Trump murderer confusion. The cabal moves to India? Loxist food companies. Rumble brands & progress
Skumt kring Trump-mordförsöket. Kabalen flyttar till Indien? USAs mat. Rumble-varumärken & framsteg
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Silver fir = silvergran
We all knew it! Video
They have to be killed or be locked up - all of them. And no, this is not an emotional reaction. We can not have demons, constantly gaslighting and hating us.
Trump Gunman Reported To Be Thomas Matthew Crooks
Crooks was from Bethel Park, PA
Elon Musk fully endorse President Trump now.
Trump said:
Thomas Massie: The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump. This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago. I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.
Possible explanation, the police boss told the snipers to not shoot the murderer.
Amuse also reports this - still unconfirmed.
Mike Benz: They’re wiping the shooter’s Facebook, IG, YouTube & X account so we can’t deduce his posting history, his manifesto, and most importantly, whom he followed, was followed by, and communicated with in the months & days ahead of the shooting.
A troll is posing as the shooter, so don’t fall for that. Another hoax is that a totally different guy was the shooter, and then it might be a much older Thomas Crooks donated to Act Blue.
OK, you sand puppies, let me post the link to Israel’s crimes again then:
No offence to sand puppies who are fine beautiful mammals who have extremely good morals. Except that they are known to exterminate their own if they aren’t total slaves, but mostly peaceful beautiful rats.
And after this, a big bunch of other posts were hidden just to really rub it in that we must not question their genocides, communism and murders.
The cabal is moving to India after destroying France, Netherlands, UK and now USA?!?
Dr Eric Berg: 4 unknown companies behind all toxic food in USA
If you do not know what a Loxist is, then look it up. They want to destroy your health, your culture, kill you with wars, usury and they never ever stop. Useless people think money is wealth. Productive people know that wealth is knowing how to build stuff. Demonic people know that money is only there to help them enslave other humans - the only thing they care about.
Rumble will create their own brands
For small efficient producers of anything, it would make sense to ignore all that marketing thing, and just sell under a Rumble brand. This is common in Sweden, where retail and grocery chains sell stuff under their own brand but it’s often the same stuff (eggs, milk, sugar, etc) as other chains sell under their brand.
Very smart, less wise than a retard
One of the world's brightest minds thinks he needs Moderna-injection #4: Maybe wisdom is lost in being able to correctly answer IQ questions designed by those who hate humanity?
🇸🇪 En av världens absolut skarpaste hjärnor tror han behöver Moderna-injection #4: Kanske visdom försvinner med att kunna svara rätt på IQ-frågor utformade av dem som hatar mänskligheten?
Mycket smarta och välinformerade människor som Vitalik Buterin kan inte hjärntvättas som vanliga människor med rädsla, känslor och identitetsövertalning. Det är mycket lättare: Du ger dem 4 fakta och ett solidt resonemang baserat på dessa fakta, och efter det kommer de inte att acceptera fakta 5 (det enda som spelade någon roll), eftersom de har agerat på en lögn och gjort hemläxan.
The future will be crazy
James Carville “Trump wants Democrats to keep Joe Biden as the candidate”
That’s just crazy-talk! Why would Trump want to face the Democrat monster that got more votes than anyone in USA’s history?!?
That would be like a Democrat wanting the Republicans to dig up Lincoln to free slaves and be gay again! Can you imagine how successful the Republicans would be with a candidate that will get close to 100% of the black vote and most of the gay community! The only thing worse for the Democrat would be if they managed to animate the Lincoln corpse so that it could grab ladies’ pussies and be as cute as a Putin lapdog.
How an AI thinks of the world’s nations as a person - thread
No, that is not France!
No, not the French king!
No, not France I tell you! Stop guessing France!!!
OK, finally: There is France!
I want to go to France, have beer and cookie, and give her a big hug!