Vaccines stop working? NAC. RCT set up to fail. Rainbow dildo butt monkey beaten by nature
Regnbågsdildoapans överman. NAC. Randomiserade studier uppsatta att misslyckas. Hata Lööf?
NAC maybe possibly helpful
Might not safe lives from covid, but at least patients got a lot of values better, so I think that general usage of NAC at stress is a good idea, and it doesn't hurt. NAC helps the body to produce the general antioxidant glutathione:
Endogenous H2S production can be increased therapeutically by administering N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which can be seen as a potential treatment strategy for COVID-19 patients. NAC may also replenish intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) pools by providing L-cysteine, a precursor for GSH synthesis. Moreover, NAC has shown the ability to restore the intracellular redox imbalance in vitro experiments.
Setting up a study to fail
So you’re running this public transport company, but people keep on using their own cars. But luckily the cars break down and stop working sometimes, so let’s “help” the mechanics by doing an RCT to see if changing tires work:
Take 200 cars that aren’t working, and replace the tires of a random half of them, while doing standard of care with changing oil and filling the gas tanks in both groups. 10 cars started working in both the control and in the treated group. Conclusion: Changing tires don’t work, so never do that!
Now if you’re working for big pharma, take a lot of covid patients that are young and healthy, already dying and a few others, and then you fix their zinc deficiency regardless if they are deficient by giving them hydroxychloroquine + zinc. Of course the healthy ones will get well regardless of any safe drugs given them, and the ones with severe vitamin D deficiency, superhigh blood sugar and/or late stage cancer will die regardless, so HCQ+zinc don’t work?!?
Vaccines in Israel do not seem to help
Note though that the unvaccinated people might be much more healthy than the vaccinated ones, so this doesn’t prove that the vaccines don’t work at all, only that they don’t work perfectly. But the vaccines are only supposed to stop severe disease, so that is happening at the hospitals?
Ouch! Hospitalizations in the vaxxed population is taking off. But only 7 people in entire Israel, so not many people.
Persuasion experiment
What do people do when an “anti-vaxxer” tells them to take the vaxx?
Well, it ended with me being a narcissist by bragging about how good I am when I’m teaching people how to improve their health. Not the planned outcome, but with some luck I cured a little narcissism in others while giving myself some.
The rainbow dildo butt monkey can go into hiding, because this real monkey is way more cool
Anna Björklund förklarar varför hon hatar Lööf
Själv ser jag ingen anledning att hata Lööf. Hon är en fjantig och ofarlig narcissist-robot, men det är ett problem att folk inte ser detta. Och anledningen till att folk inte ser detta är för att folk i media t o m är värre än Lööf.
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