Swenglish animal fun lesson. Beeches. Using AI to kill bill and find dead mothers. 9/11 ignorance
Svengelska djur kul lektion. Ljusdal. Använda AI för luntor och hitta döda mödrar. 11 sep okunskap
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Any lawyers who hate Elon Musk? We can sue X for Suspending someone who suffers from dementia… I would surely have been suspended for this error too?!?
So maybe delete entire X because one of its owners made a typo! That makes as much sense as deleting all my posts for a post that was misunderstood.
I still strongly doubt that Elon Musk himself can defend my permanent suspension, but he can’t look into every small premium account. He is busy posting stuff like this:
Elon wants to do some things better, but the mindset that there is a savior is not wise. It's clearly a good idea to not be totally depended on Elon Musk, the government or anyone else.
Vivek Ramaswamy read the omnibus bill, and it’s just what you feared and worse. The system is designed to destroy USA and the world.
Many AI read the omnibus bill too, but it isn’t easy to ask AI to look for what you want to know. I’m still better than AI in some ways, so I corrected Grok:
How did I manage to correct Grok? Well, I used Perplexity:
Perplexity also fails to answer “How many members of Congress have a mother that is alive?” which is apparently important for the decision process:
There is one kind of pork all jews (apparently ~65% of US Jews don’t mind eating pork) love to consume:
What? Didn’t everyone know that the 9/11 planes were remotely controlled?
They are busy looking at Buffalo Runs instead. That said: The buildings, including WTC7, were rigged with a huge amount of something that burnt for way too long.
The incredible lighthouse 💡Did you know that... In Iceland, there is a lighthouse called Þrídrangaviti.
It stands on the highest of three cliffs, about ten kilometres from the Icelandic coast. It was built in 1939 on an extremely steep and dangerous cliff. The builders climbed up the cliffs to the top of the pillar, working by hand over slippery rocks, rain and strong winds, knowing that a single misstep could plunge them into the icy North Atlantic. Thanks to advances in aviation, maintenance workers can now reach the remote lighthouse by helicopter. The lighthouse is known to be one of the most remote and inaccessible in the world. The height of the cliff provides a breathtaking view of the North Atlantic and has been instrumental in guiding ships through the region's treacherous waters for decades.
🇸🇪 Den otroliga fyren 💡Visste du att... På Island finns det en fyr som heter Þrídrangaviti.
Den står på den högsta av tre klippor, cirka tio kilometer från den isländska kusten. Den byggdes 1939 på en extremt brant och farlig klippa. Byggarna klättrade uppför klipporna till toppen av pelaren och arbetade för hand över hala klippor, regn och starka vindar, medvetna om att ett enda snedsteg kunde kasta dem ner i den iskalla Nordatlanten. Tack vare framstegen inom luftfarten kan underhållsarbetarna nu nå den avlägsna fyren med helikopter. Fyren är känd för att vara en av de mest avlägsna och svårtillgängliga i världen. Klippans höjd ger en hisnande utsikt över Nordatlanten och har varit avgörande för att vägleda fartyg genom regionens förrädiska vatten i årtionden.
I’m here, ladies!
Swedish makes sound sense (what you wrongly call “common sense”, despite it’s so rare)!
“killer whale” (orca) is “späckhuggare”, which would be “blubber chopper”, but I wouldn’t say “hunter” is a wrong translation. The Swedish words are spelled without “-” which are just added for clarity:
hippo: flod-häst
killer whale: späck-huggare
octopus/squid: bläck-fisk
sloth: sen-gångare
hedgehog: igel-kott
platypus: näbb-djur
bat (the animal): fladder-mus; a bat used in baseball: slag-trä = beat-wood
turtle/tortoise: sköld-padda
raccoon: tvätt-björn