Vatnik. UAE warning. Electric bandage. Russian arms to Syria. UK Police. Kamala Blackness Test
Vatnik. UAE-varning. Elbandage. Ryska vapen till Syrien. UK-Polisen. Kamala och Solens medvetande
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Chebureki Man explains what a vatnik is
NAFO cultists never bother to actually learn what a "vatnik" is, which is basically a padded jacket stuffed with cotton wool, worn by Soviet-era soldiers and workers.
Vatniks were popular because they were simple, cheap, and effective, could be put together using an ordinary sowing machine. A good part of the Soviet Union was built by workers wearing vatniks. Given that blue-pilled nafoids are generally classists who love to bash on the working class, it's not surprising that they chose a symbol of the Soviet working class for a pejorative term.
And the garment actually originated in Germany.
Foreign minister of UAE (ABZayed): You are f-ing stupid libtard morons if you think you know Islamist terrorism better than us!
The Emirati phrased it way more polite in his second language English though: Video.
Electric bandage holds promise for treating chronic wounds
Brain Rommele comments: Known for over 120 years and for most of those years it was”quackery”, now it’s ok
This really hit panic button among the professional trolls
Remember: It's offensive to say "From River to Sea" unless you specify that you mean the rivers of Gazans' blood.
It goes on and on with all caps. One strike right in their narrative and they puke like a swimmer in Seine. Having trolls explode is a sure sign that one is persuasive.
Advanced Russian weapons landed in Syria
Megatron: "In the past few hours, Russian and Iranian military cargo and transport planes were spotted heading to Syria, loaded with advanced weapons. An important development that could reshape the military landscape in the region." - Syrian media reports.
It looks like they managed to really upset Putin with the attack on Kursk, Russian advanced weapons are going into the hands of Hezbollah
Ukraine’s attack into Kursk is really damaging for Russia and conscripts were killed, which is something different politically than when professional soldiers die. Ukraine will be defeated, but still a lot of harm against Russia.
28 of the Russian oligarch might not like having their backup country destroyed though:
Former Ex-prime minister of Israel reveal the obvious plan
According to Israeli ex-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, "The Ben Gvirs and the Smotrichs" are "yearning" for an Iranian response, as massive as possible, that will lead to a regional war they could use for ethnic cleansing, to "force out all the Palestinians from the territories"
Iran should and likely will continue to do minor attacks that destroy Israel's economy and morale, while Russia is now building up the air defence in Syria and Lebanon. doesn’t allow foreign access
𝕏 blocked for 10 days in Venezuela
𝕏 blocked their president, so 𝕏 can not be seen a free speech platform in Venezuela. Here is all the evidence of election fraud the CIA opposition has presented to the supreme court:
GARM 'Advertising Cartel' Shuts Down 48 Hours After X, Rumble File Lawsuit
This is an important acknowledgement and a necessary step in the right direction...
Say stupid stuff
The greatest drawn Swedish philosopher Arne Anka is here explaining the importance for the public discussion to put out ideas there that might not be great, but then trigger actual thinking:
I hope that Kamala Harris takes that advice:
Kevin Sorbo wrote: If Kamala really is black, have her say the N-word, let the people decide for themselves.
Biologist Says the Sun May Be Conscious
A bong rip of a theory suggests that all matter possesses some form of mind or consciousness, not just animals — including, as one biologist suggests, the Sun itself.
In 2021, when biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake published a paper questioning whether the Sun itself might be conscious.
"Consciousness does not need to be confined to brains," Sheldrake told Popular Mechanics in its new story. "The link between minds and physical systems seems to be through rhythmic electromagnetic fields, which of course are present in our brains. They are also present in and around the Sun, and these could be the interface between the solar mind and the body of the Sun."
Of course the Sun is conscious. How can it not be? It's sending all sorts of electromagnetic signals to everything around it. But it isn’t thinking like a human or even remotely like one.
Scotch laburnum, another strange tree in the forest:
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Chebureki Man förklarar vad en vatnik är
NAFO-kultister bryr sig aldrig om att faktiskt lära sig vad en "vatnik" är, vilket i grunden är en vadderad jacka fylld med bomullsull, som bars av sovjetiska soldater och arbetare.
Vatniks var populära eftersom de var enkla, billiga och effektiva, och kunde sättas ihop med en vanlig såmaskin. En stor del av Sovjetunionen byggdes av arbetare som bar vatniks. Med tanke på att blåpillrade nafoider i allmänhet är klassister som älskar att klanka ner på arbetarklassen, är det inte förvånande att de valde en symbol för den sovjetiska arbetarklassen för en nedsättande term.
Och plagget har faktiskt sitt ursprung i Tyskland.
Utrikesministern för UAE (ABZayed): Ni är jävligt dumma vänsterblivna idioter om ni tror att ni känner till islamistisk terrorism bättre än vi!
Emirati uttryckte sig dock mycket artigare på sitt andraspråk engelska: Video.
Elektriskt bandage lovar gott för behandling av kroniska sår
Brain Rommele kommenterar: Känt i över 120 år och under de flesta av dessa år var det "kvacksalveri", nu är det ok
Detta fick professionella troll att få panik
Det går vidare och vidare med stora bokstäver. En träff rätt i deras berättelse och de spyr som en simmare i Seine. Att få troll att explodera är ett säkert tecken på att man är övertygande.
Visdom från dumhet
Den främste tecknade svenske filosofen Arne Anka förklarar här vikten av att i det offentliga samtalet föra fram idéer som kanske inte är så bra, men som kan få folk att tänka till:
Biolog säger att Solen kan ha ett medvetande
En pårökt teori tyder på att all materia har någon form av sinne eller medvetande, inte bara djur - inklusive, som en biolog föreslår, solen själv.
År 2021 publicerade biologen och författaren Rupert Sheldrake en artikel där han ifrågasatte om solen själv kunde vara medveten.
"Medvetande behöver inte vara begränsat till hjärnor", säger Sheldrake till Popular Mechanics i sin nya berättelse. "Länken mellan sinnen och fysiska system verkar gå via rytmiska elektromagnetiska fält, som naturligtvis finns i våra hjärnor. De finns också i och runt solen, och dessa skulle kunna vara gränssnittet mellan solens sinne och solens kropp."
Naturligtvis är solen medveten. Hur kan den inte vara det? Den sänder alla möjliga elektromagnetiska signaler till allt runt omkring den. Men den tänker inte som en människa, eller ens i närheten av en människa.
Battle of Roncevaux Pass
778 Battle of Roncevaux Pass: Roland, commander of the rearguard of Charlemagne's army is defeated by the Basques.
August 15. Stay safe this week, I heard it's never over between the descendants of Charlemagne & the Euskar! =) j/k Have a hurricane free weekend!