Trans-space. Macron? Health tips. Scottish SS. Military strengths. Gay marine sanctuary. Batteries
Transrymd. Macron? Hälsotips. Skottska SS. Militär styrkor. Bögmarinreservat? Tuffe-Uffe-lön + skoj
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Odysee, Bitchute)
🇸🇪 På svenska längst ner 👇
Today’s English video (Bitchute, Rumble)
Burt asserted in an indirect manner that soldiers who are parents might feel unsafe if their trans kids do not have access to gender affirming healthcare.
Anyone who gives or encourages "gender affirming healthcare" (castrations) of children should never get out of prison as Elon Musk firmly states every day.
Health tips
Good news: Stay out of sugar for just a month, and you never want that shit again.
Getting addicted to wheat is worse - modern wheat contains opioids, and you never forget that 😒
But you can focus on food you love! Many have explained that cutting down on morning carbs makes your day better, and while I drink some beer, I don't do other carbs at all, and I'm never hungry - I have to force the 2 eggs per day into me so that I can live to 117 like Emma Morano did.
Also, important: Never change what you eat too fast, because then you get sick
Also: Always change what you eat, because while that will make you feel less healthy, but you also get more resilient gut microbes.
Few are a fan of Macron…
Nor do people like Erdogan, but Macron seems to be more and more comfortable just a little outside of The Holy Narrative - Not too far outside of it, because Russia bad, climate and we need to prepare for the next plandemic.
Macron can’t be reelected and I actually can’t figure out what he is working for, so maybe this Rothschild banker-boy is just trying to figure out the meaning of work now?
Elon Musk has come out in support of France’s nuclear policies (that the nuclear plants haven’t been working properly lately is another issue…) and even supported the hugely unpopular pension reform that Macron pushed through.
Glenn in Dalarna explains a pension system
The pension system is only there to fool people, it is based on the idea that people are too bad at personal finance to put aside their own money for when they don't want to work anymore. At the same time, the state steals taxes and potential returns on the money from your first "earned" pension crown. If we citizens were to suddenly demand back every single prepaid krona (dollar/euro/etc) from the pension system, the Swedish economy would collapse immediately, why? Because the state has already spent the money that you have paid over the years. They also want to decide how old you are before you get access to your own money for the same reason. You, me and all future generations are fooled or at best we know that we are fooled.
Xi Greets 'Old Friend' Bill Gates Amid Simmering US-China Tensions
Xi says willing to engage in tech cooperation... Yea, hire the unhealthy fat autistic old man to improve the Chinese health?!? Bill Gates has some nuclear power company that wants to do business in China though (Trump stopped that), and that doesn’t sound retarded.
Earth quakes are not supposed to happen there!
Suspicious Observers think it has to do with the magnetic pool moving.
No problem! Per Bolund will fix that Earth Axis in no time with some push ups!
Text and video: Interesting story about an SS division moving to Scotland in 1947
That is very informative video, but why did Arabs, Jews and Eastern Europeans support "Nazism"? Nazism definitely went Too Far, but Europe was fighting Stalin and Churchill, both known genociders before the war.
My previous Substack on the WW-II lies, and what the people on the losing side thought:
Bullshit ranking?
I don’t see anything really wrong though. Except, Turkey’s military can definitely take out UK, France, Germany, Italy - all combined. It’s hard to judge a military like UK though, because it’s both very capable of destruction, but also not able to win a war.
And imagine UK+USA declaring a war against Iran: Never mind the diplomatic situation that would be even worse, but Iran would get Russian hypersonic missiles and there would be no Anglo-Saxon fleet, except the subs… That eventually have to go to a harbour where they can get hit.
Fake Robot News
According to Fox News, that you know from yesterday is an expert on glory holes, this is fake news. Joe Biden, despite that he wants to castrate children, is just a bigoted Democrat who only sniffs girls, or if he can't get close to them, even women.
Fox News reminds you to vote for Nikki, not as all as dumb as Kamala and supported by 16 out of 17 intel agencies. Lovely eyes signaling a very controllable narcissist or drug addict.
Swedish Prime minister Kristersson's salary raised to over $19 000/month (More than Macron)
Good, then Tuffe-Uffe can afford to pay back for what climate nonsense, sanctions and contributions to criminal international organizations such as WHO have cost.
The state owned electricity production company Vattenfall's CEO earns $130 000 per month.
