Sunday "live" up finally. New takes on news: RFKjr, DeSantis, covid spread. Where to live broadcast?
Söndags-lajv uppe (& ner). Ominramningar: G5 hälsoutreds, DeSantis, Covid-spridning. Var direktsända?
Dagens svenska video. Svensk text längst ner och mycket snack
Today’s English video. (There will be more late night babble here in text though)
This got retweeted quite a lot, so one can assume it was informative:
Despite a few broken links, this explains the health problems with the industrial seed oils:
This is not about black seed oil, flax seed oil, etc that have other properties and might actually be beneficial, but of course not in the huge amounts people are consuming the industrial seed oils. Real (which is hard to find as there is fraud on every level) olive oil and avocado oil are something different, because those are fruits and not seeds, and they want to be eaten. Coconut oil is also nothing to avoid as far as I know, but it has strong virus destroying effects, which might actually be a problem.
It took forever, but now the video links from Sunday are working. Maybe very fittingly satanically upside down at first, but I’ll upload the fixed ones.
Kamala ready for office?
And Twitter loves its terrorists, but not Trump or even Jenna Ellis. Abandon these platforms as much as you can, just like they have abandoned humankind. But more importantly: Help others find new platforms! (Odysee explained the video platforms here)
I doubt anything important will be won in courts
There is no rule of law in Australia anymore, and until people have built up so strong networks outside of government control, the government will just go faster and faster against totalitarianism.'s-shock:2
FCC has to review 5G safety guidelines
CHD: “Dear agency FCC and big telecom, can you please produce a lot of regulations that create monopolies?” Can anyone see how an expanding FCC and the soon to be monopoly big telecom feel “really hurt” by RFK Jr. But good that we’ll get to know more about the risks.
Not even DeSantis can offer too good solutions?
But what if DeSantis pushed curry, black seed oil, calcifediol (activated vitamin D that works in hours), EGCG (green tea extract), quercetin, zinc and no-carb-while-sick? Add some colloidal silver silver, chlorine oxide or anything to clear out most the viruses in the mucus membranes! Avoid histamine rich food just in case!
Then any one in charge can't be seen as the hero, because people would just treat themselves without even thinking of calling a doctor for such a mundane problem, and thought it was CNN that informed them? That is one of the problems with too good too final solutions.
Example: I had a programmer friend and he was told by his boss to fix a routine that took over 8 hours to run, which was fine for the customer as it was run during the night, but the time kept increasing fast. He rewrote it so it took 4 seconds, and then his boss told him to make it slower because otherwise that customer would never trust the company again... Even if people want to cure people, they can’t use a cure that is just too good because people will either not believe it or the people who found the solution will be blamed for not using it earlier.
How to solve that?
I’m commenting the Swedish public health agency on Facebook
I’m still not banned from Facebook strangely.
How many people are at risk of dying from ADE before you encourage more spread of covid so that people get vital natural immunity? 1? 2? Maybe 3 million? Studies now show that people can get natural immunity without getting sick (see covid19crusher on Twitter), so those who have distanced themselves are the risk group now.
But FHM has really tried to do a good job against completely crazy media, thoroughly corrupt the Medical Products Agency and all politicians who can not say vitamin D, zinc, ionophores and blood sugar, and of course even less ability to read a study on turmeric / curry and nasal spray / mouthwash.
But as long as people read (Swedish mainstream media) Aftonbladet, Expressen, DN and watch SVT and TV4, they will get sick and die unnecessarily, at the same time as they ruin their lives with panic for the wrong health risk, and these people are the ones who fill the hospitals, not Lars Bern or I.
(Just at rant, but… But can I just live stream? No, of course not! But maybe!)
Live streaming, video platforms = Hell
I use Ubuntu Linux
Odysee explains almost all video platforms honestly (Odysee included) here:
There is that you can use to stream to any video platform, but I have to pay to use that feature and can now only stream to Facebook. And Streamyard gives a lag.
It was fitting that you can see the videos about the satanism on Sunday got turned upside down. Usually I use the mobile Facebook app to upload there, and it somehow figures out how to fix the orientation. But now I downloaded the videos from the mobile phone via USB, and then they are upside down for some damn reason (I have to hold the mobile phone in the other way - why?!? Aha, because I told the video compression program ffmpeg to turn the video upside down, and it also did it by itself as the video was tagged with being upside down? *sigh* It was just mplayer that I usually use to play videos that didn’t automatically turn it right, but other video players do.). And I have to re-encode them to upload them to other platforms with lower bitrate, while Facebook does that for me much faster.
On my desktop, I still can’t correctly see the livestream I did from the forest to Facebook, but I can download a perfect video of it from FB. The live stream cuts off, and is just horrible quality. But on my phone, I can see a perfect (as you can see on a Minds exclusive of a FB live, but low quality video of the live stream. WTF?!?
