Tree in the lake. Brain washing tip. China, India, electric cars, climate and narcissists
Trädet i sjön. Hjärntvättips. Kina, Indien, elbilar, klimat och narcissister
Today’s English video. Och video på svenska. Och lajvsändning på Facebook kl 19:00 ikväll med Gustav Folk om vad vi i Sverige bör veta om den internationella korruptionen! Kom med frågor eller syndpunkter!
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Understanding the Chinese communists
While getting confused about that Odysee has a fire as a symbol for “thumbs up”, I listened to serpentza’s insights in how Communist China works, and as the CCP keeps on infiltrating media, entertainment, sports, government, political movements and big corporations, everyone needs to know your enemy. The problem is that they do not know when to stop, and will increase their power until they gain full control on every aspect of your life, or become defeated.
Notice the trick to make people do something that makes no sense, and when people give up and just do that to not be bothered, they lose a bit if their free will, and this has been used on prisoners to totally break them down by forcing them to do ever more stupid and bad things.
Narcissists as both climate alarmists and skeptics
You always see these people: “Haha, Greens a so dumb! Look at this electric car that isn’t working!”. They are not interested in where electric cars make sense or anything like that. They are only interested in making themselves feel better by spreading hate against others. When you point this out, they do emotional reasoning and personal attacks, and they might mention that you did an unrelated bad thing years back if they know you. Scott Adams suggested that you call them peacocks that are doing a fantastic job on trying to make themselves look good. They go away then.
On the man-made-warming side, a bunch of scientific fraudsters, are trying to debunk Suspicious Observers’ solar forcing climate understanding. Ben is convinced that they are lying, but if you have talked to a lot of narcissists, no, they probably are not. They literally can’t see stuff that is against their world view. If you point out “Look here! You are missing the particles from the Sun!” they will answer “Stupid Youtuber has no idea that the solar irradiance (the light) do not change much!”. If you then again point out that you talked about particles, not light, they will say that you get money from the oil industry, and that video on nutrition 5 years ago was so dumb!
India: Dr VA Shiva, Zerohedge + ivermectin again
Dr VA Shiva has an interesting take on explaining Indian politics, and how the main opposition party if teaming up with big tech to censor opponents.
And Zerohedge continues to post about ivermectin in India, while Swedish media with 99.99% of the independent journalists included just fail to report on this or how to cure covid. At best Swedish media mentions some drug that might work far in the future, and they have talked about budesonide as it was developed by Swedes, but otherwise it’s statistics (mostly wrongly reported) and then a bunch of narcissist who say that other narcissist are dumb. It is all very dumb.
På svenska
Jag måste arbeta på lajv-sändningen nu, så ni får lyssna eller läsa den engelska texten.
Jag har dock satt upp Substack så man kan betala för en prenumeration så billigt man kunde sätta det. Än så länge har jag inte planerat något specifikt innehåll bakom betalväggen utan dessa dagliga email kommer att vara gratis. Möjligen postar jag något mer kontroversiellt. Däremot ställer jag gärna upp som bollplank speciellt för prenumeranter om ni behöver skriva en text om teknik, politik eller liknande, eller ger personliga råd om var ni kan hitta mer information om något, och jag hoppas du vill stödja bara för att göra världen bättre eller kanske för att du vill plåga en narcissist…