Repeat Vitamin D! Cognitive dissonance, persuasion, Ukrainian "democracy" & Who attacked?
Upprepa D-vitamin! Kognitiv dissonans, övertalning, ukrainsk "demokrati" & vem anföll?
🇸🇪 Dagens tomatiga svenska video. På svenska längst ner. Ursäkta sen video/Substack, men jag hade lite värmeproblem.
Today’s English tomato video. Sorry for the late Substack/video but I had some heat problems.
While Biden Tests Positive - I hope that shit survives, because no one else is better at waking the NPCs up from their sleep. Biden’s approval-rating is ~31% now, and I think that needs to go to under 10% with him still in office before some people start to see that there is anything wrong.
Vitamin D - We can fix this!
We can wipe out vitamin D deficiency, but we need to reach the people who aren’t watching hundreds of Dr Eric Berg videos - because they don’t need to! They just need to understand the conclusions of the sciences, whom to trust, and that the government is at war with them.
The Daily Mail is “reporting”:
Pure projection that pretty well describes the dire situation on the Ukrainian side.
Zelenskyy is falling into obscurity
The clown Zelenskyy had one very close friend in his fellow clown Bojo that visiting him for personal support every time stuff didn’t go so well in UK. But without Bojo, and Biden’s support might be forgotten as Joe isn’t really there and Hunter is forgetting laptops everywhere.
EU kleptocrats are trying to send loan to Ukraine, which will just make the incentive to make the country into a Russian protectorate stronger. Ukraine has also sold its gold reserve 10 times over… If you bought some Ukrainian gold or debt, I have plenty of bridges to sell to you - You have the Bitcoin address in my video descriptions.
US "Started" The Ukraine Crisis, China Says, In Fiercest Official Criticism Yet
Foreign ministry responds to repeat allegations that Beijing is assisting Russia: "As the one who started the Ukraine crisis & the biggest factor fueling it..."
In Sweden the problem with electrical scooters everywhere is getting worse by the century. The image below shows the situation in Stockholm in 1916, and just 106 years later, the scooters are a little bit smaller, more efficient and there are more of them:
7 tecken på D-vitamin-brist:
Högt blodtryck
Smärta i nedre ryggen
Blodsocker / insulinresistens
Känslighet för virus
Autoimmuna problem
Trötthet under dagen
Vi kan utrota D-vitaminbrist, men vi måste nå de människor som inte tittar på hundratals Dr Eric Berg-videor - för det behöver de inte! De behöver bara förstå vetenskapens slutsatser, vem de kan lita på, och att staten är i krig mot dem.
USA "Startade" Ukraina-krisen, säger Kina, i sin mest brutala kritik hittills
Utrikesministeriet besvarar upprepade anklagelser om att Beijing hjälper Ryssland: “Säger den som startade Ukraina-krisen och är huvudstödet för att underblåsa den.”