Trump questioned by venture capitalists. Follow ups. Cherrypicked data? No cancer for the money
Trump utfrågad av riskkapitalister. Uppföljningar. Smultrondata? Brandsläckning. Ingen cancer för $n
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute, Rumble, 𝕏)
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All in Podcast interviews Donald Trump
All in Podcast are just some guys talking from their basements, and they also happen to be the best venture capitalists from Silicon Valley, and know a lot of stuff. They can really ask the right questions, but Trump should have had a team to help him too.
Some new stuff:
Trump clarifies that there will not be any federal ban on abortions and that it’s up to the states where it belongs now.
Students with an exam from USA should be allowed to get a green card, which made the entrepreneurs happy.
No NATO for Ukraine, no US troops to Ukraine.
JFK files will be released, and they weren’t fully released the last time because Trump’s advisors didn’t think the public was ready, but now Trump will release them right away.
“Cyprus” vs Hezbollah
It the Akrotir air base of Akrotiri and Dhekelia that might be used for attacks on Lebanon, and they are British Overseas territories, so this is about a fight between Hezbollah and UK (situated on the island Cyprus, not in the country Cyprus).
Mouse jiggler become “musrunkare”, and while “runka” means to masturbate, it just means moving back and forth. The problem is that the female genitalia is not called a “pussy”, but a “mouse” (mus) in Swedish… So “pussy fiddler”… You’ll see that in another shop than a computer shop.
A comment from Henning Witte on my Swedish video about central banker
Why don't you mention my White School of Economics? I wrote it in 2010 in Swedish and German and propose precisely that money is backed by labour and not debt as today or gold as in the past. I am the only one in Sweden to call for it. My book led to a referendum on the issue in Switzerland in 2018.
Kammler replied:
Well, it was the German engineer Gottfried Feder who revealed that it was "God's chosen people" who plundered all other peoples via their cunning bank debt slave system plus interest. When HItler got wind of this, he caught on right away and even wrote it in his famous book, because it is the MOST crucial meaning of the plundering of peoples. Then when Hitler came to power, he had Hjalmar Schacht work out the details of having state-created money backed by people's labour, liberated by the global bankers. Super smart & super simple, and which the chosen ones try to hide all they can, and it has succeeded well, because few know about this, but more interestingly, do not WANT to understand, because it means that Hitler was right, which is completely forbidden to think. The brutal brainwashing works well for them.This new system was called MEFO, which could then be used as money.
The other way to avoid the parasite banking system against other nations, was via barter, such as Germany exchanging its steam locomotives for Argentine beef cows. The above is the WHOLE background to why the chosen ones started VK2, so their golden calf would not die.Ivar Kreuger was murdered for the same reason, i.e. he lent money, WITHOUT interest on a global level.
Let's see if the chosen ones can handle the BRICKS new monetary system, which will kill their golden calf, for good.
Don't think so😃
Henning Witter replied:
I have tonight watched the over three hour film linked to above. Quite correct that Hitler was a thorn in the side of the Reptilian Jewish financial elite. We know that even from the Rakowski Committee/Protocols which were not mentioned. But the film did not explain why the ÖFFA and MEFO system were bills of exchange = loans that ran with a small interest rate and why Gottfried Feder was not made finance minister or Reichsbank chief by Hitler, but the Wall Street man Hjalmar Schacht, which is a giant scandal against Hitler! He was simply always overruled by the Reptiloids not least because of his Rothschild genes, so that Germany would ultimately be crushed in the worst way and on the way there destroy as many Russians as possible!
Why to follow me
Newsoids from The Sirius Report:
Chinese power consumption in May rose 7.2% y/y to 775bn kWh
Power consumption in Jan to May rose 8.6% y/y to 3.8tn kWh.
Context by me who asked Grok (sources disagree, but this seems OK), and we can indeed see that The Sirius Report didn’t cherry-pick data as electricity consumption in China varies a lot between months, but the trend for all months compared to last year seem be stable growth.
2020: 530.8
2021: 610.2
2022: 642.1
2023: 675.9
2020: 430.2
2021: 493.1
2022: 525.4
2023: 558.3
2020: 591.2
2021: 635.8
2022: 662.8
2023: 693.4
2020: 581.3
2021: 603.4
2022: 632.7
2023: 662.1
2020: 611.5
2021: 651.9
2022: 678.5
2023: 722.2
2020: 641.6
2021: 687.6
2022: 711.4
2023: 775.1
2020: 675.8
2021: 711.3
2022: 739.6
2023: 888.8
2020: 683.4
2021: 718.5
2022: 746.3
2023: 923.4
2020: 631.6
2021: 664.8
2022: 691.8
2023: 851.6
2020: 581.1
2021: 613.9
2022: 639.1
2023: 783.9
2020: 562.3
2021: 593.2
2022: 618.9
2023: 752.1
2020: 622.4
2021: 644.5
2022: 664.7
2023: 822.7
Video in Ukrainian, English subs:
Diana Panchenko about her Ukrainian perspective of the war
Redacted News interviews Jew fire fighter
No, he is not a Jew, he fights Jew fire. Grzegorz Braun
“Firefighters across the globe unite”!
