Dagens svenska video. Svensk text nedan. Ikväll kl 19:00 live med Linus och gänget.

Spoiler: No, this is not ADE. ADE causes death, not cases.
Listening more to Robert Young
I’m slowly going through this long interesting interview: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8fve6IYou1Mo/ Robert Young really knows what he is talking about when it comes to in vitro experiments and microscopes, but suggesting to not eat eggs?!? That he has to explain better! Having egg in your blood is obviously something that cause clotting, but that isn’t what happens when you eat eggs. Ramola D who interviews him isn’t asking all the critical questions, but on the other hand she is too well informed to dumb down the complicated stuff. I would love to be on a panel with her and Robert Young and Robert W Malone, because then we can sort out the small defects in this very interesting long interview.
How the covid vaccines “work”
The Robert Young interview got me to realize how the covid vaccines “work”. I see nothing that disproves this hypothesis:
People get the jab
Those susceptible to get covid plus 50%-420% (edit: it should be 320% more, that is 4.2 times more) others get severely sick in other ways: All-cause-severe-morbidity is higher among the vaccinated
Result: Very few of the ones who got the jab get severe covid as they are already hospitalized for “other” reasons.
Countries UK has never invaded:
Hur covid-vaccinen “fungerar”
Intervjun med Robert Young fick mig att tänka, och det finns märkligt nog inget som talar emot denna hypotes:
Folk får sprutan
De som är sårbara för att få covid plus 50%-420% (edit: Ska vara +320%, dvs 4.2 gånger mer) andra blir svårt sjuka av olika orsaker: Denna studie visar att svår sjuklighet är vanligare hos de vaccinerade än i kontrollgruppen.
Resultat: Väldigt få av dem som fick sprutan får svår covid eftersom de redan är på sjukhus av “andra” anledningar.