Cures vs stopping symptoms. War against humanity. North EU situation. NASA denies NASA science.
Bot vs stoppa symtom. Krig mot mänskligheten. Tyskland visar återvändsgränden. NASA = NASA-förnekare
Today’s forest bike fight video.
He thinks that stopping the symptom = curing, while the symptoms often is the body's way to solve the problem.
If you take away the symptoms, you will likely create even worse problems. For example stopping fever (stops the needed immune response) or fixing skin conditions instead of getting more vitamin Bs.
The symptom of non-freedom is sadists in the government, and vaxx-passports make them more powerful and worse.
Always remember:
The establishment - The cabal - is at full war against us all
Facebook have the insane opinion that the Commander in Chief of the biggest army needs help to be protected against a grieving mother of a dead soldier.
Mike Flynn any many others even get their banking shut off:
Different ruling blocks right now, but similar situation in Germany 🇩🇪 and Sweden 🇸🇪
In short: The libtard “conservatives” in Germany and Sweden both want oppressive government that takes your freedoms away, and all they can do is pointing at the insane socialist and green parties that want even more of that:
There is also the Sweden Democrats / Alternative for Germany, but they are locked out from the power for the foreseeable future, and one can look at how long it took for Le Pen to be a viable alternative in France, or at least 16 years for Trump to prepare to run for president - Patience is the benefit of being a real estate developer. And how infiltrated of libtard communist pedophiles will AfS and SD be eventually?
This doesn’t work! The peoples need to organize themselves in new media, and search for solutions instead of picking an opinion and bet the life of the nation on that.
UK 🇬🇧 covid vaccine data
Adjusted for age group, ethnicity, lower-tier local authority, calendar week, vaccination status; regression adjustment for age, sex, index of multiple deprivation, specimen date, and international travel status, a little fewer Brits got severe Alpha-covid, and a little more got severe Delta-covid if they were vaccinated.
Note: Vaccinated people might have different behaviours not taken into account, and being scared and believing mainstream media and the healthcare system is of course a severe co-morbidity.
Child covid vaxxers will be convicted for crimes against humanity sooner or later
Electromagnetic Atmospheric Physics | For Beginners & NASA - Suspicious 0bservers
This is a great overview for beginners about what we actually know about the plasma in the atmosphere, while the paid monkeys on universities, media and government are denying this as it was vitamin D, zinc, stable blood sugar, ivermectin, curry, nasal sprays and mouthwashes in a profitable pandemic. And NASA’s propaganda department denies the existence of NASA research.
No, the Nordic countries are not socialist
We do have huge taxes on the middle class, but otherwise more free economies:
Note that all taxes are paid by the working middle class in the end. If the state takes money from the rich, the capital will just go elsewhere or demand more income to pay the taxes. Tax the banks, and its customers will pay that tax, for example. Tax the corporations, and they will pay lower salaries. Tax the government bosses more, and… OK, in best case these parasites might quit their job, but I doubt we’ll be that lucky.
Increased robberies, thefts and burglaries in my neighbourhood Ryd, outside of Linköping 😟
Swedish state media report translated. They also talk about that a culture of silence is spreading (well, except from me, I guess, but I’m not involved with the criminal neighbours as far as I know) and interesting that the agency that classify areas as “exposed”/”shitholes” is called NOA - A “noa-ord” in Swedish is a tabu word.
But at least I sometimes have a cute scary dog to defend me with:
Covid- och vaccindata ifrån Storbritannien 🇬🇧
Justerat för åldersgrupp, etnicitet, kommun i lägre nivå, kalendervecka, vaccinationsstatus; regressionsjustering för ålder, kön, index för multipel deprivation, provdatum och internationell resestatus, så fick de vaccinerade britterna en aning färre allvarlig Alpha-covid och lite fler fick allvarlig Delta-covid. Ingen stor skillnad dock, och osäkerheterna är för stora.
Notera: Vaccinerade människor kan ha olika beteenden som inte beaktas, och att vara rädd och tro på medier och hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet är naturligtvis en allvarlig komorbiditet.
“Över 80 procent på iva är ovaccinerade”
Johnny Hillgren, ordförande vid Svenska intensivvårdsregistret, är aningen en idiot eller så är det bara media som inte gett hela bilden av vad han sa. Vi vet att nyvaccinerade oftare fått covid och varit i riskgrupper som vid det här laget fått viruset även om de förstört sitt liv med distansering och munblöja. Medan ovaccinerade inte varit i riskgrupper och haft liten risk att få något förutom de nya varianterna som snart kommer att slakta de få vaccinerade som inte har någon naturlig immunitet också.
Så hur många låg på IVA då? Jo, 45 personer, dvs en på 222 222 svenskar, och därför måste vi vaccinera oss? Hur många av de som ligger på IVA av andra skäl är vaccinerade? Ni ser hur media och många i de stora organisationer fullständigt SKITER i om vaccinen hjälper folkhälsan eller inte.
Jonna Sima är ett geni, och även om jag inte i allmänhet vill ge uppmärksamhet till dumheter, så funderar jag över om vi inte kan lära oss något av henne. Folk är uppenbarligen inte intresserade av kloka resonemang och vettiga analyser där de lär sig nya saker. Så jag säger: “Sluta posta om Aftonbladets idiotier!”. (Se hur Sima-lerat resonemang jag gjorde där!)
I vanliga fall skriver jag "debattör" skrev något dumt i "en tidning" om jag vill bemöta detta. Men Sima lyckas extra bra med att trigga folk med rent trams, så hon personligen kan vara värd att studera.
Jag är inte rasist, men jag vill också kunna trigga får som Jonna Sima kan…