Lajv-sändning om skapad elkris i EU. Guldrubel? UK bakom krigsdemonstration i Argentina? Ungern. Satanist-KD
Gov-made EU energy crisis! Gold Ruble? UK deep state demonstration i Argentina. Hungary. Propaganda
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Today’s English dog video
2018 => 2022?
Gazprom Halts Gas Shipments To Europe Via Critical Pipeline
Gazprom has also cut off supplies to the UK in response to its sanctions regime...
Strangely enough, it’s France that tomorrow is having an explosion in electricity price with 551 euro/MWh, which is at least twice as much as Germany when it was as worst there, and 7 times more than in Germany tomorrow. Seems to be cold plus nuclear problems that are causing huge problems for France that doesn’t have good enough powerlines to the neighbouring countries:
Clarifications about Ruble and gold
My previous (now corrected) Substack about the Ruble-Gold connection had wrong numbers as I forgot that the gold price is set in troy ounce (31.1 gram), not normal ounces (28.35 gram). 5000 rubles per gram is 155 517.4 rubles per troy ounce of gold, so the gold price can never be lower than as long as the Russian central bank continues to issue new Rubles for that price which they will do until 30th of June or maybe “forever”:
"A Paradigm Shift Western Media Hasn't Grasped Yet" - Russian Ruble Relaunched, Linked To Gold & Commodities
...the Bank of Russia has both linked the ruble to gold and, since gold trades in US dollars, set a floor price for the ruble in terms of the US dollar.
Edging Towards A Gold Standard
Commentators are trying to make sense of Russian moves... However, there is a back story which differs from much of the speculation...
These Are The Richest People In The World In 2022
Today, the 10 richest people in the world control $1.3 trillion in wealth... double the amount seen just two years ago ($663 billion)...
Protesters burn Union Jack as Argentina govt renew claims over Falklands
So Argentina, run by WEF, wants to fight UK, run by WEF?!? Yea, right! These protests are created by MI6 to create a war to distract the Brits from the fact that “their” government is trying to genocide, enslave and torment them.
What Is The "Great Reset" And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?
They want nothing but total control of your wealth, your mind and your body, and they brag openly about it for each other. They are like a bunch of roosters who cockingly cuckoo against the wolves (the people) outside of the cage and say that they will beat them up as soon as the door opens. Then a wolf figures out how to open the door…
Your heart can double in size after the jab?!?
Sounds like some sort of biological experiment if an organ can double in size that fast.
Serbian and Hungarian elections today
Making propaganda
Seems complicated. I prefer to do Russian propaganda, which is just copying the Western libtard propaganda and laugh at it, or:
How to make Russia propaganda part 2: Copy and paste what the Western leaders say:.
German government tells its population how to cope with energy crisis
You can guess that lower taxes and lifted regulations weren’t even mentioned… No, the German people should freeze and instead keep themselves warm with their hatred towards Putin, say the unexecuted while raising their salaries for a war against the people well done. Oh, but the Germans get €300 minus taxes from their own taxpayer money. Thank you, tyrants!?!
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Påminnelse: Har du kommit ihåg att håna ett Riksdagsparti idag?
Låter bra, men vad blir straffet för gängkriminella Riksdagsledamöter som försöker förstöra den svenska grundlagen och förser den organiserade brottsligheten med pansarskott via Ukraina och upprätthåller deras knarkmonopol? 🤔
Nina Drakfors ringer till människohatande KD
SWISH anpassar sig till censuren
Här är rättigheterna jag tycker SWISH ska ta sig: