*52 deaths in jabbed children. Saskatchewan opens. Austria genocidal. Antinarcissist tricks. Vikings
Vaxxbarn dör 52 gånger mer. Saskatchewan öppnar. Österrike folkmördar. Antinarcisst-tricks. Vikingar
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video med skällattack (barking attack at 7 minutes - Piike really explains how pissed she gets at dogs ignoring her!). 🇸🇪 Svensk text längst ner.
Today’s calm English standing carrot eating video
UK government report reveals that British children, 10 to 14 years old, up to 52 times more likely to die after getting a COVID shot
Steve Kirsch: There are three compelling reasons why you should not approve the Moderna injection
The Moderna injection is killing way more people than it might save, especially now when the virus has mutated around the “vaccine”, so it should definitely not be approved. That the Pfizer injection could maybe save 2 lives net per 15,000 fully vaccinated people is contradicted by the follow up data after 6 months:
Malone on the DoD catastrophe data - It still seems real:
Saskatchewan Premier Pledges To End All COVID Restrictions As Ottawa Braces For More Protests
Governments are trying to pretent to work for the people. We’ll pretend that they are fooling us for now, but they will return with more tyrany later. The US Founding fathers predicted this over 200 years ago and therefore wrote the second amendment, and so far they have been more right than people predicting the sun will set in the evening.
Austria's parliament approves COVID-19 vaccine mandate for adults, with fines up to €3,600 ($4,117) for non-compliance
And where will these parliament occupying demons flee when their own people just say “NEIN!”? Not here. Sweden will demand that they have a clear marker in their passports and digital IDs so that we can see that they are genocidal tyrants, so we only can let them in if we have jobs for them in our concentration camps.
Oil Spikes On White House Report Russia Planning False Flag Against Ukraine Using 'Graphic Video', Crisis Actors
Typical projection - They always blame others for what they are about to do! But thanks for the warning, I guess…
Making narcissist mad by withholding information?
Rebecca Zung goes through a list of things that you can do to drive narcissists mad, which is something you need to do to make them appear weak and pathetic, which is exactly what people in media and politics need right now. It’s the usual stuff of
ignoring them
making fun of them
setting boundaries (refusing to comply)
no compliments (even things like insinuating that they are smart thieves or corrupt when they are just well trained puppets that have no idea why they do stuff)
give them specific feedback (“you are giving away the tax-payer money to foreigners and corruption”) instead of the emotional reasoning and personal attacks they use
tell them in public that you don’t believe their lies
But what I found interesting was the idea of showing that you’re keeping secrets from them. This might be a way to get awkward information out in the public as people will get curious. Do you have any specific idea?
Differences between Norwegian, Swedish and Danish Vikings
This was an interesting and fun overview of Viking age Scandinavia, and how different they were from Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
🇸🇪 En bra lektion i emotionellt argumenterande (som ni inte ska syssla med utan bekämpa)
Notera hur etablisemangets fascistkräk enbart använder svepande formuleringar och ospecifika personangrepp, och hur Di Leva på slutet krossar skiten ifrån ett moraliskt överläge:
Göra narcissister galna genom att undanhålla information?
Rebecca Zung går igenom en lista över saker som du kan göra för att göra narcissister galna, vilket är något vi kan göra för att få dem att framstå som svaga och patetiska, vilket är precis vad människor i media och politik behöver just nu. Det är det vanliga med
ignorera dem
gör narr av dem
sätt gränser (vägra att följa deras idiot-regler och -direktiv)
inga komplimanger (även saker som att insinuera att de är smarta banditer eller korrupta när de bara är vältränade dockor som inte har någon aning om varför de gör vad de gör som t ex att förespråka vaccinpass)
ge dem specifik feedback ("du ger bort skattebetalarnas pengar till utlänningar och korruption") istället för de känslomässiga resonemang och personliga attacker de använder, exempelvis dem du ser i artikeln ovan
berätta för dem offentligt att du inte tror på deras lögner och löften
Men det jag tyckte var mest intressant var tanken på att uttala att du har hemligheter för dem. Detta kan vara ett sätt att få ut obekväm information till allmänheten eftersom folk blir nyfikna. Har nu någon konktrera idé?