Keep lawyers out of negotiations! Ukraine and vaccine lies breaking down. AI with exams
Håll advokater utanför förhandlingar! Ukraina- och vaccin-lögnerna bryter ihop. Examinerad AI
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska vintriga video ifrån Ryd. (Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble)
🇸🇪 Svensk text längst ner 👇 (Se länkarna och bilderna på vägen!)
Today’s woof-woof English video from The Ryd Forest and Ryd. (Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee)
The moon is closer than it has been in 1 337 years!
In case you wonder why this Moon day is so special.
Negotiation tip - Keep the lawyers out
When fired by Ukraine, you say Ukraine losing
Arestovich worked as a Strategic Communications Advisor of the Office of the President of Ukraine from 2020 to 2023. He resigned on 17 January 2023 after saying that a missile airstrike in Dnipro that hit an apartment building three days earlier had done so because Ukrainian forces had shot it down.
Surprising news
Swedish state media: “Ukraine's defence is rocked by a huge corruption scandal - involving billions in military contracts”
I thought it would be weeks until the media dared to say the obivous truths, but apparently the journalists were smarter than I thought, which isn’t impressive.

I don’t think Twitter needs to mark Lee as “Russia state-affiliated media”…
Mexico is now looking at a visa free arrangement with Russia
Next up: Joint military exercises at the US border - Better be prepared for US states asking for protection against the federal government.
AI will change who we are
Who will need education when the AI is better than humans?
Mark Changizi video: Should we excuse leaders for being tyrants just because they believed it?
Mark Changizi put my thoughts together better than I have done so far.
As I explained yesterday, you can see the pain in the face of Mrs Gollum, but society can not forgive puppets refusing to even consider them being wrong.
For the greater good, no mercy, they should pay! For Mrs Gollum, I really hope we can save her children, and maybe my idea of putting her into horror zoo next to the sharks and humboldt squids might be worse for her children, but maybe not.
New South Wales is mass murdering unvaxxed?
The only other option is severe data manipulation that would also mass murder people with the lie that the vaccines make people less sick of ALL CAUSES.
61 million people world wide suppers from “long covid”
All of them vaccinated, and suffering from the same symptom as vaccine injured…
First execution and then trial?
This was actually NINE vaccines at once. The 2nd on list is a combined 5 in 1. Sadly, 9 vaccines at once is "normal" this day & age. Most babies don't die, but Many are harmed. 
Why aren't the unexecuted dying at a faster rate? Are the gallows all operated by NHS employees, so that murderers injecting children to death have to wait years for the medical procedure they need? 🤔
The knifes are out, and failing is good marketing
Scott Adams felt smart. because he looked at bullshit data and said it was bullshit data. He and his followers did not look at the RCTs showing that ALL CAUSES sickness and death were higher among the injected group compared to the control.
Of course I’ll not follow Shiva’s advice below, because we have to live with people who are being very wrong too. But Scott Adams behaved badly:
Scott said
“The vaccines will not work”
”Russia will totally win the war”
And then Scott intentionally argued more for the other side for the rest of the war, and if he would have been wrong at start of anything, no one will remember = exactly what Dr Shiva is feeling now, except that Shiva was right.
But I love how Scott is calling out the bad arguments on his side and maybe I should ignore the obvious good arguments and only talk about the bad arguments too? That seems to be so much easier.
Scott Adams today (Sunday) invited everyone to criticize him on Twitter Spaces, and very good points from some people who both understand Scott and why he still is wrong, was wrong and was seen to be wrong when he wasn’t.
Ben Sellers: 'Dilbert' Creator Scott Adams Admits Vax Critics Were Right, Still Doesn't Get Why
Mathew Crawford is quite pissed at Scott for muddying the waters
Saying “All data is crap!” and “I don’t know!” is deception if that clearly isn’t the case. Not sure if Scott is realizing that, but he writes as if has:
Crawford has dug deep into the data, but Scott has systematically ignored the best data analysis from Crawford, Edward Dowd, Steve Kirsch etc, as it was so much easier to criticize Alex Barenson and his constant failures to understand data correctly.
The answer to Malone is of course “narcissism”.
Kirsch is the nicest guy as usual though:
What is ADE?
I think I win Jeopardy with that question. Without natural immunity on top of the vaccinations, the injections will lead to certain death according to all animal studies. If a newly evolved Chinese variant suddenly comes to Australia while the Australians don’t have nearby immunity, it will be bad.
More likely it’s bad data and/or murdering of people, but something is very wrong.
Fact check true:
Supporting Swedish flag industry is something all Swedes can stand behind, even if the Swedish flags are made in India or China.
And imagine being a tiny country so important that not only our libtard politicians burn the flag, but also people far away! 🇸🇪😊
There are at least 100 million flags in Sweden, so there is plenty of stuff to burn...
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Månen är närmare än på 1 337 år!
Om du undrar varför denna måndag är så speciell.
Förhandlingstips - håll advokaterna borta!
Advokaten Barnes: Advokater anser att ett kontrakt är en kamp mellan två parter, i stället för att göra varandra bättre och starkare.
Behandla ett kontrakt som något som ska gynna båda parter! Så även om det alltid handlar om dem mot dig, om du gör din partner starkare hur gynnar det dig?
AI tar examen
ChatGPT har klarat av professionella examen i MBA, juridik och medicin. Och det kommer massor med nya version av olika slags artificiell intelligens i år.
När Ukraina sparkat dig, säger du att Ukraina förlorar
Arestovitj arbetade som strategisk kommunikationsrådgivare vid Ukrainas presidents kansli från 2020 till 2023. Han avgick den 17 januari 2023 efter att ha sagt att ett missilflyganfall i Dnipro som träffade ett hyreshus tre dagar tidigare hade gjort det eftersom ukrainska styrkor hade skjutit ner det.
Han går nu ut och säger att Ukraina förlorar.
EKOT: Ukrainas försvar skakas av en enorm korruptionsskandal - handlar om miljarder i militära kontrakt
Lite förvånande att statsmedia redan erkänner att Ukraina-stödet var korrupt vansinne.
Knivarna är ute, och att misslyckas är bra marknadsföring
Scott Adams kände sig smart eftersom han tittade på skitdata och sa att det var skitdata. Han och hans anhängare tittade inte på de RCT:er som visade att sjukdom och död av alla orsaker var högre i den injicerade gruppen jämfört med kontrollgruppen.
Självklart kommer jag inte att följa Shivas råd att sluta följa Scott, för vi måste leva med människor som också har väldigt fel. Men Scott Adams betedde sig illa:
Scott sa
"Vaccinerna kommer inte att fungera"
"Ryssland kommer att vinna kriget helt och hållet"
Och sedan argumenterade Scott avsiktligt mer för den andra sidan under resten av kriget, och om han skulle haft fel i början av någonting kommer ingen att minnas = exakt vad Dr Shiva känner nu, förutom att Shiva hade rätt.
Men jag älskar hur Scott tar upp de dåliga argumenten på sin sida och kanske borde jag också ignorera de uppenbart goda argumenten och bara prata om de dåliga argumenten? Det verkar vara så mycket enklare.