Gay frog herbicide Atrazine Chinese owned. The clowning around the Wagner situation
Böggrode-ogräsmedlet Atrazine ägt av Kina. Clowneriet kring Wagner-situationen
🇸🇪 Dagens svenska video. (Bitchute)
🇸🇪 På svenska insprängt i den engelska texten 👇
Today’s English video (Rumble)
About yesterday’s videos: I hoped I could just put them together, but the bumblebee videos (🇸🇪Humla på svenska) and the wedding video were taken with the front camera, and therefore I can’t simply concatenate them together into one video.
Who exactly pushes Atrazine to make the US frogs gay?!?
Atrazine is sold by Syngenta AG that is a provider of agricultural science and technology, in particular seeds and pesticides with its management headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. It is owned by ChemChina, a Chinese state-owned enterprise.
So a Chinese company based in Basel is allowed to turn Americans, Canadians and Australians into Lindsey Graham.
Dr Jacob Nordangård explains the “hidden” globalist history, 2 hour interview
The geopolitical history of Rockefeller/Carnegie/Ford foundations, thru to the Rockefeller influential dominance in the 1940's. Their creation of League of Nations (soon to become the United Nations & WHO).
🇸🇪 Interviewer med Jacob Nordangård på svenska.
Saturday is the day of cleaning
Just a Russian cleaning up a civil war - Note from yesterday: I don’t approve of the zebra crossing… 😛
🇸🇪 Lördagen är städningens dag - Bara en ryss som städar bort ett inbördeskrig
🇸🇪 OBS, som jag sa igår: Jag stödjer inte övergångsställen. De fungerar inte i Norrland och de fungerar definitivt inte i Linköping! 😛
WSJ: State Department to postpone sanctions against Wagner activity in Africa
Who could have seen that coming? Well even a blind bat saw that coming.
Terror Alarm is the World's First Ai-Generated News and Views.
Prigozhin 'Exiled' To Belarus In Exchange For Peace, Criminal Charges Dropped: What Was This All About?
Confirmed: Wagner has handed military HQ in Rostov-on-Don back to regular command...
About 12 Russian pilots were killed by Wagnerians, which is a lot more than the zero helicopters that Ukraine managed to shoot down during their grand offensive. But of course Russia only use the helicopters against Ukrainian forces that are fighting other Russian troops, so the Ukrainians never get time to shoot the helicopters before getting destroyed.
Was it a coup attempt?
Some, like Scott Adams, say: “Definitely a coup!!! No doubt!"
Some others disagree:
I think Prigozhin was paranoid that Putin might take him out after the SMO as that is what he heard over and over again from CIA, UK media, etc. And of course that the Russian military hates him. Prigozhin just got more and more angry with especially Shoigu and some others in the military leadership, so it became clear that Russia wasn't big enough for both them and Prigozhin.
What to do? I would run to Africa if I was Wagner. I've heard interviews with Wagner soldiers, and that's where they want to go. 🤔
But staying in Belarus during the summer is OK with the Wagnerians, Lukashenko and Russia that just want to get rid of them at this point. Maybe some will join Russia’s normal forces.
Some others think this: