Sunday special: Important Swedish celeb news. Wokeball. Covid, vaccines and narcissism.
Söndagsspecial: Superviktig kändisnyhet. Engelsk rasism-fotboll. Covid, vaccin och narcissism.
Important celeb news from Sweden
According to a major Swedish media organization, a celeb without any talent that is beneficial to society got invited to a program. The celeb turned the offer down, but then didn’t get a reply to that. As the narcissist celeb got offended by this, he did projection, and assumed that the person who didn’t answer him had gotten offended. The professional Swedish media left no stone unturned, and asked the person who didn’t answer him, and she said that she wasn’t offended. If you want more important news like this, I suggest that you follow mainstream media that is really working hard to make you informed and to improve your life.
US senate is waking up
US senate announced that the media is covering up the covid truth
47% of the population in Chile is fully vaccinated, another 13% partially, but:
So can any programmer who thinks that vaccines fix everything SHUT THE FUCK UP. The world is neither 0 or 1, but everything in between. Except programmers being complete morons, because that is 100% true with no room for any doubt or nuance…
WHO is a criminal organization
The WHO insider Astrid Stuckelberger explains how WHO worked hard on creating covid-problems instead of doing anything to solve any problem: (text in Swedish, video in English)
English football goes woke and broke
People just wanted to watch some fun unpolitical game of adult men running around like dogs after a ball, but these pieces of shit want to shove far-left racist brainwashing down your throats. Now they can watch their bullshit alone, because people despise these people and everything the pathetic clowns stand for.
Sports, music, movies, TV-shows, everything is turning into toxic waste because of the insanities of the estalishment, but I guess that is OK because we never needed that shit anyway.
På Svenska:
Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch and Bret Weinstein
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.
Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.
Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist.
Bret talks to Robert and Steve about the pandemic, treatment and the COVID vaccines for 3 hours:
Fighting narcissism with narcissism
Anyone who uses narcissism on me, will get it even worse back, and I will make a total fool out of anyone who tries to complain about that I am doing what they just did to me:
Vad händer i media?
Kändis tackade nej till att vara med i ett program, men fick inget svar
En folkfientlig tidning har berättat om en kändis utan någon som helst samhällsförbättrande talang som tackade nej till att vara med i ett program, men han fick inget svar, vilket den kränkta kändisen tolkade som att den som inte svarade var kränkt - projektion kallas detta narcissistiska beteende. Den som inte svarade sa sig inte vara kränkt, och absolut ingen i hela världen hade det minsta intresse av att läsa denna “nyhet”.
Jag försökte ge Erik Forsberg inspiration om hur man fotar, men det var för sent, för han är bra på detta:
Everyone needs a photo of 3 cute horses
Is the only awake horse on your right or their left? 😉 I might be wrong, but that seems like the smart beauty! But that goatee is amazing, and that cat-walk staring with empty eyes into the distance some geldings find attractive.