I can broadcast well from my desktop to Facebook though, but I get a little better sound via Streamyard because they have an automatic volume adjustment setting. FB lets me select the microphone on my monitor that doesn’t exists though… Yea, it will still use the microphone on my headset, but I could select the non existing microphone.
So preliminary decision is that I stream to my Facebook page: I have to broadcast to the page instead to my profile, because otherwise you can’t comment during the stream, and that is the only reason I do a live stream.
My personal FB page is here, and I accept friends requests that aren’t spam or scary people:
Minds (.com)
But I do want to know how my Minds followers want their content. I freaking hate the #Youtube links from Minds (or Facebook, or from anywhere) because then I have to copy and paste into another browser that isn't logged into Google. But no one has that problem with the other platforms... But there are problems with every platform, except Rumble that always works unless you try to click the links in the description from the mobile app - No can do! Neither can I do live stream without paying on Rumble yet, so why not use the other free live stream services that do not work, but magically work for “some people” (No, it didn’t work as it should every time!)
Minds literally forced me to poke the dog in her arse to start playing the video! 😟😂
I think Bittube is paying me for views but it's nothing. Bitchute doesn't. Rumble pays me less than a dollar so far (Yes, one year uploading < $1), LBRY pays people for watching videos so from there I've gotten at least 2 dinners, but I use these tokens to be seen more there. It's a good system: If you create or like content, you can put your tokens on what is interesting now, and then you can just take them back.
Minds are giving me a lot of people who wants to comment and follow me in the last days! 🥰😁
Youtube was however the greatest giver to me me a lot of followers. Twitter doesn't allow such things, because if you have few followers and get some retweets, Twitter just shadow suppress it. I see why Twitter needs to do this (I've been developing social networks for 19 years - even if I'm mostly exploiting what is working for me in the others)
My main goal now is to find new followers, not to monetize the few ones I have. I still remember you my early supporters, and I will pay you back big.
My Mind!
Maybe you who haven’t own a computer and its children for 30 years don’t know this, but when you are copying old data from the old system to the new system to the newer system and so on. There was one system that stored a HUGE amount to trash. Where did it store it? Yes, in the Trash! But when I installed new systems I forgot about how to remove the Witch Hunts and another useless crap we do not need so make sure your autophagy happens on your computer, mind and body! 🥰
This will not work on your system, but I got a quite big hard disk for free with this:
# rm -rf /sda1/home/hedda/.local.removed/share/Trash
“rm” means “remove” in Unix. This specific command removed everything in my local government that is shared trash! 😁 Look at your community or just remove the local trash, and then what would the global parasites feed on?
Afghanistan in Swedish
Den enda anledningen att den "Afghanska staten" fanns var kommunism, och sedan för att öka opium-produktionen efter 2001, för de har lika lite intresse att sitta ihop som Schweiz fast med en stor korrupt centralregering. 2021 när Kinas fentanyl till slut helt tagit över marknaden i USA, så struntar "USA" i att vara kvar där. Allt "media" (3 globala nyhetsbyråer) bryr sig om är att kontrollera människor med droger, och narrativet. Så Biden var tvingad att bryta emot Trump's fredsfördrag så att han skulle kunna skylla på Trump (fast nu är han och Psaki på semester och låter mindre inkompetenta personer skylla på Trump...)
Jag har inga förhoppningar om att Talibanerna är några goda skäggtroll, men de har alla möjligheter att styra landet bättre än föregående knarkbanditer för det är inte svårt. Men det blir alltid minimalt små förbättringar tillsammans med försämringar - Börjar man fixa alla problemen i samhället slutar man oftast som Julius Caesar.
Modiga Människor nu på Bitchute:
En kanal som gör intervjuer med modiga människor:
Speciellt nu i sensommaren borde vi uppmuntra covid-smittspridning
Jag kommenterar
Hur många ska riskera att dö av ADE innan ni uppmuntrar mer smittspridning så folk får helt livsnödvändig naturlig immunitet? 1? 2? Kanske 3 miljoner? Studier visar nu att folk kan få naturlig immunitet utan att bli sjuka (se covid19crusher på Twitter), så det är de som distanserat sig som är riskgrupp nu.
Men FHM har verkligen försökt göra ett bra jobb emot komplett galen media, genomkorrupt Läkemedelsverket och alla politiker som inte kan säga D-vitamin, zink, ionoforer och blodsocker, och förstås än mindre förmåga att läsa en studie om gurkmeja/curry och nästsprej/munskölj.
Men så länge folk läser Aftonbladet, Expressen, DN och tittar på SVT och TV4 så kommer de att bli sjuka och dö i onödan, samtidigt som de förstör sina liv med panik för fel hälsorisk, och dessa personer är de som fyller sjukhusen, inte Lars Bern eller jag.