The MC-helmet parable. X commits fraud. Biden's legacy. Carter and Rhodesia. Good food bad? CNN😂
MC-hjälm-parabeln. X begår bedrägeri. Bidens eftermäle. Carter och Rodesia. Skitmat bra?!? CNN😂
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My 𝕏 account (why it’s unfairly suspended), My Bitchute and Old.Bitchute channel. My Odysee channel, My Brighteon English only Channel, My English only Minds, My Facebook, Nostr
New year in Ryd, Linköping, Sweden. Indian snow-fight. Fireworks
Happy new year Miss Snow White!
Before and after New Year:
Curtis Yarvin’s Parable of the Motorcycle Helmet:
Let’s say you see a motorcycle driver who’s crashed on the side of the road. You immediately rush to help. You take off his helmet to help him breathe—and this is a big mistake. You’ve forgotten your first aid class where they told you you very much mustn’t do this as it can hurt their spine. The man you were trying to rescue is now paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life.
Horrible tragedy, anyone would agree, but you are morally blameless. After all, you were just trying to help and only innocently caused the carnage.
Yes. But what if we discovered there was someone who drove around looking for crash sites, and whenever he saw a crashed motorcyclist, took off their helmet, paralyzed them, and then said "Oops!"
We would not consider that person blameless. We would be forced to conclude that far from being a misguided, but well-intentioned good samaritan, they are actually a psycho who gets off on hurting motorcycle crash victims.
Same with the left. Take any issue. The poverty trap effects of welfare have been beyond dispute for decades for any reasonable observer. The black-lives-destroying effects of under-policing have been beyond dispute for decades. Etc etc etc etc. And yet they keep pulling off the motorcycle helmet at every opportunity, and then going "Oh no! Who could have foreseen this?"
At some point you have to be forced to conclude that they’re not well-intentioned but misguided. That there’s something much darker going on.
🇸🇪 Curtis Yarvins liknelse om motorcykelhjälmen:
🇸🇪 Låt oss säga att du ser en motorcykelförare som har kraschat vid sidan av vägen. Du rusar genast till för att hjälpa till. Du tar av honom hjälmen för att hjälpa honom att andas - och detta är ett stort misstag. Du har glömt din första hjälpen-kurs där de sa att du absolut inte får göra detta eftersom det kan skada deras ryggrad. Mannen som du försökte rädda är nu förlamad från halsen och nedåt för resten av sitt liv.
🇸🇪 En fruktansvärd tragedi, det kan vem som helst hålla med om, men du är moraliskt oskyldig. När allt kommer omkring försökte du bara hjälpa till och orsakade bara oskyldigt blodbadet.
🇸🇪 Ja, men tänk om vi upptäckte att det fanns någon som körde runt och letade efter olycksplatser, och när han såg en kraschad motorcyklist tog av sig hjälmen, förlamade dem och sedan sa ”Oops!”
🇸🇪 Vi skulle inte anse att den personen var oskyldig. Vi skulle vara tvungna att dra slutsatsen att långt ifrån att vara en missriktad, men välmenande god samarit, är de faktiskt en psykopat som går igång på att skada offer för motorcykelolyckor.
🇸🇪 Samma sak med vänstern. Ta vilken fråga som helst. Välfärdens fattigdomsfällande effekter har varit oomtvistade i årtionden för alla rimliga observatörer. De svarta livsförstörande effekterna av underpolicing har varit obestridliga i årtionden. Etc etc etc etc etc. Och ändå fortsätter de att dra av sig motorcykelhjälmen vid varje tillfälle och säger sedan ”Åh nej! Vem kunde ha förutsett detta?”
🇸🇪 Vid någon tidpunkt måste man tvingas dra slutsatsen att de inte är välmenande men vilseledda. Att det är något mycket mörkare som pågår.
Pavel Durov on Telegram censorship:
Access to certain Russian media has been restricted in the EU under DSA/sanctions laws. Meanwhile, all Western media Telegram channels remain freely accessible in Russia. Who would have thought that in 2025 Russian Telegram users would enjoy more freedom than European?
Jake Shields became unverfied:
The Flynn Network - These are people who helped General Flynn expose October 7:
Ian Carroll points out that these people aren’t connected to Flynn, but they all do expose Israel’s lies and propaganda. Good examples of that in the thread linked above.
Ariel, Ian Carroll and Stone Tossers still have their blue checkmarks, but for how long?
Removing the governmental checkmark for Thomas Massie is harder, so they have to murder his wife… Oh, they already did that:
AFpost still have their blue checkmark too: Sam Hyde calls out Elon Musk for mass banning Groypers, removing checkmarks, and changing the algorithm to deboost dissent, urges him to care about Americans and not just the “idea” of America when it comes to immigration.
Matt Kim (@FreeMattKim) posted at 10:17 pm on Mon, Dec 30, 2024:
I used to be such a big fan of Elon... especially when he bought Twitter.
“At least Elon gave us free speech.” He didn’t give you free speech… he took control of it.
Examples of suspended X-accounts:
Inverse Joe Biden!
Joe Biden was the best president of all time. He was so bad that even very brainwashed people got redpilled. Like Inverse Cramer is the best financial advice you can get, inverse Joe Biden is the best politician ever - Trump or even Bukele is not even close to this anti-skill.
Jimmy Carter and Rhodesia
Will Tanner (@Will_Tanner_1) posted at 4:26 pm on Mon, Dec 30, 2024:
He just died so we're supposed to pretend he's a saint, but Carter was instrumental in killing the free, prosperous state of Rhodesia and aiding Mugabe in his takeover of it, then transforming it into hellish Zimbabwe
In fact, after Harold Wilson, Carter's the key villain…
Very tiny nose singing a song
Good food is bad for you!
That these jokes are said on CNN make them insanely funny!
“The democrats couldn’t hold a primary…they were too busy holding a body upright.” (are we still on… - Go for it!) “The pro-choice party didn’t give their voters one.” “Kamala was forced on us so hard you’d think she was patented by Pfizer.”