The wars in West Asia and Europe. Swedish chemistry. Biden's accomplishments. Starlink farmers
Krigen i Västasien och Europa. Invandringen och Baudin. Bidens framgångar. Elsa Widding MOD-partist
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video on Rumble, 𝕏, Bitchute
The American ship was hit by a missile from above (The Houthis?).” - British Maritime Trade Operations Security confirm
Correction: The Houthi attacked a ship, which was not a container ship, but a dry bulk ship. This image comes from the Singaporean flagged X-Press Pearl which caught fire off the Sri Lankan coast in 2021.
Iran has made a huge harbour deal with India, so Indian ships should be as safe as Chinese and Russian ones. But what about Greek ships?
India, Iran sign agreement on further development of Chabahar port
Iran also seems to have a deal with Russia, so US and Mossad bases in Erlib were bombed with missiles. The message is clear: USA, get out of West Asia! Rome, Paris and Madrid Back Out Of US-Led Bombing Campaign Of Yemen
UK defence secretary says what the Houthis are doing in Red Sea is totally separate from the situation in Israel/Gaza, because it is 2,600km away. He says retarded things, speaks in a retarded way, and as far as we can tell, he is retarded.
Russia has employed a new long range artillery in Ukraine, which will make it impossible for the Ukrainian side, who at the same time get their recruiters shot by the people who do not want to join the lost war to fight for Zelensky’s drugs.
Some in USA really want wars in Europe
Sweden’s prime minister Ulf Kristersson says that there is no risk of war right now though.
US primary in Iowa is over, everyone lost
Vivek who was the only one who excited voters dropped out and endorsed Trump (who complimented Vivek). But Trump should have won with more. DeSantis and Nikki lost in the way that they are so close to each other, that the anti-Trumpers don’t know whom they will run. Now they have to try a couple of more states, where Trump’s lead will become rock solid.
Nikki Haley got support from the most mentally challenged Swedish member of the EU parliament
Swedish immigration data is junk
18% refugees, 26% workers, 12% students and 45% “family”, but we don’t know to what.
Nürnberg January 14th 2024
Note that this is the day before yesterday's news. First I thought it was UpdatingOnRome and some very angry legions.
Schibsted’s Swedish media had to report about tractors in Berlin yesterday:
Thousands Of Tractors Blocks Berlin Traffic Over Plan To End Diesel Subsidy
Girls outdo the boys at school AND university with males achieving higher in only five GCSE subjects, study finds
This gives us a good hint:
The smartest boys are staying away from colleges!
While this is no proof, the more aggressive, less group-thinking group boys (vs more authority-loving girls) have their smartest individuals avoiding institutions that are bad.
So while there is no need to make different groups become the same, this is a huge warning signal to universities and everyone applying to them.
Afrochemistry is a thing now
I've studied Swedish chemistry all my life - The Swedish discoveries are many, but maybe more taught in Swedish schools than other important chemistry...
Just kidding, everyone should study only Swedkemi, or you are racist and mentally challenged as you can’t say Kalium nor Wolfram correctly - neither of these were discovered in Sweden, but don’t use stupid words for the basic elements!
No, Swedish does not have the most stupid word for oxygen (syre), German holds that title (Sauerstoff). In Finnish it's "happi", so they won.
Compare: "chemistry" vs "kemi" - No wonder Swedish chemists where more productive as they had to type way less.
"electricity" in Swedish is "el" - easier to make that flow!
What has Biden achieved?
Biden has achieved new records in wars started, budget deficits, US oil production is higher than ever, the USD's dominance over the EUR has increased, Germany is close to civil war, more human trafficking than ever; and the military is stronger and more capable than ever (the Russian one that is).
European farmers to be equipped with Starlink high precision manure soon?
Not ideal for huge demonstrations with thousands of tractors though, but good to have Starlink if you want to want to bomb rural tyrants with manure.
Se krigslänkarna på engelska!
Vissa i USA vill verkligen ha krig i Europa
Nikki Haley fick stöd av den minst kapabla EU-parlamentariken Sverige har
Vi vet fortfarande inte vilken typ av invandrare de 45% “angöriga” är! Jobbar de, är de lyxfruar, islamister, raketforskare, pensionärer?
Nürnberg14 januari 2024
Först trodde jag det var romerska legioner…
Schibsted blev till slut tvungen att rapportera om traktorer i Berlin:
Thousands Of Tractors Blocks Berlin Traffic Over Plan To End Diesel Subsidy
Afrokemi är en grej nu
Jag har studerat svensk kemi i hela mitt liv - De svenska upptäckterna är många, men kanske mer undervisade i svenska skolor än annan viktig kemi...
Skojar bara, alla borde bara studera Swedkemi, annars är du rasist och mentalt handikappad eftersom du inte kan säga Kalium (potassium) eller Wolfram (tungsten) korrekt - ingen av dessa upptäcktes i Sverige, men använd inte dumma ord för grundämnena!
Sverige har inte det dummast ordet för “oxygen” (syre), tyska håller den titeln (Sauerstoff). Finska vann med "happi".
Jämför: "chemistry" vs "kemi" - Inte undra på att svenska kemister var mer produktiva eftersom de behövde skriva mycket mindre.
Vad har Biden uppnått?
Biden har uppnått nya rekord i startade krig, budgetunderskott, USAs oljeproduktion är högre än någonsin, USD:s dominans över EUR har ökat, Tyskland är nära inbördeskrig, pedroapan lägger till människohandeln ifrån Mexico; och militären är starkare och mer slagfärdig än någonsin (den ryska alltså).
Tänk dig att du är olika personer som tycker olika delar av detta var jättebra!
Så lyckliga pedofiler, slavägare och knarklangare! Men vad tycker Greta om oljeproduktionen? Vad tycker Boeing om krigen nu när deras civila flygplan faller i bitar? Vad tycker USA-hegemonin om att Europa krossats? Vad tycker NATO's MIC om starkare Ryssland?
Tobias Baudin har irriterande nog inte fel
Han utelämnar vad MP+S-regeringen gjorde såklart:
Kommer europeiska bönder att utrustas med Starlink högprecisionsgödsel snart?
Inte perfekt för enorma demonstrationer med tusentals traktorer, men bra att ha Starlink om man vill bomba tyranner på landsbygden med gödsel.