Victim mentality = Spaceship mentality? Engineers vs professor. Vitamin D for MDs. Feelgood stories
Offermentalitet = Drömmen om rymdskepp? Ingenjörer vs professor. D-vitamin för läkare. Myshistorier
Dagen svenska video. Några delar även på svenska nedan.
Today’s English Woof video in woof Ryd’s Forest woof.
Victim mentality
Some people are stuck in the thought of that they are victims and should therefore be compensated. It is most likely true that they are victims because every single creature on Earth is a victim of something. The problem is if you focus on it, you start seeing yourself as less worth, similar to how narcissists train themselves to think that they know stuff they do not know, a person with victim mentality will have a hard time building a talent stack.
I’m clearly a victim from Youtube oppression and deserve compensation, but I try out new platforms, and hope that people eventually will reward that, because I think that is the system that will work better in the long run instead of learning about how to fight legal battles against Google, and that seems like a worse path for both me and humanity.
But there are clearly winners of victim mentality. Especially black leaders in USA and Muslim leaders in some countries have gained and kept their power over their ever more self-oppressing peoples by forcing them to feel like victims. It even happened in the sparsely populated part of Sweden after 1971. The previously very independent minded people there suddenly got handouts from the government, but then also high taxes and loss of freedom, while their local leaders got more power and became rich on corruption and conspiracies.
Can I follow my own advice?
Not always. The most influential line I’ve ever heard in a song was "Be careful for what you wish for because it might come true." (comment if you can guess the right song of the many that this appears in!) and I can’t get that out of my head. So when I want to relax, I imagine that I have my own sentient space ship that often do the opposite of what I want, but means well. Just so that I don’t have to worry about my dreams coming true…
This is not really helpful. I should dream about my chilis growing, or something. My chili tree is now 163 cm high and gives a new fruit every other day:
The Final Solution is here?!?
Just put them in their own country, vaxx them all, and then wait for ADE:
The spike in cases, blamed on the ultra-infectious Delta variant, comes as Israel races to vaccinate its preteens and teenagers aged 12-15, with over 16,000 first-shot immunizations administered Wednesday. seems to indicate that the vaccines + covid-outbreak for young people in Hungary did more harm though, than Pfizer in Israel. But we will see what happens when the teens are vaxxed in Israel now.
If the side-effects are so rare and covid is so dangerous, just show us the data instead of proving that you are narcissist fascist monsters who don't mind torturing a few thousand children just so you can call others “dangerous” and protect your frail ego. Alex Jones does a disturbing rant:
Military myocarditis
Military personal seems to be too old to really suffer hard from Pfizer induced myocarditis though:
Engineer vs scientist - Who goes faster than the wind part 2
So good that I had to link to evil Youtube. This teaches everyone whom to trust more, if you can’t verify it yourself.
This almost reminded be about Barnum's freak shows in the beginning, and that I should have a circus where I display narcissists. I hope I can cure the narcissists this well too!
Let me start with a riddle, an engineer and a scientist disagreed about...
OK, yes, you got it, the scientist convinced morons, but the engineer was right:
Easily fooled Bill Nye also thinks that CO2 can act as a blanket despite that it's a gas that spreads heat via convection (if CO2 causes global warming by another unknown principle is unclear). It's adiabetic (de-)compression that creates the heating effect of the troposphere, and you have to pay a "scientist" or media clown for them to not get this basic physics or are they just that stupid? This video hints at the later.
Just look a the real experiments: Double glass windows insulate better if they are vacuum or a thin gas, than with any IR-active gas like CO2, methane or water vapour!
I wish I could do the experiments with CO2 not insulating and heat pump atmosphere heating for but I need resources I don’t have for that. Anyone with the right contacts at Linköping University or something?
Big Tech does something good?!?
Seems like it now works to link to Bitchute videos from Twitter without using It was banned for months:
Direct link for you who want to spot obvious liars: EVERYTHING WRONG WITH THE CAPITOL SHOOTING IN 21 MINUTES OR LESS
Russia Now Requires Foreign Social Media Companies To Open In-Country Offices
The Florida law that forbids big tech from censoring people is censorship
The Florida law that forbids big tech from censoring people is censorship according to Bill Clinton nominated Robert Lewis Hinkle, 69 years old.
What every MD should know about Vitamin D
Read more on The important thing is that it’s better to have a little too high vitamin D, than being close to 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l) or the horrible problems that happens below that. And for MDs: 1 mg calcifediol!!!
Reminder: Very few medical doctors have any training in even reading a scientific study, and only know about the studies that big pharma and government are sending them.
Too hard training give athletes diabetes
Swedish article in Dagens Nyheter (på svenska) explains that if an athlete trains way too hard, they start to have problems with their blood sugar. This might explain why some athletes got severe covid despite being in excellent shape. This is not something people in general who train need to worry about, but be careful with the carbs before a widowmaker cardial arrest appears “from nowhere”.
Värdena visade att mitokondriernas kapacitet nu bara var 60 procent jämfört med veckan innan. Blodsockret hade högre berg och djupare dalar, likt en diabetiker, vilket bland annat påverkar sömnen negativt. Icke proff-idrottare som tränar behöver inte oroa sig mycket för detta, men se upp med kolhydraterna i alla fall!
I just love feel-good stories about urban farming
Sweden has California electricity insecurity in 10 years if we continue on the current energy path
But if the current political trend continue, there will soon be even more massive support for nuclear power in Sweden, so I would only worry about that the government will tax electricity to the common people, while the heavy industries will get somewhat cheap electricity. But the renewable craze is blowing away into the darkness often quite literally.
Jag läser svenska Twitter åt dig så du slipper
Sammanfattning av ett polismord på Twitter:
Ta ansvar, jag hatar er, dödsfall i arbetet, hur uttrycker du dig, trams, och ni bara pratar (säger någon som bara pratar), personangrepp, grupptänkande, emotionellt resonerade, uppmärksamhetstörstade, gör inte politik av det här som jag gör politik av, osv
Men efter att Twitter faktiskt tagit bort en censurmekanism, så måste jag säga att det finns många Twitter-konton med bra information, men de är inte lätta att hitta i sörjan, och de flesta med användbar information kommer mest med sörja också.