Fake Swedish vax passports news. Vax-questions. Ireland gave into tyranny. Turkish lira. Soda-tip!
Vaxxpass är förbjudna av grundlagen, så polisanmäl om tillfrågad! D från mat. Irland, Turkiet, läsk
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska kulliga video. Lite svensk text i den engelska nedan.
Fake news on vaccine passports in Sweden!
Our public health agency is preparing vaccination passports, but the thing is that it’s against the Swedish constitution to ask for the passports. And the health agency have no mandate to make any kind of restrictions. It’s just an advisory agency.
But media doesn’t give a shit - These sadist pieces of Dalek shit spread their fear-porn just to make people as sick as they can and make people believe that they have to follow press releases and talking points!
🇸🇪 Det finns inga beslut om lagligt bindande restriktioner, och så gå gärna till event som kränker er grundlagsskyddade rätt till hemlig medicinska information, och t ex https://www.frihetsverige.se/ kan hjälpa er att bli rika av att stämma skiten ur dem.
Unanswered syringe bioweapon questions
Just one of Steve’s questions: Why were there 4X as many cardiac arrests in the treatment group than the placebo group in the clinical trial. The VAERS data shows very clearly a 450X increase in cardiac events post vaccine.
Update: FDA Wants Until 2076 To Fully Release Pfizer Vaccine Data. I predicted that Scott Adams who has been pacing the pro-vaxxers really well would flip soon after his friend Dr Drew talked to Steve Kirsch, but I was “wrong”. It was FDA hiding the Pfizer genocide that flipped Scott really hard toward anti-covid-syringe-bioweapon.
🇸🇪 Pfizer visste att injectionerna på barn kan skada och t.o.m. döda dem:
Stew Peter intervjuar visselblåsaren och forne biotekniska analytikern på Pfizer Maren Kingston:
https://open.lbry.com/@oysteinronne:3/--208:1 (Stew Peter interviewing former biotech analytic at Pfizer Maren Kingston starting from 5 minutes or here on Rumble)
93%-Vaccinated Ireland Has Gone Back Into 'Partial Lockdown', Including Midnight Curfew
This is what happens when you follow the orders of insane tyrants! Just don’t! Do do not comply! Do not concent! Do make fun of the clowns!
Dr Eric Berg did some math
Update on the Turkish monetary experiment:
Turkish Lira Crashes To Record Low After Central Bank Cuts Rates Again
It will be interesting to see how that ends.
An interesting idea on how to stop drinking soda
Start mixing it with sparkling water and do it more and more! You can do the same with beer or wine: Mix it with the non-alcoholic variant. You still get somewhat drunk, but not as bad.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: How the British Crown & Bankers MADE WW I to Destroy Germany & Screw Working People
Dr Shiva isn’t a big fan of the British Empire, but it's important that many people, if not everyone, understand their and other shitheads’ playbook and use that against them: https://open.lbry.com/@drvashiva:d/dr.shiva-live-how-the-british-crown:9
James Corbett goes into much more details in how WW-I actually started: https://www.corbettreport.com/wwi/
Ron Paul memes are the best
Just a joke to prove that I like Luke’s reporting… But the Ron Paul joke really make you think about why this wouldn’t happen. Jokes that make people think are the best.