The TBE-vax-scam & Kissinger. Jew-racism. Odin likes Jesus. Biden's Satanism. Conspiracy joke true
TBE-vax-bedrägeri & Kissinger. Juderasim. Oden gillar Jesus. Bidens satanism. Konspirationssaga sann
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The TBE vaccine is harmful and a scam
It doesn’t work! People still get TBE, plus that they get sick from the vaccine.
The study that says the 5% of the vaccinated still get TBE - Something unvaccinated seldom get so total gaslighting when they conclude that the solution is to take more of the non-working vaccine:
Demons. And damn: I know one of the people behind the study. Sad.
How the Jew Henry Kissinger thought
I’ve only watched 15 minutes, then it became too disgusting
“You are Amalek” thread by the Truth troll.
That movie should be broadcast onto all Israeli embassies, Congress and parliaments.
ADL hates white nationalism with such a passion that they describe exactly how they are destroying Europeans, here explained to music.
How the Jew thinks
Dr. Mary Klotman, Dean of Duke’s Medical School is making it clear that it is racist to expect black students to be on time. “Our plan for dismantling racism & advancing equity, diversity & inclusion was created with an intentional and appropriate need for flexibility,”
Not sure if she is Jewish, but her husband is.
Gungnir reminder to Candace Owens’ racist critics
God is an antisemite and he doesn't give a sand puppy's ass about what you think.
I'm not a subject of King Jesus Christ, but I like him as a concept, just like many Hindu, and Muslims love him as a prophet. 🥰
They still fear the Spear of Odin, Gungnir, that no Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist have to fear.
I like Odin and I like Jesus too!
I’m not gay, but I would totally date Jesus with his talents.
Saudis Threatened To Sell European Bonds If Russian Assets Were Confiscated
And it won.
Project 2025 facts
While the despicable vermin that run Joe Biden’s campaign registered that leads to
Jens Stoltenberg is honoured by the most corrupt, criminal and demented president in world history trying and failing to sniff his girly hair.
Later on Biden says “I realize I was fucking your wife.” (He said “I was talking to” very badly while thinking of fucking his wife)
President of the World Jewish Congress, Ron Lauder, advocates for "severe laws" that will put people "in prison for a long time" for supposed antisemitic remarks. The WJC works with the governments of USA, UK, EU, Israel, Canada, Australia etc.
Isolate! Remove! Every time the sand puppies open their mouths they are begging for a bat showed down their throats. Promoting what they say is the best way to make them as hated they deserve.
Catholics against the Jesuit pope, Mel Gibson writes
Dear Archbishop,
I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio.
I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward- I hope you will continue to say mass & receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church.
You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me & many others you are a most courageous Hero.
As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church & I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true church!
You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ & his church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic Church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come & say mass there anytime.
Of course being called a schismatic & being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate & expels you from a false institution.
Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath
He, therefore, is the schismatic! However he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code).
As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic.
So rejoice! I am with you & I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also.
Bergoglio & his cohorts have the clothes & the buildings, but you have the faith.
God bless & keep you. If you need anything just ask I will try my best to help.
With admiration & undying respect.
Mel Gibson
Here is what I can add: I have no idea what Catholics feel, think or what they want to do with their lives and society, and it seems to be total opposites. I’m a pro-Asgard member of the Swedish state church that is now totally woke pretending to be Muslim, but it’s just Freemasonry and batshit crazy women - and some good people.