He got 0 minutes of time in media. He memed himself to the EU parliament.
20K likes (some might mean “Interesting lunacy” thought - which it is) on a post the Talmud follower Hillel Fuld (145 K followers) explained that Jews who voluntarily or after Mossad terror moved to Israel is “ethnic cleansing”.
I guess they had to invent a special word for racism against Jews as most of “racism” against Jews are done by Jews who blame others for it.
I admire her courage 😊
And I spelled her name wrong… Oups. Here is the correct one:
Am I a manipulative and mean to someone who calls herself a “white woman”? No, I’m manipulative and mean to a Jewish monster who calls herself “white” or “Jew” depending on what she is lying about:
"Insane": Senate Dems Blasted For Adding Women To Draft
Draft every Miss Biden! Especially those in Congress! They obviously don’t care about age, so I think Pelosi will do just fine alongside AOC (who actually is against the wars, but she is a team-player and has to help out) at a Russian meat grinder.
We know that Elon Musk like gaming, but his new graphic card is just a little too much, if you ask me, which no one did:
Ouch! Big pharma must be pissed! They were promised a lot of cancer, and got none?!?
Video: Sex is nice - Said no male hedgehog ever!
Getting cut down isn’t the end for a goat willow (sälg).
The goat willows have widely different sizes on their leaves. Confusing.
All in Podcast intervjuade Donald Trump
All in Podcast är bara några killar som pratar från sina källare, och de råkar också vara de bästa riskkapitalisterna från Silicon Valley, och vet en hel del saker. De kan verkligen ställa rätt frågor, men Trump borde ha haft ett team för att hjälpa honom också.
Några nya saker:
Trump klargör att det inte kommer att finnas något federalt förbud mot aborter och att det är upp till delstaterna där det hör hemma nu.
Studenter med en examen från USA ska kunna få ett grönt kort, vilket gjorde entreprenörerna glada.
Inget Nato för Ukraina, inga amerikanska trupper till Ukraina.
JFK-filerna kommer att släppas, och de släpptes inte helt förra gången eftersom Trumps rådgivare inte trodde att allmänheten var redo, men nu kommer Trump att släppa dem direkt.
“Cypern” vs Hezbollah
Det är flygbaserna Akrotiri och Dhekelia som kan användas för attacker mot Libanon, och de är brittiska besittningar, så det handlar om en kamp mellan Hizbollah och Storbritannien (som ligger på ön Cypern, inte i landet Cypern).
Henning Witte skrev lite kommentarer om centralbankeriet
Varför nämner du inte min Vita Skola i Nationalekonomi? Jag skrev den 2010 på svenska och tyska och föreslår precis att pengar backas upp av arbete och inte skuld som idag eller guld som förr. Jag är den enda i Sverige som kräver det. Min bok ledde till en folkomröstning om frågan i Schweiz 2018.
Kammler replikerade:
Nja, nu var det ju så att det var den tyske ingenjören Gottfried Feder som avslöjade att det var "guds utvalda folk" som plundrade alla andra folk via deras sluga bankskuldslavsystem plus ränta. När HItler fick nys om detta, så fattade han det med en gång och skrev det t.o.m. i sin kända bok, eftersom det är den MEST avgörande betydelsen för utplundringen av folk. Sedan när Hitler kom till makten, så lät han Hjalmar Schacht utforma detaljerna med att låta av staten nyskapade pengar backas upp av folks arbete, befriat av de globala bankirerna. Supersmart & superenkelt, och som de utvalda försöker dölja allt vad de kan, och det har ju lyckas bra, för få känner till detta, men mer intressant, VILL inte förstå, för det betyder ju att Hitler hade rätt, vilket är helt förbjudet att tänka. Den brutala hjärntvätten funkar bra för dom.
Detta nya system hette MEFO, som sedan kunde användas såsom pengar.
Det andra sättet att undgå parasitbanksystemet gentemot andra nationer, var via byteshandel, typ att Tyskland bytte sina ånglokomotiv mot argentinska biffkor.
Ovanstående är HELA bakgrunden till varför de utvalda startade VK2, så deras guldkalv inte skulle dö.
Ivar Kreuger mördades av bl.a. samma skäl, d.v.s. han lånade ut pengar, UTAN ränta på global nivå.
Få se nu om de utvalda klarar av BRICKS nya monetära system, som kommer att avliva deras guldkalv, för gott.
Tror inte det 😃
Henning Witter svarar:
Jag har i natt tittat på den över tre timmar långa filmen som länkas till ovan. Helt korrekt att Hitler var en nagel i ögat för den Reptil-judiska finanseliten. Det vet vi även från Rakowskikommitén / protokollerna som inte nämndes. Men filmen förklarade inte varför ÖFFA och MEFO systemet var växlar = lån som löpte med en liten ränta och varför Gottfried Feder inte gjordes till finansminister eller Reichsbankchef av Hitler, men Wall Street mannen Hjalmar Schacht, vilket är en jätte skandal emot Hitler! Han var helt enkelt alltid överstyrd av Reptiloiderna inte minst p g a sina Rothschildgener, så att Tyskland i slutändan skulle krossas på värsta sätt och på vägen dit förinta så många ryssar som möjligt!