Sunday live: Vaccine, big pharma, and Swedish Climate Theatre on TV. Addiction and propaganda
Söndags-direktsändning. Vaccin, skitdroger, klimattramsdebatt. Beroenden och propaganda
Today’s English video. I didn’t talk about polio, but have a look about that, if you didn’t know it.
Some things to try against addiction
Here are some things to try against addiction that you might not have thought about. Focusing hard on not doing what-ever you’re addicted to or convincing someone else to do that seldom works. So here are some ideas:
Try to improve the nutrition with more vitamin-D, vitamin Bs, a lot of vitamin C if you’re having a sugar addiction, less omega-6 and more omega-3, and fix the mineral deficiencies with Himalayan salt and maybe a multivitamin pill, and less bread/pasta. Not only does this help your health, but might also strengthen your impulse control.
Try to focus on everything else that you like isn’t your addiction. Simply distract yourself.
Awaken With JP explains big pharma pretty well
“helping” Andrew Yang
I don’t think I’m helpful, but it is fun to write these narcissist Tweets. But seriously: “Forward!” is a horrible slogan for a movement at this time. We have heard that slogan in Swedish, and it just signal insanity and trust in mad leaders.
Just in case you didn’t know enough about Vitamin D, well written by Robin Whittle:
Mouthwash/nasal spray vs a virus mutating big pharma drug:
Molnupiravir är NOT a good idea:
Heart problems in Canadian boys:
German Reiner Füellmich and Swedish Hammarskjöld dive into the vaccines here. Hammarskjöld has taken the Swedish Drug Agency to court because they refuse to investigate the foreign substances in the covid shots:
How do fake news report record high excess mortality?
Didn’t everyone know this? The vaccines were never about health, but control, propaganda and money.
SHOCKING! Polio Vaccine 'Hero' was into Eugenics and Depopulation!
While Lithuania is a good globalist bitch:
🇸🇪 Sky News Australia tittar på den svenska klimatdebatten, och tycker bortkämda snorungar enbart ska hålla käften om saker de inte begriper:
Klimatdebatten i Agenda: Ett gäng med ljugande köpta forskare ges utrymme av korkade demoner i media som sedan felinformerade idiotiska clowner försöker att övertyga med floskler, och då ska väljarna som inte vill se någon av clownerna vid makten luras att välja någon av dem.
Korruption överallt
Det här är vad du bidrar till om du inte jobbar svart:
Vi har en överdödlighet precis efter vaccinationerna i både USA och EuroMOMO-länderna på över 200 000 i år.
Men det är klart demoner ifrån helvetet som jobbar på mördarmedia kan sila fram lite data som visar en fantasivärld:
Hammarskjöld emot Läkemedelsverket
Tredje gången gillt: Björn Hammarsköld går till frontalattack mot Läkemedelsverket, pga att de duckar sitt ansvar och inte själva reder ut innehållet av magnetiska material i vacccinen