knowledge of the October 7th raid.
We truth trolls already knew this:
The Israelis know too, but 83% still support more genocide in Gaza.
Gaza doesn’t have control of its borders, and can therefore be called an open air prison
This is why you put them in ghettos and concentration camps, because otherwise they do it to you, while also genociding your people.
Learn from the International Jew!
While trying to not become what you fight, of course. That is always a risk.
Those totally fake Protocols of the Elders of Zion that just keep on being implemented, despite that they are fake.
And see what the Judge does: She talks beyond the sale! And people who keep on on calling Israel “Nazi” help the Rothschild lies to survive.
Getting your enemies to call you the name of your enemies, that is just perfect.
It essentially boils down to "we're human, they're not"...
Arnaud Bertrand explains former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett’s views well. Israel is killing them, and they should stop complaining about it.
Still some Blacks that think “Republicans” and not The International Jew is the racist
Don’t trust the plan!
But Trump might be faking it - Remember what Lenin wrote over and over again: Be a communist, nationalist, socialist, Christian, what-ever, just get into power, and then you can shoot your enemies and be in total control.
This can be done for good or evil, but Lenin was right: If you don't get into power, you don't matter. No Marxist ever got into power, and only Marxist-Leninists backed up with banker money won.
When the Israeli judge says "Learn from Hitler", she doesn't mean "Arrest Rothschild"... 😏 But you must learn from the enemy.
Can a man be a feminist?
You have to be a Jew to be a feminist, otherwise it's cultural appropriation. Same with LGBTQI2+, Loxism, Free Masonry, Jesuitism, Zionism, communism, usury, vaccine-worshipping, drugs, porn and senseless wars.
Respect Jews, don't do those things!
My advise to not be these things is of course also directed to Jews, so you are not treated differently! 🥰
Big News: Melinda Gates campaigns for Trump!
Melinda Gates comes out against Trump, says, "In this election, I cannot vote for a man who rolls back women's reproductive rights and says the heinous things that he says about women. So I absolutely am not voting for Trump, and I will vote for Biden."
Trump will surely enjoy this endorsement as Melinda Gates is a big fan of Saint Peter 🙃
Don't they get that the more they speak, the more we hate them?
To be fair though: Globalism didn't turn Melinda Gates into an ugly monster, like it did with Jacinda Ardern!
Steve Kirsch vs Andrew Kaufman about viruses
How WW got going
The conspiring from the bankers started decades laters as you learnt from Stephen Goodson:
Who was Hitler?
Truthtroll is the best troll!
Of course some facts are disputed like for example how free the elections in Hitler’s Germany was.
How to describe the parties on most EU countries
Rightwing liberals: Biden-socialists
Christian Democrats: Talmud socialists
Center liberals: Jew media socialists
Nationalists: Old school socialists
Greens: Rockefeller’s socialists
Social democrats: Rotten socialists
Leftists: Rothschild socialist Bolsheviks
Something else like the Center party: Cosialists that can’t spell well.
A goat willow (sälg) in the Swedish video:
Riksdagen är full med förrädare
Ibland är det bra om MP försöker sabba saker, men de är inte tillräckligt bra på det: