Ukraine-NATO panic and summary. Ye Parler. Swedish export of liberal tears. Demoncrats. Trump. Vaxx
Ukraina-Nato-panik - Summering. Ye Parler. Kul med gråtande folkpartister. Demonkrater. EU-regioner
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska skogspromenad. Svensk text på slutet.
Today’s English walk in the forest with liberal tears
Body language video: Nato’s leader-boy Jens Stoltenberg wants candy!
I’m not saying that I’m a better health expert than someone who was stupid enough to kill themselves with a clot-shot, but I saw that mistake. And I’m not better at running a country, than the ones doing it, but I can point out fatal mistakes - Maybe they are forced to do them, but a majority of the people should be able to see these mistakes.
"I am not willing to sacrifice more Russian soldiers in a guerilla war against the fanatical hordes armed with NATO. We have enough power and technology to bring Ukraine to a complete surrender." - Army general Sergei Vladimirovich Surovikin
US Colonel Douglas MacGregor during interview with Redacted:
"Most Ukrainian special forces are gone. They've been killed or wounded. Ukrainians have one hundred thousand dead [...] perhaps even 400k wounded. They started out with an army of 600k. USA spent 8 years building this army up with the express purpose of attacking Russia, that's why Russia attacked it."
Ukraine Can Retake Crimea By Next Summer, Former Top US Commander Says
This explains how desparate NATO is almost as well as Stoltenberg’s silent stomping: "The Russians have to lose [the war]; otherwise, they’ll try again in two or three years."
No more funding for media, kompromat and Democrats if Ukraine is lost to them, so that is why Ukraine is SO IMPORTANT:
Kolomoisky is also an Israeli citizen:
Kayne West To Purchase "Uncancelable" Social Media App Parler
I am on Parler, but I rarely use it. Maybe this will change it. Seems like billionaires are bying social media like crazy now.
MTG points out how evil Democrats are
Democrats think that genital mutilation of children is what people want, because that is what the demons are telling them. I hope the demons tell them to get another booster, but the child castration lobby will not fly with the voters:
I tried to watch the entire interview, but it was too painful to hear the demon speak his soulless words of evil and nonsense. And he he realy acts like someone who was cast as the Devil in some Woke movie where even the Devil has to be black, but of course bad guys can’t be black in a true woke movie, so he is playing the good guy Devil, who wants to protect your children’s right to be castrated.
Megan Kelly knows the MAGA people
If Trump runs, not even DeSantis can stand in his way, is Megan Kelly’s analysis, and no one can argue with her on that, so we can drop this subject now:
If you are a Republican and you lose against a Democrat, the election is either rigged, or you are a horrible candidate:
Ryan Cole is the only pathologist in the US willing to test for the vaccine "fingerprints"
Ryan Cole explains how to find finger-prints of the “vaccine” spikes compared to the virus spike.
Different regions of EU are very differently developed even within the same country. Also note how much of England and Wales are a shithole compared to Italy.
🤡-report from Sweden - or any country - almost the same stories:
Disgraced party leader teaches narcissism
Lööf, the disgraced, failed and former leader of the Swedish Center party is really worried about “the image of Sweden (Sverige-bilden) in other countries” as the new government will be in charge tomorrow.
Crime, corruption, child trafficking, drug gangs, destruction of the Baltic Sea, or any problem that normal people experience isn’t on the narcissist’s mind. She does want low taxes and “free markets” run by Klaus Schwab though, so she’s really liberal…
The Liberal party on the other hand will be in the government, but their woke LibTard members are furious at the slight chance that the new government will do anything against the foreign child rapists. And Swedish state media found (or was called by?) Maria Leissner, former party leader of the Liberals (then the People's Party), and she says that she cried when the agreement was announced. Can you imagine anyone who isn’t a narcissist to say to media that she was crying as if that bitch’es feelings is the most important thing in the world?
Generally the disappointed liberals that Swedish state media is dreaming about look a lot like the Social Democrat prime minister:
Sweden’s liberal EU commissioner Sweden's EU commissioner in 2010-2019 turns out, to no one's surprise, to be a toxic narcissist that treats her co-workers like dirt according to Telelina that was on a train together with her:
🇸🇪 Sveriges EU-kommissionär 2010-2019 visar sig till ingens förvåning vara en giftig narcissist
Oroliga onödiga myndigheter är nästan lika bra som nedlagda onödiga myndigheter:
Jämställdhetsmyndighten som är ökänd för uselt arbetsklimat.
“Vi röstar idag om Jimmie Åkessons regering och politik, som Ulf Kristersson är satt att genomföra.” - Annie Lööf analyserar något ganska rätt för en gångs skull.
Jag säger inte att jag är en bättre hälsoexpert än någon som var dum nog att ta livet av sig med en propp-spruta, men jag såg det vore ett misstag. Och jag är inte bättre på att styra ett land än de som gör det, men jag kan påpeka fatala misstag - kanske är de tvingade att göra dem, men en majoritet av folket bör kunna se dessa misstag.