Biden/WestExec censorship. Covid creates good. Greece bad. Hungary good. Hyperloop & electric planes
USA censurerar politik. Covid gör det bättre? Ungern stoppar klimattrams. Hyperloop & elflyg
Do you need an excuse for impeachment? Here is one
Jen Psaki is literally saying without any kind of doubt that they are working really hard to take the first amendment out for slaughter, cut off its head, squash its brain and drive a stick through its heart, and then burn the body-parts of free speech. Remember that Psaki is associated with WestExec, a firm specialized in destroying freedom.
Arizona Senate kicked out from Youtube
Big Tech "Acting Like Arms Of The Government" - Senator Hawley Warns "It's Scary Stuff"
South Africa not looking good
Hungary is throwing a wrench in the EU corruption machinery
The solution to the “climate crisis” is of course to wipe out our brainwashing media, and then go on crony-hunt in the oversized EU buildings. Tear gas should be enough to clear them out quickly.
FLCCC weekly update
This update makes it even more clear how destructive and murderous the people in media and in charge are. They want to make others suffer and die, and they can’t even make up excuses that sound sane:
Great info, but Bret is just wrong when it comes to virus extinction. Just like DR. Robert Malone I think that is not a thing and a bad goal.
The virus is NOT the main problem and the virus actually helps us expose flaws in society like the censorship. See for example big tech banning election doubts - That can’t be blamed on a virus. The main health (but also social) problem is bad nutrition and not being able to treat an infection fast and hard (with nasal sprays and mouthwashes, that FLCCC is talking about too little). If the virus forces people to learn how to fast for 2 days and cut down on sugar, and increase their vitamin D, zinc and flavonoids which cure WAY more cancer, heart and other problems than covid causes, SARS-CoV-2 can save more lives than it took! ❤️ 🔥
Can we then also expand platforms like Odysee thanks to the covid censorship, then so much else is won too.
Why does Greece want to force vaccinate if the vaccines work?!?
Only reason except madness and greed, is that they do not want an unvaccinated group as the vaccines are getting 10% less effective per month (Israeli data, not seen elsewhere yet), and if ADE appears, they want everyone to follow them to the grave.
(Of course I use “only reason” here as hyperbole)
Hyperloop container transport system
I get why Hamburg Hafen (Hamburg’s harbour) want to move containers, but we also need another cheaper system that can move smaller boxes from neighbourhood to neighbourhood.
Local electric air travel in 2026
Heart Aerospace will deliver electric aeroplanes to United Airlines in 2026. 19 passengers, 400 km range, -75% fuel cost and -50% maintenance cost:
I doubt the globalists and parasites in the government have the slightest interest in making this an option for common people to fly more. What we need to focus on is cheaper electricity, but government cronies are doing everything to stop that development.