Sunday live about Facebook Meta, and China and the fall of the narcissist clown empire
Söndag-direktsändning om Facebook Meta, och Kina och fallet av narcissist-clown-världen
Today’s English Live directly from Pfizer’s Dubai office
Dagens svenska direktsända video ifrån Pfizer’s Dubai-kontor (Ingen svensk text idag)
Facebook => Meta
Facebook changes it name to Meta (“beyond”) to diversify to all ways they can connect people in. This means means virtual realities and augmented reality (Where your glasses adds digital information in your normal reality. For example it can put name tags on people, or it can make a sound to warn you about an approaching but silent object.
Mark Zuckerberg is truly competent and can get things done, and he seems to really understand the different technologies like glasses, headsets, technology for reading nerve signals etc. You will be able to send messages and move around in a virtual world by just thinking about it.
All of that can Zuck explain better than me, so I’ll focus on what he isn’t saying. I can say that what he is saying is sounding very compelling and it all makes sense.
Addiction will be the absolute biggest problem with the Metaverse and all this technology when it gets compbined. Many people will start to live most of their lives in a virtual world where they have superpowers, and augmented reality will be so useful that you don’t want to live without it. You can instantly look up if mushrooms are OK to eat, and get more than professional AI-help to see what you need to do to make your plants grow better.
Centralized power
Zuck is really aware of that people will not accept heavy centralization, so there will be a lot of usage of blockchain technology and open standards. I’m not sure he understands that too much power for himself is a huge threat to himself, but he seems to be someone that thinks about everything. Meta will for example use a stablecoin that they aren’t controlling, which is needed for otherwise the government will crack down on it. Facebook has also make ads begging about being more regulated, but I think that isn’t so much about giving away power, but normal huge company policy of wanting more regulations, because then competitors will have a harder time.
I think it’s quite unavoidable that Meta gets way too much power, and even if they would treat users’ information correctly, the company will have a huge advantage in profit from that information in all sort of way. They can probably predict financial markets by studying how people feel, for example, and of course train people to act in a certain way.
Vanity and NFTs
NFT stands for Not Fucking Things (some says “Non-fungible tokens”) and is basically a code on a distributed ledger that proves that you own something. It can actually be a real object, but it’s usually a digital object. So the idea is you can buy a unique clothing for your avatar or some other digital junk. You can see how this will attract narcissists that love to signal that they have spent money on something, but also how it can reward people who create beautiful or useful digital things.
So far social media has created a pandemic of narcissism where it’s more important to convince people, than it is to be right, because most people don’t care about what is right, only about being right. This creates frail egos and fact resistant emotional reasoning. But maybe narcissists are now so common that everyone has learnt from for example Rebecca Zung how to handle them, that this problem will go away? Do we have herd immunity against narcissism?
Christine Anderson speaks truth in European Parliament
“In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now. - Christine Anderson European Parliament.”
China’s problems are way bigger than you can image
I’m optimistic about the rest of the world will build new structures and mostly prosper from the collapse of the Vanguard controlled world, but China will likely go to total hell because they aren’t building up new working systemest under the ever more oppressive CCP simply because CCP wipe out all threats to it, so there is nothing to replace it when it fails and it will fail.
LGB song! 😍😂