Sunday live
All cause severe morbidity
"The Moderna immunized group suffered 3,042 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001)."
Pfizer data was grossly incomplete but data provided showed the vaccination group suffered 90 more severe events than the control group (p=0.000014), when only including “unsolicited” adverse events. The Janssen immunized group suffered 264 more severe events than the control group (p=0.00001).
The CRTs showed 90-3000 times more risk for all causes severe events after covid vaccinations! Update: It was just a few times more severe problem. I misread the article. But it's still bad for the vaccines!
If you only have had 2 jabs in Israel, you’ll loose your vaccine passport:
Japan about the magnetic Moderna vaccines
Acceptable reason for vaccine hesitance
Vejon Health
If you didn’t watch and understood this 3 hour video on covid, you should not comment on the pandemic at all. If you think the pandemic is so important that we have to shut down stuff, suffocate children, force-vaccinate people, and then you’re just a selfish arse if you do not have three hours.
Good enough to link to Youtube
Awesome show, and I loved the parts about curcumin and the updates from Honduras and Dr Chetty! And Vejon Health has been on the nasal spray train for a long time before Covid19Critical (FLCCC), which is great
Passade ansikte för någon som mördar spädbarn
Jag kan inte se hur Matti Sällberg behöver sina organ. Alla som presenterar bevis emot hur hans lögner dödar barn borde få sälja hans organ till högstbjudande som belöning.
V = Vuhä-Vuhä!!! Inröstad för att KÄNNA?!?
Om man har sådana här problem med sina känslor ska man inte sitta i Riksdagen:
Men jag kan ta över! Vänstern är duktig på att organisera saker så länge pengar, frihet eller säkerhet inte är involverat, så det måste vi lära dem.