Report from the literal swamp: Cancer quickie. Social media & alcohol for kids. Sleep tips
Rapport ifrån Kärna Mosse: Cancer-snabbis. Social media & alkohol för barn. Sömntips
Live tomorrow on Facebook about all the stuff at 20:00 Swedish time, 2 PM EST
Direktsändning söndag kl 21:00 om ALLT och lite mer om kyrkovalet
Sorry for the late substack, but we took a 4 hour walk because we got lost in the swamp and then I was exhausted.
Swedish church election
I just did a horrible live broadcast about the Swedish church-election, but mostly about me eating breakfast-dinner and searching for the parties. Everything is very confusing, because the Swedish Church geography is not the same as the administrative regions, and then there are some church parties, but they have horrible party names and home-pages fill with crap. But one could figure out that some were libtards and others more conservatives on the way they wrote their bullshit. And the Swedish parliament parties mostly place parasites in the church, and the Sweden Democrats are “welcoming” me to their home-page with covid fear porn - I’m not going to vote for that!
Jag gjorde lite direktsänt ätande i rutan där jag försökte få koll på kyrkovalet. Borttaget för det verkar verkligen inget att titta på.
Riksdagspartierna har tramsprogram, och går man till SDs hemsida så möts man av covid-skräckpropaganda, så den skiten går ju inte att rösta på. hatas av Anders Lindberg på Aftonhoran, och AfS ( ) verkar ha fått ihop vettiga kandidater. De andra kyrkopartierna jag hittade verkar mest vara intresserade av godhetssignalering och trams.
Men vill ni veta allt om kyrkovalet, så har ni kommit till fel Substack…
Jeff also walks and talks with his dog
Follow up about Soros who is now hates by CCP:
We’re leaving for space!
No, not exactly The Final Countdown from the band Europe or a song of Thomas DiLeva, but a lot of people have figured out how to leave the system, and we aren’t coming back to slavery for the government:
Food against cancer
It's the usual stuff with low carb, get plenty of vitamin D (even overdo it a little, but make sure to get enough K2!), all vitamin Bs, plenty of zinc and minerals in general, and then there is fasting, and even toxins like apricot kernels that seem to help the body to fight the cancer.
And sleep! You're not fighting cancer, you are fighting to make your own body work better! (Might not be true, but it's a better way to look at it)
My mother got tons of vitamin Bs only, and that was enough for her. Turmeric (curry) and garlic also have anti-cancer properties.
Oh, and a lot of omega-3 (seafood)! No seedoils like rape seed oil etc, but flaxseeds:
Nuts and seeds generally have the problem with too much omega-6:
But cancers need high blood sugar to grow. That's the easiest thing anyone can do. Just eat ALL THE TASTY SHIT except carb/sugar and you can get rid of that addiction.
Generally: Look at what Dr Eric Berg says about any condition (he has the most and shortest videos), and then see if Dr Ken D Berry, and Dr Sten Ekberg agree, and then you're top the 99.99% informed, I would say.
99% of the studies are just useless crap, so finding the good ones takes years, and only a handful of people succeed in that. I prefer to find those people, instead of doing that work again...
Så länge det är rekommendationer så är jag helt OK med det. Det är ju inte så att en enda ovaccinerad kommer att bry sig om sadistiska myndigheters råd till oss, utan det får dem bara att framstå som de 🤡 de är 👍🥰
Den 22 september 2021 kl 15-18 är det vaccin-drop-in vid varje vårdcentral i Östergötland. Vi borde informera folk om hur det inte finns några randomiserade studer eller någon data som tyder på att covid-vaccinen gör folk allmänt mindre sjuka.