No not! Free food in UK. Water flosser. Propaganda in swearing. UK last totalitarian WW-II empire
Inget inte! Vattenflosser mundusch. Avelspropaganda? -14% födda. UK sista totalitära WW-II-imperiet
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska soliga video. På svenska längst ner, men om svenska svordomar i den engelska texten.
Today’s English sunny video.
59% of EU people prefer cheap food and energy over war!
CORRECTION from Yesterday’s video: In the beginning i spoke wrong: It should be 58-59% of EU population do NOT (which was missing in my talk) approve of raising costs of fuel and food to sanction Russia!!! I've told you to never use "not" in sentence if you want to get your message across, but apparently I don't listen enough to myself.
Notice that the texts written by me below seldom use “not” and instead I rewrite the sentences! I do use “not” when missing the word isn’t possible <= Like there.
Free food in the UK
The local FoodCycle project offers free, hot meals for everybody in the community. No means testing, no questions asked, everybody is welcome.
Find your local meal here:
EdwardCrosley commented on Sunday’s video on Bitchute:
“Excellent strategies. I'll listen to this one more than once👍 thank you”
Keep on spreading the word, and immediately report back when you learn any improvements we can make in the strategies! We aren’t winning yet, and there will never be a final victory, but the paths to epic adventures we all can have are unlimited.
(You saw the “n’t”? Why did I allow that?)
I bought a Waterpik Cordless Water Flosser
It will arrive next week so I’ll report on how that will go. It seems much safer, better, easier and cheaper way to get rid of plaque between the teeth, and even cheaper if the entire family share one water flosser.
USD getting more rare
McCulloughahraiahhgwatit, who isn’t related to Joe Biden just because his last name seems to be the one word that “define America” is right, and you don’t want to be having loans in USD now. If there is a chance of recession, of course Fed will make it worse! I do have a local railroad bridge to sell to anyone who thinks that The Fed is trying to help (Sometimes the bridge catches lorries, so very profitable!).
This advice is not perfect:

Notice how I know that the “not” might be forgotten here! So you may read the headline without “not” but that is fine.
What is interesting is how Elon Musk is fishing for people with even better ideas. The thing is that how you sleep is a matter of habit and mood. I could totally sleep like fat cat after eating lunch, and I’ve slept with others, alone, sitting, and sometimes it works and sometimes not.
If you are used to eating just before bedtime and go up and shit in the middle of the night and you go back to sleep - If that works for you, do that! If not, try something else, as it turns out that not even Elon Musk knows how to sleep perfectly. <= You did see his sleeping problem there, didn’t you? Not that we can be sure, but of course he is interested in improving his sleep like everyone should.
I would have written “Fast 3 hours before bedtime”, though 😉
-14% births in Stockholm Q1 2022
This is global (even though it varies) since the bioweapon injections started.
Notice how cognitive dissonance makes the media and officials not even dare to think the question "Could bioweapons injections have made it harder to have children?"! In doing so, they have proven that they lack the mental maturity to be free people and need to be removed as leaders such as journalists or heads of government.
In addition to all the other excuses, remember: smart women avoid having children while they are taking the injections. Why not wait a few months instead of taking an extra risk? So we'll see if birth rates then go back up.
Sten’s Substack said: "A study from Israel published in June this year showed that sperm counts in men decreased three months after vaccination with Pfizer's vaccine. According to the study, the men's sperm returned later."
So even if the birth rate comes back, there will be no proof that the bioweapon injections were harmless.
About the special operation in Ukraine
There are rumours that the Duma will officially declare war on Ukraine, which would mean the end of the Ukrainian regime. I doubt there will be a declaration of war now as there is no reason for Russia to change strategy as they are winning, and an occupation of Ukraine is costly, risky and might backfire. The Zelenskyy regime will fall due its own corruption while the Ukrainian people will more and more become Russian citizens:

Can you imagine that UK would offer the citizenship to the people in country they are bombing?!? That is not how that terror regime has been thinking ever. They want to control and rule over nations, not give any people a sense of having rights. France on the other hand gave all people in their empire real French citizenships, and Ireland is offering citizenship to everyone in Northern Ireland even if they are unionists.
It’s time for the last WW-II totalitarian regime to fall. Here is an alternative way of looking at the landing in Normandy:

Another suggestion:
All Ukrainian solders that failed to hold on to their positions should be given a golden parachute of $17 million dollars. Because that is a suitable fraction of what the ones who have given them orders are getting as they failed to hold on to their positions.
Even swear-words are propaganda!
Why is “fuck” a curse word in modern English? “fokken” in Dutch means “to breed” so why isn’t it a beautiful word. Oh… You see what the Opium Empire did there? Or Khazarian mafia or the proto-technocrats - Similar shit. It’s the strategy of sabotage but is it really a bad idea to make people who are easily manipulated to have fewer children? Sounds like the obvious path the Golden Age to me.
Swedes generally use Bible swearing, but we don’t say “Jesus Christ!” when we get surprised, but instead “Åh, fan!” (Oh, the devil!). Makes more sense that the devil surprises you than that Jesus does it.
When angry we say “Satan”, “Fan”/”Faan”, “Djävla skit!” (The Devil’s shit), “Djävlar!” (As in “FUCK!” (that went to hell), but it literally means “devils”), etc.
Some Swedish young ladies (Do they still do this?) started to yell “FITTA!” (“CUNT!”) when something went bad for them, but I guess just one man answering them “Yes, I can have one!” destroyed that swearword. In English you can call a bad lady “cunt”, but in Swedish you rather say “Djävla fitta!” (Devil’s cunt).
I’m serious about this: How you swear will affect how you can be manipulated and affect others. The old conservative American idea that you should not use some words is just sadist narcissist demons who want to tell you how to speak. Same as if they freak out just because you used the wrong pronoun. Attacking people who aren’t trying to offend you is bad, and people who do try to insult you, enjoys it if you get angry.
Redefining words
Namestealers will always try to redefine your words. We can do the same:
“expert” = “a complete moron that is paid to lie in media”

A blue smurf in an alternative reality once approximately said: “Dying with the most stuff? No, that isn’t winning. To conquer all and never die, that is winning!” What is that transgenderedly named cute fictional lady’s or ancient demon’s name? That is the boring pop-quiz for tomorrow.
My point is to stop the technocrats from defining immortality for you! Well, ignore their definations of everything. “To conquer all and never die” is something Jesus would say, but it gets a different meaning then, doesn’t it? And if you say it, it will have your meaning.
Yesterday’s quiz:
That is the arms of Natt och Dag, a Swedish nobel family. “Natt och Dag” literally means “Night and Day”, so it’s a really odd name. But good reminder that we often need both sides of the coin.
Pro-Russian weather channel climate propaganda?!?
Sweden is lava, but Russia is green (but way more hot at this exact time). Must be that Russia is saving their local climate by exporting their carbon fuels to evil bad EU-states’ slaves that need way higher cost for energy and food. The ones making the propaganda already forgotten about that part between Lithuania and Poland as that was last week’s news? (No, Lithuania is ramping up the Kaliningrad blackade.)
My suggestion is that Sweden should export as much coal, gas and oil as Russian and solve this problem by getting enough money to put the narcissists in mental institutions.
Jan Algovik skrev:
Sett till kartan så skulle jag vilja flytta till Ryssland så jag slipper trampa runt i Lava...
Men det är ju för att Ryssland exporterar sin olja, kol och gas! Om vi bara gjorde det också, så skulle vi ha råd med mentalsjukhus till narcissisterna.
Jag beställde en mundusch
Waterpik Sladdlös freedom vattenflosser trådlös mundusch.
Den kommer att anlända nästa vecka så jag ska rapportera hur det går. Det verkar vara ett mycket säkrare, bättre, enklare och billigare sätt att bli av med plack mellan tänderna än tandtråd, och ännu billigare om hela familjen delar på en vattenflosser.
Hur man beter sig som en giftig narcissistisk skit
Så ni troll som följer mig (Jag älskar mina troll!!! Ni är bara bäst!), det här kanske ger inspiration. Notera att ingen av “argumenten” jag använder är något som jag anser vara argument förutom möjligen att jag först skriver jag har erfarenhet av det här spelet.
Det finns dock en god tanke bakom detta: Att få folk att fundera på om de där politikerna egentligen bidrar med något till samhället.

-14% födda barn i Stockholm Q1 2022!
Notera hur kognitiv dissonans får media och ansvariga att inte ens våga ställa frågan “Kan biovapen-injektionerna gjort det svårare att få barn?”! Därmed har de bevisat att de saknar den mentala mognaden som krävs för att vara fria människor, och de ska tas bort som ledare som t ex journalister eller myndighetschefer.
Förutom alla andra bortförklaringar: Smarta kvinnor undviker att skaffa barn precis medan de tar injektionerna. Varför inte vänta några månader i stället för att ta en extra risk? Så vi får se om födelsetalen sedan går upp igen.
Sten skriver: “En studie från Israel som publicerades i juni i år visade att mängden spermier hos män minskade tre månader efter vaccination med Pfizers vaccin. Enligt studien återkom spermierna hos männen senare.”
Så även om födelsetalen kommer tillbaka så kommer det saknas bevis för att biovapeninjektionerna var harmlösa.