ESG vs Sri Lanka. Wind power fake graphics. Unstablecoin. Libtardness is testosterone deficiency
ESG mot Sri Lanka. Vindkraftslögner. Ostabil-coin. Vänsterblivenhet är testosteronbrist. Clare Daly
🇸🇪 11 kaffe med lördags-gänget.
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. På svenska längst ner, men använd automatöversättning för resten.
Today’s English squirrelly video
Eurovision about TheCurrentThing™
Might suck worse than Oscars or the White House Media dinner, but at least some songs are in foreign languages so you don’t have to understand them.
Food Riots In Sri Lanka Turn Deadly As Protesters Beat Up Police, Burn Down Politicians' Houses
If you are a sadist satantic Klaus Schwab licking technocrat piece of politician so that you implement ESG (Egoist Satanic Gaslightning: technocrat “green” central planning of private companies) your home will be burnt down. Not a threat, not a promise, but a fact.
Violent protests are however a horrible tool for the ones opposing the tyranny. The way to go is to organize well, and spread refusal to support the tyrant financially and theatrically. The thing is: If you treat the leader as someone important that needs to be taken out, you are giving that leader and especially the organizations behind the leader more power.
How to lie about wind and solar
A country like Lithuania imports about 77% of its electricity (mostly from Latvia and Sweden, but also from Russian Kaliningrad and Belarus, while generally exporting to Poland), but this is superduper important to understand about especially wind: The VALUE of the energy produced by wind (when there is too much wind power) is WAY fewer percent of the total energy production VALUE as the wind produces most of the energy when the price is at its lowest. But that doesn’t stop technocrat lying pieces of ESG-demons to make these misleading graphics.
If Denmark doubles its wind power, it will increase the energy value from wind from 15% to 20%, as the most value of electricity is created by imports and gas powered plants when the wind isn’t blowing. It isn’t uncommon for two neighbouring zones in Scandinavia to have a price difference of 10 times and often way more than that for single hours due to not sufficient transmission capacity and varying winds. Countries more dependent on gas and coal don’t have these problems, but don’t get really cheap electricity sometimes either.
Learn to make your own infant formula that’s far healthier than store-bought processed formula
Compare to the article I linked to 4 days ago. The milk based ones are very similar.
That isn’t a stable stablecoin
The former stablecoin TerraUSD lost its connection to USD on May 9th and haven’t been able to regain its value. There were $18.6 billion locked up in this token on the 9th of May, while the biggest stablecoins have these amount of issued tokens:
Tether, the oldest stablecoin, available on different platforms: $76 billion
USD Coin, sold by Coinbase: $51 billion
Binance USD issued on the BNB blockchain: $18 billion
DAI, a USD-pegged coin backed up by Ethereum and other assets (not USD) via a smart contract: $6 billion
True USD: $1.2 billion
The leftovers of TerraUSD are valued to $2 billion now
So why does this matter for people who aren’t using crypto? Well, it shows that the stablecoins aren’t perfect yet even if this was just one of them and it might actually recover. And now when there is USD deflation (as I’ve talked a lot about lately so that you don’t think we’re having inflation just because food and energy are getting more expensive) the crypto markets are the canary in the coal mine before stocks and real estate markets start to really crash while investors now are brainwashed to believ in inflation.
But the future stablecoins will be much better: More secure, faster, more privacy, and simpler to use. Hopefully not dependent on the Fed’s USD either. When that happens, taxation will get into even more trouble.
Robert Malone, Ryan Cole and others explaining the problems and what need to be done now. It’s time for the sadist narcissists who don’t have any argument against these experts to be forced down on their knees to confess that they are wrong, that they never cared about the truth and that they were only interested in making others obey and steal some social status.
Just for weekend speculation:
The North Korean mystery sickness:
George might be totally wrong here, but this might warrant caution in North Korea until they have figured out what is happening, but lockdowns and face diapers will not help.
Narcissist breaking down in desperate cry for attention: “Joe Rogan hates trans people because he had sex with them”
It’s pointless to show that video to people who already despise that shithead, except to tell them to use it to show people who still take anything from The Young Turks seriously.