How to not sound racist against Jews, but…
"Most Jews are not Loxists, but" is a delicious phrase 😋
Jew media: Hawk Tuah Girl (aka Hailey Welch) now has a management team called The Penthouse
The Penthouse was founded by the Jew Jonnie Forster
According to the NYT, the video creators of the infamous Hawk Tuah interview (Tim & Dee TV) said the first big companies to contact them about Hailey were Complex, Barstool Sports, and OnlyFans
All three companies are either run by or owned by Jews
The first official interview Hailey did was on a Barstool Sports podcast - a company founded and run by the Jew Dave Portnoy
I can only imagine what the ethnicities of the first large accounts to share the video were…
This is a great example of Jews introducing and amplifying debauchery in our society
Beginner conspiracy theorist vs The Jew
Jory Micah: Is it time for “Israeli” Zionists to return to their homeland?😂
The conspiring Jews have of course already that plan ready for when Zionism 1.0 fails:
I think it’s impossible to make up a plausible Jewish conspiracy that doesn’t exist.
TBE-vaccine är skadligt och ett bedrägeri
Det fungerar inte! Människor får fortfarande TBE, plus att de blir sjuka av vaccinet.
Studien som säger att 5% av de vaccinerade fortfarande får TBE - Något ovaccinerade sällan får så total gaslighting när de drar slutsatsen att lösningen är att ta mer av det icke-fungerande vaccinet:
Demoner. Och jäklar: jag känner en av personerna bakom studien. Sorgligt.
Katoliker mot jesuitpåven, Mel Gibson skriver
Käre ärkebiskop,
Jag är säker på att du inte förväntade dig något annat från Jorge Bergoglio.
Jag vet att du vet att han inte har någon som helst auktoritet - så jag är inte säker på hur detta kommer att påverka dig framöver - jag hoppas att du kommer att fortsätta att läsa mässan och ta emot sakramenten själv - det är verkligen en hedersbetygelse att bli undanskuffad av den falska, postkonciliära kyrkan.
Du har mina sympatier för att du lider offentligt av denna allvarliga orättvisa. För mig och många andra är du en mycket modig hjälte.
Som alltid har du slagit spiken på huvudet angående Francis illegitimitet. Du uttrycker kärnproblemen med den institution som har förmörkat den sanna kyrkan och jag applåderar ditt mod att uttrycka det, men mer än så för att upprätthålla troheten mot den sanna kyrkan!
Du är en modern dag Athanasius! Jag har all respekt för hur du försvarar Kristus och hans kyrka. Jag håller med dig 100% om att den postkonciliära kyrkan i Vatikanen II är en förfalskad kyrka. Det är därför jag byggde en katolsk kyrka som bara dyrkar traditionellt. Du är välkommen att komma och säga massa där när som helst.
Att bli kallad schismatiker och bli exkommunicerad av Jorge Bergoglio är naturligtvis som en hedersbetygelse när du anser att han är en total avfälling och utvisar dig från en falsk institution.
Kom ihåg att sann schism kräver innovation, något du inte har gjort men något som Bergoglio gör med varje andetag
Han är därför den schismatiska! Men han har redan ipso facto exkommunicerat sig själv genom sina många offentliga irrläror (kanon 188 i 1917 års kodex).
Som du redan vet har han ingen makt att exkommunicera dig eftersom han inte ens är katolik.
Så gläd dig! Jag är med dig och jag hoppas att Bergoglio exkommunicerar mig från hans falska kyrka också.
Bergoglio och hans kohorter har kläderna och byggnaderna, men du har tron.
Gud välsigne och behålla dig. Om du behöver något bara fråga kommer jag att göra mitt bästa för att hjälpa till.
Med beundran och odödlig respekt.
Mel Gibson
Det här är vad jag kan tillägga: Jag har ingen aning om vad katoliker känner, tänker eller vad de vill göra med sina liv och samhället, och det verkar vara totala motsatser. Jag är en pro-Asgård medlem av den svenska statskyrkan som nu är helt väck och låtsas vara muslimsk, men det är bara frimureri och galna kvinnor - och några goda människor.
March 2022 for the Heavenly Jerusalem Project. Imagine my surprise since I wrote & posted my "Israel Invades Ukraine" pseudo~meme last Christmas, incorrectly assuming I was one of the 1st to think so. They beat me by nearly 2 years, let alone how much before it was that the article was posted. Thanks!