The good Swedish nuclear plan, and reframing nuclear. War vs murder. Strong men have more sex
Mats Dillén:s fina kärnkraftsplan. Krig vs mord. Hjärntvättsbevis. Starka män får mer sex
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video: Rumble, 𝕏
🇸🇪 Kärnkraftsartikeln på svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏
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Israel Says Iran Poised For Major Retaliation; US Deploys Sub, Hurries Carrier Group
Israel is damaging itself with its propaganda, and when the attack eventually comes, will anyone care about it from the boy who cried “WOLF!” for so long?
But when it comes to hot wars, robodogs, flying drones, robosubs and tunnelling bots will dominate, except, and this is the scary part: murders.
Reframing “nuclear power”
You take some naturally occurring radioactive rocks, which get hot all by themselves because they're radioactive.
You pile a whole lot of them together, in concentrated form, until they get really hot indeed.
Then you use that heat to turn water into steam.
And you run an electric turbine off the steam pressure.
Why not radio rock steam power?
In Swedish there is no need for “radiomalmångkraft” as “kärnkraft” (nuclear power) means “kernel force”, which sound more positive. “nuclear bombs” are “atombomber”, while “nuclear war” is “kärnvapenkrig”, but “kärn” doesn’t feel as scary as “nuclear”.
Sweden to invest $40 billions on nuclear power the next 15-20 years = 4-6 GW
The plan from Mats Dillén, the investigator, is that the state should provide cheap loans, and share some of the risks. He has looked at Finland, UK and Czechias plans, and it seems to work the best in Czechia. The UK plant become too expensive, and the ones building the Finnish one failed economically.
The Swedish nuclear power is planned to double in 20 years:
It is very important to build many reactors, as that that gives benefit or scale and improving skills.
The price offered to the companies building the nuclear plats is set to $0.08 per KwH. for 40 years.
The idea is that if the company performs better than expected, the government will take a share of the cake, but if the company performs poorly, the government will help with cheap loans.
This investment will lead to an increased national debt of 2.5%
What was missing in the presentation is an expansion of the electricity grid so that any electricity surplus can be exported or electricity-intensive industries (eg data centres) feel more secure. I also wonder if the price of 80 öre is not a little too high. Perhaps it would have been better to set it lower and instead offer lower rates for longer.
But that's all the obvious criticism I can come up with. Mats Dillén seems to know what he is talking about.
Elon Musk preparing for a talk with Donald Trump
Elon Musk would never respond with a rude meme like this:
Thierry Breton has been Senegalese since 2015, even though it may not be obvious at first glance due to his low melanin levels. But Thierry knows how to manage his money. He reportedly earns €20,000 net per month at the European Commission, and Senegal is quite generous with French dual nationals who pay their taxes there—less than 5% income tax, thanks to a cozy agreement with the French Ministry of Economy..
Elon Musk 02:18 (8:12 PM EST) There appears to be a massive DDOS attack on 𝕏. Working on shutting it down. Worst case, we will proceed with a smaller number of live listeners and post the conversation later.
Just as I expected and 𝕏 expected, but they seem to have solved it now.
The discussion:
Highlights under 5 minutes:
"government efficiency commission" might be the big important thing.
The “reaction”
Kamala Harris’ campaign answered with gaslighting. These “humans” all just despicable turds that make up stuff, and if you don’t believe them, the personal attacks come. Scott Adams just had to end his new friendship with the Democrat Ian Black, as Scott Adams said the climate models are very obviously bullshit (they make hundreds of new models every year and keep the lucky ones, then replace them too, so there is no model that has predicted for a long time), and then the personal attacks started. I’ve ended all relations with people like that.
The strategy now from the propaganda masters behind Harris is to make sure there are no policies or anything from Harris, and just “generic Democrat” and “Joy”.
What about some constructive joy instead of lunacy lying laughter?
Zuck has second thoughts:
How Finland and Sweden joined NATO
Sweden's support to Ukraine:
Sick Jewish propaganda on how “We must” fight the International Jews’ wars instead of just freaking raiding their homes, taking their sons and spread their Bolshevik blood all over the black soil of Ukraine… One might argue.
These Saab ASCC 890 are good stuff though and the planes are coming in a newer better version, so Sweden is just sending old still good stuff to Ukraine. But it’s EU and NATO that are threatening our freedom,
Well, this looks good, but you know why…
My 𝕏 account:
Burps, not farts!
People misunderstand this methane thing: The methane comes from burps, not farts, so the correct solution is to shove a bat down Bill Gates' throat, not up his butt.
But maybe do both, just to be sure.
Jeff Nippard surveyed 50k people and found that bench press strength predicted lifetime sexual partners in men.
🇸🇪 🇸🇪 🇸🇪
400 miljarder på ny kärnkraft, 300 statliga lån, och totalt 4-6GW, runt fyra stora reaktorer
Riskdela, billiga lån mm.
Mats Dillén, utredare. Inte så mycket effekt om vi nu ska bygga AI, enligt mig, men en hel del ändå:
13:08 säger Mats klokt att man måste bygga flera reaktorer “programrisk” om man inte bygger många reaktorer och system kring detta.
Tjeckiska modellen verkar bättre än den dyra i England, och modellen i Finland där byggarna gjorde jätteförluster.
Dubbelriktat = Detta är priset som gäller oavsett om elpriset är högre eller lägre.
3 = Tanken är att om företaget går bättre än beräknat så ska staten ta en del av kakan, men går bolaget dåligt så hjälper staten till med billiga lån.
300 miljarder beräknas vara 2.5% av BNP, men då måste BNP öka med över 50% på 15 år, vilket är ett rimligt antagande:
Jag tittade bara på 30 minuter för jag antar resten är urkorkade reportrar som ställer ovidkommande tramsfrågor.
Vad som saknades i presentation är en utbyggnad av elnätet så att eventuellt elöverskott kan exporteras eller elintensiva industrier (t ex datacenter) känna sig tryggare. Jag undrar också om priset på 80 öre inte är lite väl högt. Kanske varit bättre att sätta det lägre och i stället erbjuda lägre räntor längre.
Men det är all uppenbar kritik jag kan hitta på. Mats Dillén verkar veta vad han talar om.
Statorn i Forsmark 1 har reparerats och lyftes på plats igen under sommarens revision.
I always enjoy your content. Thank you.