Vitamin D. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov arrested by USA in France. Mossad terror. Glory of motherhood
D-vitamin. Robotdöd. Telegram VD Pavel Durov haffad av USA i Frankrike. Mossad-terror. Mamma-ära
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Vitamin D helps against cancer
🇸🇪 D-vitamin:
🇸🇪 Det finns inga kända nackdelar, men många studier som visar att det är bra att inta 5000-20000 IE per dag (beroende på din storlek) när du inte kan få sol. Andra kosttillskott fortsätter att ha fördelar endast ibland, och det är mest en bra idé att inte äta / dricka gifter.
Meta-study with links to other studies on cancer and Vitamin D:
There is no known downside, but plenty of studies showing that taking 5000-20000 IU per day (depending on your size) when you can’t get sun, is really helpful. Other supplements continue to have benefits only sometimes, and it’s mostly a good idea to not eat/drink toxins.
🇸🇪 Robot-mästaren Fredrik Löfgren dog i olycka
My friend and robot engineer/activist Fredrik Löfgren got killed after being run over by a bus. He was behind many startups and making robots fun for children and youth and everyone. The robot driven bus didn’t arrive in time to save his life. 😢
Billionaire Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested In France
"The crackdown against free speech escalates..."
Mike Benz: It’s the US State Department who did this!
Former State Department official Mike Benz claims the U.S. State Department was involved in Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s arrest in France, urging Congress to subpoena all related communications.
Benz suggests the State Department orchestrated Durov's arrest to gain leverage,
CIA cut-out rep from Bellingcat bragging about the utility of arresting Telegram’s founder for being able to control Telegram’s use to win the military war on Russia and you’re telling me you don’t think The Blob (State + Pentagon + CIA) backchanneled Pavel’s arrest
Mossad false flags?
This is the guy that burnt a car near a Synagogue in France, car that had a gas cannister inside it. A flag around the waist, red Keffiyeh all over the head, a gun.. just to burn a car ... False flag ?
He forgot his Russia-Iran friendship bag at the Israeli embassy?
ISIS executes people for supporting Hamas, and Israel provided health care for ISIS in Syria. ISIS is Mossad, and Israel should be seen as guilty until proven innocent.
Israel Launched "Preemptive" Strike On Hezbollah In Lebanon 'To Prevent Major Attack'
Video: Cackle Harris and Hairy Ballz phone call
Explains the Harris-Walz ticket well and funny.
Mongolia: Order of Maternal Glory
Giving mothers more status, gives more babies.