Political dissident fled to Belarus. Infiltrations. Evil DoJ. How to ignore "Thunberg" in Swedish
Politisk flyktning flydde till Belarus. Nya Dagbladet = Expo?!? Ondskan går efter nässprejer
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska draghunds-video. Lite kort om Nya Dagbladet-dramat längst ner.
Today’s English dog pulled video
Political persecution victim in Belarus
Politically persecuted man fled from USA to Belarus:
FBI has some very non-convincing evidence that looks more like a made-up story than video of him beating up a police officer. FBI has no credibility and has been involved in a coup attempt, but they still act as if anyone believes that they try to uphold the law.
Durham is getting closer
Not so much to say about this until much more arrests start to happen, except that most of the media is continuing to show that they are totally useless clowns that no one should pay attention to:
Governor Gavin Newsom at the 2021 California Economic Summit
So the vaccine damage was fake news? I think Steve Kirsch got fooled again. It’s corruption and deception in a try to feed wrong information to set up people who threaten their narrative. But Steve Kirsch does not like to be fooled, so I think shit and fan will have a love story.
But the vaccines do cause damage
The media clowns try to ignore the mass collapsing of vaxxed people, but it’s starting to become impossible:
The U.S. Department of Justice tries to covid murder people
We are at war. The enemy is doing everything in their power to kill as many as they can of us, but of course non of us are stupid enough to believe even the sound of their farts:
Time to get that backyard nuke:
Today’s Swedish lesson
Thunberg is pronounced "Tuunberg" where the G is like the Y in yellow, and the U is like the French U. Pronounce the R as you want, except in the French or American way! The two English “th” sounds are from the Norse languages, but we stopped using them some hundreds of years ago. But unlike Germans or French, few Swedes have any problem pronouncing the sound. We might say “th” (as in Thatcher) when we should have the toned “dh”-sound (like in “this”), but it isn’t as common as Swedes mix up the W and V, and even native English speakers don’t agree on what vowels to use in their howling sounding bad excuse for a language that you get when Viking trash shag French whores and a bunch of inbreed islanders. No offence to the TH-sounds though, those are OK, and still used on Iceland.
Alternativa bokmässan: Nya Dagbladet❤️Expo🤡
SwebbTV-ledaren förklarar: https://swebbtv.se/w/srXV7GWqPtXGNh98jSZKwm
Den självdefinierat anti-globalistiska tidningen Nya Dagbladet sysslar med emotionellt resonerade och/eller rent paranoit trams när de attackerar folk för medaljer och symboler. Och låter precis som vänsterextrema globalist-organisationen Expo. Ett tips om man är alternativmedia: Låt inte som Expo och Nordfront! Japp, nynazisterna var med på tåget också. De enda som saknades var Reinfeldt, Lööf och Wolodarski men de hejade förstås på.
Inte för att det här dramat i sig är speciellt viktigt, men titta på mönstret: Dels dyker det allt upp folk med beteendestörningen sårbar narcissism som börjar orsaka drama och dels så försöker clownvärlden alltid infiltrera precis alla organisationer. Clownerna tog snabbt över socialiströrelsen, och nu håller de på och skapar trams som Bulletin i ett patetiskt försök att styra narrativet i den nya högern som inte bara kritiserar etablisemanget utan ofta helt enkelt ignorerar det.