Vanguard global corporate control. Gunplane laser. Swedish "far left": Too high taxes!
Vanguard dominerar allt kapital. Kanonplanslaser. V: Sänk skatterna! M: Slaveri bra pga covid!!!
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video ifrån landsbygden utanför Ljusdal (Kaven)
Today’s English video from the rural lands outside of Ljusdal (Kaven) with some horses
More photos at the end 😍
Previous troll report from Ljusdal, Hälsingland, Scandinavia. Police presence, but everything is calm:
Fake news from yesterday?

The part that isn’t trustworthy here is that it’s a “disgruntled employee” that of course doesn’t like the former employer that cancelled the project. The thing is that I’ve heard from the Big Pharma CEOs themselves that this is how they operate. It is their job to make money, and it’s up to the government to care about public health and that stuff. So even if this story biased, it describes everything we see well. I can be wrong and I’m looking for any sign of that Big Pharma isn’t trying to keep us as sick as possible, but I haven’t found anything so far except small start-ups so I consider the idea that big pharma cares about delivering a good product that helps people to be a crazy conspiracy theory.
One fund to rule them all: Vanguard & Blackrock Vanguards controls Blackrock and they control other organizations that also owns stocks in basically every company. It’s all one big ugly monopoly where it’s more important to be liked by the other useless leaders than to create a great company that makes good products.
The way to fight power structures like this was explained in the Mass Psychosis video from After Skool video (🇸🇪 här med svensk textning) - Build new structures outside of that monopoly system! No need to fight the monopoly system because it will destroy itself, but our new system needs to be ready when it does.
Dr Eric Berg back on Rumble, and plaque
Dr Eric Berg has been on LBRY for quite some time, but he didn’t update his Rumble Channel much until now when he is uploading his thousands of videos with links in the description there.
So I happened to see this wonderful explanation about plaque and what the root cause of why someone’s blood vessels are having problems is. Cholesterol is just the band-aid the body produces to fix the problem, but it’s the blood sugar and deficiencies that cause inflammation that causes the problems:
It’s about optics (and lasers)
Lockheed Martin says its US AC-130 Gunship Receives Laser Cannon is ready for fielding, but this isn’t a laser that blows anything up or even damage a soldier, but it’s about destroying optical and radio equipment. If it can do that efficient, that should be pretty much the end of a modern adversary.
I’ve committed Youtube
The first reason was to get automatic subtitles, but that didn’t seem to work. But I also want to upload the videos that people might find in searches, so that they can find me, and then go to a better platform.
There is a tool on Youtube to that I can create subtitles though, but then I could search for another program (1. Aegisub · 2. Gnome Subtitles · 3. Jubler · 4. Gaupol · 5. Subtitle Editor · 6. Subtitle Composer · 7. CCExtractor · 8. VLC Subtitle Editor…) to do just that and then upload subtitles to the other platforms.
Swedish left goes full right?!?
Well, not just yet, but there is something going on. Swedish leftist party leader to the Social Democrats: “You’re taking the money from the average Joe and entrepreneurs with high taxes! People who have asked for no handouts! I want to support them!”
🤡 gör sig skyldiga till brott emot mänskligheten förklarar det uppenbara ljuget, och Charlotte Carin förklarar skillnaden mellan USAs “nödgodkända” vaccin och EUs “villkorade godkännanden” (Det ena är 💩 och det andra är 💩) 🤡
Det är fullt med propaganda och ingen trovärdig information alls. De hittar på skit som stämmer med Vanguard’s narrativ för att öka läkemedelsbolagens intäkter. 1177 är fienden, men ni kan lära er att klara er utan dem! 🤓 👩🎓 🧑🏫 🥰

Marina Papazian that was a part of the panel yesterday has done the graphics here, her boyfriend wrote the music and sang, and some young man did the instrumental part. A Linus got his music deleted from Youtube, I’ve backed it up with permission:
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