However notice a trick Gavin Newsom is using (not just in this election, but in previous ones too) though: The Pied Piper strategy. He does “attack ads” against the weakest Republican candidate so that that one gets a lot of attention, and then other Democrats or now the over-competent independent Michael Shellenberger might not be the other candidate (in California, the 2 candidates with the most votes in the primaries regardless of party will be nominated for the final vote, so if an incumbent just can boost an unelectable candidate above the others, it’s done): “All that’s required now is for voters to see through the effort by Gavin to help my Republican opponents.”
So unlike Newsom, I don’t want to promote an enemy like TYT, not paint everyone on that side as that ogre.
The few good people in the EU-parliament
The European Parliament is made up of 705 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from 27 Member States.
Irish Clare Daly possesses a kind of f*ck-off capital that allows her to dare to challenge, ask questions and expose hypocrisy.
Perhaps we should ask ourselves why we don't have a Swedish MEP with a bit of skin in the game like Irish Clare Daly, Romanian Cristian Terheș or German Christine Anderson?
For those who do not fight for obvious issues that benefit all EU citizens, whose interests are they fighting for? Oligarchs & global corporations...?
Some topical video clips on the EU, NATO and J. Assange, among other issues here.
We need to make these people more heard, more powerful, and make the puppet politicians make fools out of themselves explaining away their actions and non-actions.
Science: A small RCT study confirms our believes with 99.9% chance
Testosterone makes libtards more Republican
Summary: View help for Summary We tested the fixity of political preferences of 136 healthy males during the 2011 U.S. presidential election season by administering synthetic testosterone or placebo to participants who had identified the strength of their political affiliation. Before the testosterone treatment, we found that weakly affiliated Democrats had 19% higher basal testosterone than those who identified strongly with the party (p=0.015). When weakly affiliated Democrats received additional testosterone, the strength of their party fell by 12% (p=.01) and they reported 45% warmer feelings towards Republican candidates for president (p < 0.001). Our results demonstrate that testosterone induces a “red shift" among weakly-affiliated Democrats. This effect was associated with improved mood. No effects were found of testosterone administration for strongly affiliated Democrats or strong or weak Republicans. Our findings provide evidence that neuroactive hormones affect political preferences.
Of course more testosterone makes people more individualistic and less slave-like, so that is why the ones in power do everything they can to make males less manly with everything from diet to cultural manipulation. But that also means that the ones defending the the powers that shouldn’t be are the weaker and dumber humans, so building the power on others’ weakness is a strategy that only work in the short term.
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För få EU-parlamentsledamöter så som irländska Clare Daly
Fredrik Widmark skrev:
Europaparlamentet består av 705 ledamöter (Member of European Parlament, MEP) från 27 medlemsländer.
Irländska Clare Daly besitter ett slags f*ck-off kapital som gör att hon vågar utmana, ställa frågor och avslöja hyckleri.
Vi borde kanske fråga oss varför vi inte har någon svenska ledamot med lite skinn på näsan som t.ex. irländska Clare Daly, rumänska Cristian Terheș eller tyska Christine Anderson?
För de som inte kämpar för självklara frågor som gagnar alla EU-medborgare, vems intressen kämpar de då för? Oligarker & globala storföretag…?
Några aktuella klipp om bl.a. EU, NATO och J. Assange här.
Vi behöver göra dessa människor mer hörda, mäktigare, och göra så att skådespelar-politikerna måste göra sig till åtlöje när de tvingas försöka bortförklara allt de gör och inte gör.
Vetenskap: En liten randomiserad studie med visar med 99.9% chans att våra fördomar var korrekta:
Testosteron gör vänsterblivna mer höger
Dåliga datum är dålig humor av Hans Wallmark
Partiernas “NATO-beslut” fredagen den 13e och valet är den 11e september.
Hans Wallmark (M) är även känd för att använda Löfvens episka retorik och uttala "Oacceptabelt!"... Som om det vore ett argument, information eller något annat än en korv med bröd som går åt fel håll ifrån ändtarmen.