Biden corruption. Prigozhin ended. Ukraine fools vs reality. Meta-Dumb Fs. Cool stuff. CIA Islam
Biden-korruption. Prigozhin slut. Ukraina-tokar vs verkligheten. Meta-Dummisar. Prylar. CIA-muslimer
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Today’s English video (Rumble)
The Biden Administration is a mafia
The good news is that the mafia has so many diversity hires that it’s failing bad.
‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family in extraordinary video
Seems like Prigozhin will never be seen again
Video from the raid of Prighozin’s mansion and office building, including his own media group offices. Just a van filled with cash, totally normalno:
Lithuania slams China in new Indo-Pacific strategy
Maybe Andorra should adjust their Baltic strategy to deflate the Lithuanian egos?
Never start to believe your own propaganda!
University of St Andrews - Scotland's first university, founded 1413 must be proud!
Thinking Slow explains: Your distorted chart completely ignores air power and only shows a small fraction of  equipment and so is completely (and deliberately) misleading.
After the summer offensive, Ukraine is way weaker than this. Only minefields and infantry hiding in forests and basements are stopping Russia from reaching Ukraine’s western border.
And the summer offensive is going nowhere and Russia is now getting back all the taken tiny pieces of land. And mercenaries are hit and killed even in Lviv by Russia (Blinken got furious). Biden’s war of corruption is going beyond badly.
So Meta created “Threads” to compete with Twitter
Mark Zuckerberg already controls the largest:
Messaging apps on the planet (WhatsApp, Messenger)
Photo sharing app on the planet (Instagram)
Friends/family app on the planet (Facebook)
This is Zuck back at the start of The Facebook:
Just a like from David Sacks and I like him better
So I wrote:
How can people like David Sacks, Scott Adams or I be better at predicting than experts?
Because we try to be right - We are bad at it, but the experts are not even trying unless they have the right skin in the game
Usually the experts have skin in the game of misleading.
And then I was quoting yesterday’s Substack:
This attempt (From RAND) to put a positive spin on the Ukrainian Counteroffensive is actually a series of enormous admissions:
1) “the Offensive has failed” (call it the 1st Phase if you want, it’s the counteroffensive to date)
2) “NATO Military Tactics do not work against Russian Defenses” (wait what)
3) “he expects Limited-Successes along the Frontline but No Major Breakthroughs” (but if Ukraine can’t retake significant territory, that refutes the entire strategy of the counteroffensive. It also contradicts what western publics who are financing the war were promised. So what’s the strategy now and why aren’t we negotiating?)
Just in case you want to hire or partner with anyone from UChicago
Unless, it’s DANIEL SCHMIDT, just stay away from those toxic useless pieces of narcissism and entitlement!
In my first month at college, I couldn't participate in a debate tournament because I'm white (yes, you read that correctly). I broke the story, and national publications picked it up. The tournament did not happen the following year.
A few months later, my administration announced that unvaccinated students were banned from dining halls. As I discovered, this policy was blatantly illegal. After I pressed my administration, the policy was quietly reversed.
When Anne Applebaum spoke at my university about fighting disinformation, I asked her if she and the media were wrong to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation. Her answer: “I don't find it to be interesting.”
After I asked Liz Cheney about Ray Epps, a student apologized to her for my “behavior” and called me “the worst this campus has to offer.” This should give you an idea of what type of students are at elite universities nowadays.
G.Strand Peter "Poker" Wallenberg Jr: "We can bet on excellence"
The success of the Wallenberg family is unparalleled in European business life. The profits are collected in a long series of foundations and contribute to Swedish research in a unique system. In 2022, the Wallenberg foundations made a record contribution of SEK 2.6 billion to research and education. "The company's dividends give us the conditions to invest in excellence, long-termism and free research to strengthen Sweden," says Peter Wallenberg Jr.
The root of evil!
Wallenberg "The root of evil!"?!?
Non sequitur
My mate Marcus Wallenberg and other Wallenberg:s do things that seem good but also selfish, and then suddenly they are evil? That does not follow.
You think the anti-Wallenberg mob is created by the deep state, because Wallenbergs like Trump?
When I’m not defending Wallenberg, I’m dying on the Nazi hill
In 1940 UK was bombing Berlin civilians for months (as they were unable to fight the Luftwaffe destroying their airfields). Germany warned the drunk genocider of Indians Churchill over and over again, but he didn't care. So Mr H did the huge mistake of bombing London
The British people never knew what terror the drug-lords and pirates that ran their government did to Germany, so they got committed to a genocidal war against Germans but also to support the worst genocider of Russians of all time: Stalin.
(Who killed more Brits than Churchill? Except for Big Pharma.)
In the last translation from “@putinDirect” I looked at, Putin calls the toxic groups in Ukraine "Neo-Nazis" which I strongly approve of. There is nothing "Nazi" about a movement in Ukraine financed by USA-UK since 1948. Actual old school Nazis (whom I don't support) would build rockets, go to the Moon and write a book about Elon establish a colony on Mars (Like Werner von Braun).
The 1942 Nazis and hundreds of different allies from North Africa to allied states in Europe, were so scared of Stalin that they would ally with anything that was against Stalin's/UK's reign of terror.
Never watch the 6 hour documentary, that promote something we are against, but you will. Eventually. The other side of the story needs to be told:
Mr H promoted peaceful Zionism that benefited both the Christian and Muslim Palestinians that got opportunities, and the Jews that wanted to get out of the communist Jew ran Ghettos.
This is just a reframe - no new information for you know know history.
"AI based laser based"
Brian Roemmele was Tweeted about this:
Guess where?
