Ivermectin disagreements, but none on blood sugar, vitamin D, zinc. Vaxx vs vaxx. The virus model
Olika åsikter om ivermectin, men ej om vitamin D, zink lågt blodsocker. Virus finns? Wallenberg
COVID-19: Epidemiology of a comorbid Pandemic with International Epidemiologists
It’s the comorbidities and vaccines that kill people. In most places where mass vaccinations have started, the Delta variant starts spreading, and it isn’t that the vaccines stop working after awhile, but that the virus has mutated around the vaccine (so a booster of the same vaccine will only make the health worse). Dr Shankara Chetty saw a clear difference between the South African variant and the Delta variant.
Knut Wittkoski doesn’t believe in ivermectin, while Chetty thinks it has a good usage as an immuno modulating drug, but not as an antiviral, and he doesn’t see it working well as prophylactic even though some studies might show that. I think we can conclude that it’s good levels of vitamin D, zinc and blood sugar that are the best protection against severe disease (not just covid).
More rational covid debate
The Amish have like India left covid behind them:
No approved covid vaccine in USA, and it’s time to convict the vaccine wankers:
Can we trust Dr Robert W Malone? At this time, I don’t think we can trust anything, but I haven’t seen him lie or disinform in any way. George Webb speculates:
Does the #SARSCoV2 virus even exist?
Well, there is something that spreads and cause disease, but the virus hypothesis is a model, not a direct observation of how a virus infect and forces a cell to replicate itself. And that nasal sprays and mouthwashes lower the viral load, show that something is improved at least. There is also genetic material that may or may not be a “virus” and that mutates into new genetic material, and people do get immune against a particular kind of respiratory “virus”/”genetic stuff”, so unless the virus deniers have a better model, I’m skeptically going to stick with the virus model, even if there are huge flaws with the PCR-tests and we aren’t sure exactly how the viruses work.
But having good nutrition, breathe good air and get enough sleep and movement will prevent any kind of respiratory virus which is shown in higher level in vivo studies, and those agree with observations.
But even if the viruses exist the main fight should be against bad nutrition and not against “stopping the spread”.
Niclas ifrån “Strävan efter Sanningen”, här med introduktion av Öysten Rönne
Att det finns något i stil med respiratoriska virus tycker jag vi ändå kan vara ganska säker på för annars skulle inte munskölj och nässprejer fungera så bra, men det finns brister i modellerna, för det är modeller och inte direkta observerationer
Man kan bara hoppas att sjukvårdspersonal använt saltvattenslösning på barnen
SVT tonar ner risk med hjärtinflammation av vaccin. Kommentar av Sture Blomberg och Lars Bern i Fjärde Statsmakten 108.
Sjukvården är sjuk:
MED börjar göra bort sig på andra sätt än NATO-tramset (se hela tråden). Det här låter inte bra:
Wallenberg:arna är inga goda snälla personer, men det här stärker min tes om att de stör Vanguard’s plan då media nu går efter Wallenbergarna:
(You can get English text on that video, if you’re interested in the Swedish financial barons)
Let’s go Uffe? (“Let’s go Brandon” var vad en reporter påstod folkmassan skanderade när de ropade “Fuck Joe Biden!”)
Kan vara en falsk nyhet, men det verkar vettigare än mognadstest för covid-vaccination: