The evil Youtube vs Ron Johnson & Pierre Kory. Nutrition vs narcissism. Proxalutamide & Ivermectin
Ondskan Youtube vs Senator & Pierre Kory. Näringslära vs Narcissism. Proxalutamid & Ivermektin
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Today’s English video in the sheep pasture.
Why isn’t anyone talking about the nutrition crisis?
This very informative article explains the nutrition crisis, but it doesn’t answer the question in the headline. The reason people aren’t talking about the nutrition crisis is that people in media and the most visible people on social media are suffering from severe narcissism, and they simply do not care about solutions. They want people to suffer, and they do not want the problem they are getting attention with to be solved. These people are sick. But I actually think many of them are can be cured, but they will not let themselves be cured voluntarily, but if others keep on making fun of their narcissist traits like emotional reasoning, projection, personal attacks against others, attention seeking, and lack of capability to even see facts that do not fit their narrative, then the narcissism will get less severe, or they will go into hiding to protect their frail egos, which also solves the problem for the rest of us.
Youtube suspends Senator Ron Johnson
Youtube suspends senator Ron Johnson from uploading videos over COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine claim (referring to an actual study). Youtube is commit crimes against humanity, just like they did when they banned me. Youtube is likely forced to do this by the US government and the Chinese Communist party (Dr VA Shiva got proof that it was the state and political opponents that forced Twitter to ban him, so this definitely happens), but Youtube should still be treated as an enemy combatant, and it should be destroyed. We are at war with a force that is trying its best to suppress information that might save people’s lives, and anything except an unconditional surrender is unacceptable.
Real scientists are censored by truly evil Youtube
Youtube better start pointing fingers at others, because someone needs to hang for this - they are killing people en masse. You can see the video on Odysee.
Pierre Kory on Indian TV
Proxalutamide -91% hospitalization
Here we demonstrate the hospitalization rate in proxalutamide treated men was reduced by 91% compared to usual care:
Boris Johnson is either not in charge or a monster as lockdowns are extended
This is not about politics which we should have different opinions about, but about clearly insane leadership that just continues to make up any excuse to continue with lockdowns and terror against its own people. I doubt BoJo is in charge, just as I doubt that it’s Facebook, Youtube and Twitter that are destroying their own businesses with censorship, but we still have to destroy BoJo and the tech giants:
Boris Johnson continues to hate his people and commit crimes against humanity