Protest from fishermen against wind farms on the Swedish west coast
Kim Kiwi made an interesting point:
The wind farms will lead to protected areas for fish and shellfish, a place where they will increase in quantity without being fished out. Then again, aquatic animals don't understand human boundaries, so they'll go outside the area and get caught by fishing boats in greater numbers than now.
I don't know if I agree, but it’s an interesting point! We do know that protected sea areas increase the amount of fish outside of it. Only letting the fishermen fish in a small part of the sea will make the fishing industry more efficient.
The problem is all the microplastics that the wind turbines will spread and make the aquatic animals gay, and then the wind farm will start to look like the ocean version of San Francisco with hobos and drugs everywhere...
Toyota Claims Solid State Battery Breakthrough That Will Give EVs 932 Mile Range
Sometime in 2027 or 2028. As Samsung notes, a solid state battery has higher energy density than a Li-ion battery that uses liquid electrolyte solution. It doesn’t have a risk of explosion or fire, so there is no need to have components for safety, thus saving more space.
🇳🇴 "etterretningsmiljøet"?!? 😂🤣😅
That is Norwegian for "The intelligence community"
But if you translate from Swedish, "etterretningsmiljön" means "The venom teasing environment"
Yes, that describes the intelligence community better than "intelligence".
Tips om hälsa
Goda nyheter: Håll dig borta från socker i bara en månad, och du vill aldrig ha den skiten igen.
Att bli beroende av vete är värre - modernt vete innehåller opioider, och det glömmer man aldrig 😒
Men du kan fokusera på mat du älskar! Många har förklarat att om man skär ner på morgonkolhydraterna blir dagen bättre, och medan jag dricker öl så äter och dricker jag få andra kolhydrater, och jag är aldrig hungrig - jag måste tvinga i mig de 2 äggen per dag så att jag kan leva till 117 som Emma Morano gjorde.
Också viktigt: Ändra aldrig vad du äter för snabbt, för då blir du sjuk
Också viktigt: Ändra alltid vad du äter, för även om det får dig att känna dig mindre hälsosam, får du också mer motståndskraftiga tarmmikrober.
Få är ett fan av Macron...
Inte heller gillar folk Erdogan, men Macron verkar vara mer och mer bekväm bara lite utanför Det Heliga Narrativet - Inte för långt utanför det, för Ryssland dåligt, klimat och vi måste förbereda oss för nästa plandemi.
Macron kan inte bli omvald och jag kan faktiskt inte räkna ut vad han arbetar för, så kanske denna Rothschild-bankirpojke bara försöker räkna ut mening med jobbet nu?
Elon Musk har uttalat sitt stöd för Frankrikes kärnkraftspolitik (att kärnkraftverken inte har fungerat ordentligt på senare tid är en annan fråga...) och till och med stött den enormt impopulära pensionsreformen som Macron drev igenom.
Kristerssons lön höjs till över 190.000 kronor
Bra, då har Tuffe-Uffe råd att betala tillbaka för vad klimattrams, sanktioner och bidrag till kriminella internationella organisationer så som WHO kostat.
Vattenfalls VD tjänar 1 300 000 kr/månaden.
Glenn i Dalarna förklarar pensionssystemet
Pensionssystemet är endast till för att idiotförklara människor, det bygger på iden att människor är för dåliga på privatekonomi för att lägga undan egna pengar tills när man inte vill jobba längre. Samtidigt stjäl staten skatt och potentiell avkastning på pengarna från din första "intjänade" pensionskrona. Om vi medborgare plötsligt skulle kräva tillbaka varenda förbetald krona från pensionssystemet så skulle svensk ekonomi kollapsa direkt, varför? Jo för att staten har redan gjort av med de pengarna som du betalat under alla år. De vill även bestämma hur gammal du är innan du får tillgång till dina egna pengar av samma anledning. Ni, jag och alla kommande generationer är tvärlurade eller så vet vi i bästa fall om att vi är tvärlurade.
Kim Kiwi hade en intressant poäng:
Vindkraftparkerna kommer leda till skyddsområden för fisk och skaldjur, en plats där de kommer öka i mängd utan att bli utfiskade. Sen fattar inte vattendjur det där med mänskliga gränser så de kommer att ta sig utanför området och bli infångade av fiskebåtar i större mängd än nu
Jag vet inte om jag håller med, men en intressant poäng! Vi vet att skyddade havsområden ökar mängden fisk utanför dem. Att bara låta fiskarna fiska i en liten del av havet kommer att göra fiskeindustrin mer effektiv.