The MSG Sphere, a $2.3 billion venue one block east of the Vegas Strip. This 366-foot-tall sphere is wrapped in 1.2 million LEDs—which together allegedly form the largest video screen on Earth—that can display anything one would want to display on an enormous sphere
There are NPCs and then there are very poorly programmed whatever they are:
Camilla Lundgren: Is Islam a problem in Lebanon? No.
Mats BSS pointed out that he talked to a person from Lebanon today, and according to her Islam is a great problem in Lebanon. Of course Lebanon also has fought a long civil war that the woke pro-LGBTQRSLDFJKW pro-Islam activists don’t know about.
But the UAE arguably works fine despite a lot of Islam. In Dubai I met an Arab from Egypt, and he had to get married in Egypt because the UAE does not allow women to do so without the consent of their father or brother.
But economically and peacefully, the UAE is a Switzerland except for many guest workers, mostly Muslims from the subcontinent, who have few rights or opportunities.
It is the CIA-Islamists who are the problem. They smuggle drugs for the deep state which encourages their narcissism to feel victimized while attacking the freedoms of others as if they were environmentalists.
An example: During the Soviet war in Afghanistan, Peter Strzok's father trained the Mujahideen in Iran! In Iran, which was then called the enemy of Israel and the US.
The game is about hegemony, drugs and the Cantillon effect. The rest is an act for the people, but even those in power often believe their own lying propaganda. If they lie well enough, it works for far too long anyway.
I suggest Rockall as the new headquarter for The Atlantic Council.
Större delen av den engelska texten är ej översatt nedan:
G.Strand Peter skriver: "Poker" Wallenberg Jr: "Vi kan satsa på excellens"
Familjen Wallenbergs framgångar saknar motstycke i europeiskt näringsliv. Vinsterna samlas i en lång rad stiftelser och bidrar till svensk forskning i ett unikt system. År 2022 gjorde Wallenbergstiftelserna en rekordutdelning på 2,6 miljarder kronor till forskning och utbildning. "Bolagets utdelningar ger oss förutsättningar att investera i excellens, långsiktighet och fri forskning för att stärka Sverige", säger Peter Wallenberg Jr.
Roten till det onda!
Wallenberg "Roten till det onda!"?!?
Non sequitur
Min kompis Marcus Wallenberg och andra Wallenbergare gör saker som verkar goda men också själviska, och då är de plötsligt onda? Det det saknas logik där.
Kanske anti-Wallenberg mobben är skapad av den djupa staten, för att Wallenbergarna gillar Trump?
När jag inte försvarar Wallenberg emot usla argument så dör jag på nazistkullen
1940 bombade Storbritannien civila i Berlin i flera månader (eftersom de inte kunde bekämpa Luftwaffe som förstörde deras flygfält). Tyskland varnade den berusade folkmördaren Churchill om och om igen, men han brydde sig inte. Så Mr H gjorde det stora misstaget att bomba London
Det brittiska folket fick aldrig veta vilken terror de knarklangare och pirater som styrde deras regering begick mot Tyskland, så de engagerade sig i ett folkmordskrig mot tyskar men också för att stödja den värsta folkmördaren av ryssar genom tiderna: Stalin.
(Vem dödade fler britter än Churchill? Förutom Big Pharma.)
I den senaste översättningen från "@putinDirect" jag tittade på kallar Putin de giftiga grupperna i Ukraina för "nynazister" vilket jag starkt ställer mig bakom. Det finns inget "nazistiskt" med en rörelse i Ukraina som finansierats av USA-UK sedan 1948. Verkliga gamla skolans nazister (som jag inte stöder) kom att bygga raketer, åka till månen och skriva en bok om Elon som etablera en koloni på Mars (Werner von Braun gjorde allt detta).
Nazisterna 1942 och hundratals olika allierade från Nordafrika till allierade stater i Europa, var så rädda för Stalin att de skulle alliera sig med allt som var emot Stalins / Storbritanniens terrorregim.
Titta aldrig på den 6 timmar långa dokumentären, som främjar något vi är emot, men du kommer att göra det. Så småningom. Den andra sidan av historien måste berättas:
Herr H förespråkade en fredlig sionism som gynnade både de kristna och muslimska palestinier som fick möjligheter, och de judar som ville ta sig ur de judekommunistiskt styrda ghettona.
Detta är bara en omformulering - ingen ny information för dig som känner till historien.
Gissa var!
MSG Sphere, en arena värd 2,3 miljarder dollar ett kvarter öster om Vegas Strip. Denna 110 meter höga sfär är insvept i 1,2 miljoner LED-lampor - som tillsammans påstås utgöra världens största videoskärm - som kan visa vad som helst som man skulle vilja visa på en enorm sfär.
Det finns låtsasmänniskor (NPCs) och sedan finns det väldigt dåligt programmerade vad nu detta är:
Fast UAE fungerar argumenterbart fint trots mycket Islam. I Dubai mötte arab ifrån Egypten, och han hade varit tvungen att gifta sig i Egypten för UAE tillåter inte kvinnor att göra sådant utan pappas eller brors medgivande
Men ekonomiskt och fredsligt sett är UAE ett Schweiz förutom för många gästarbetare, mestadels muslimer ifrån Subkontinenten, som har få rättigheter eller möjligheter.
Det är CIA-Islamisterna som är problemet. De smugglar knark åt den djupa staten som uppmuntrar deras narcissism att känna sig som offer medan de attackerar andras friheter som om de vore miljöpartister.
Ett exempel: Under Sovjets krig i Afghanistan så tränade Peter Strzoks pappa Mujahideen i Iran! I Iran som då kallades fienden till Israel och USA.
Spelet handlar om hegemoni, droger och Cantillon-effekten. Resten är skådespel för folket, men även makthavare tror ofta på sin egen lögnaktiga propaganda. Ljuger de tillräckligt bra fungerar det ändå alldeles för länge.